Recently Published Articles

  • [Improvement] An ability to show a total sum of commissions for each campaign separately in the email reports (#6236)
  • [Fix] PAN: Not possible to translate text under the merchant login form (Contact us and signup links) (#6549)
  • [Fix] Improve saving click to clicks table: add check if table exists (#6640)
  • [Style] Design responsiveness: Update horizontal resizable screens, move right side to popup (#2717)
  • [Plugin] General Webhook Processor for transactions: Add option to create Chargeback (#6626)
  • [Plugin] Generate Affiliate User ID as autoincremented sequence: Incorrect configuration can cause server error on affiliate signup (#6633)
  • [Plugin] Prohibit commission if affiliate is purchaser: add next affiliate fields to match customer (#6502)
  • [Feature] Add reply-to setting to the mail account for outgoing emails (#2350)
  • [Improvement] Performance rewards update user field action cannot be set to empty value (#6622)
  • [Improvement] Negative Carryover feature improvements (#6603)
  • [Improvement] Hide setting for hashing tracking script file name and for https protocol (#6621)
  • [Fix] Custom IP ignored during affiliate signup using API (#6627)
  • [Fix] Network account invoice notifications are sent to BCC recipient even when the email notifications are disabled (#6616)
  • [Fix] Custom text color is not applied after changing font in Wysiwyg editor (#6609)
  • [Fix] Duplicate email sent to parent on child signup (#6602)
  • [Fix] Affiliate can be a parent set to himself (#6600)
  • [Plugin] Chargebee: Add option to pause affiliate when subscription is paused (#6612)
  • [Feature] Create new feature: Negative Carryover (#6587)
  • [Improvement] Subaffiliate Sale Stats: improve columns names (#6604)
  • [Improvement] Add Affiliate status indicator in the affiliates dropdown selector (#6584)
  • [Improvement] Set status when adding affiliates to group or campaign from Affiliates Manager (#6557)
  • [Fix] Banner from different campaign is removed during editing transaction (#6608)
  • [Fix] Site replication: changing banner status error in grid (#6589)
  • [Fix] Subaffiliates list: some action commissions are not visible (#4415)
  • [Plugin] Typeform plugin does not set affiliate ID correctly (#6599)
  • [Performance] Unable to display payout history grid and invoiced with big invoices content (#6597) (#6598)
  • [Feature] PAN: Add option for network owner to see plugin config of network accounts (#6238)
  • [Feature] Minimum payout balance affiliate notification (#4950)
  • [Feature] Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes: add option to execute on refund creation (#6554)
  • [Improvement] LiveAgent integration: add option to connect existing account directly and display API key description always (#6570)
  • [Fix] Performance rewards: Change group retroactively is recomputing also transactions with custom commission (#6582)
  • [Plugin] A new plugin for Typeform webhooks (#6580)
  • [Plugin] Klaviyo: update v1/v2 API to new endpoints (#6575)
  • [Plugin] Braintree:: configuration is not working for network accounts (#6579)
  • [Plugin] FastSpring: add option to populate data from custom fields to data 1-5 fields (#6532)
  • [Feature] Add option to delete affiliate invoice, if there are no paid transactions (#6142)
  • [Feature] Notify user that there are new data available in grids (#6056)
  • [Improvement] Pay Affiliates filter screen: Add filter for affiliate's "Note" (#6494)
  • [Improvement] Live Chat and Helpdesk integration improvements and texts (#6544)
  • [Improvement] Update GeoIP driver for library GeoIP2 version 3.0 (#6530)
  • [Improvement] Invoices - Payouts by affiliates: show VAT % from payment not from current affiliate settings (#6512)
  • [Fix] Error on adding news for merchant without permission to upload attachments (#6566)
  • [Fix] Affiliate signup panel configuration: parent field options are loaded with delay (#6496)
  • [Fix] Plus sign is removed from sent emails (#6556)
  • [Fix] Deleted click commissions are not deleted from cache statistics (#6537)
  • [Fix] Integration plugins: sale request fails if contains not existing campaign ID, add critical error log (#6239)
  • [Plugin] Braintree: Allow multiple configurations (#6519)
  • [Plugin] FastSpring: Use original affiliate when subscription product has changed (#6560)
  • [Plugin] Fastspring: apply "refund or decline" logic for refunds (#6515)
  • [Plugin] Flodesk: Add option to use specific segment ID based on affiliate profile field (#6550)
  • [Plugin] Flodesk: Change user segment on profile field change (#6558)

For a more detailed overview of our May updates, read our blog post