All changes
- [Improvement] Promo email preview could be larger (#6308)
- [Fix] Banners & Links section in affiliate panel doesn't load if there's a ZIP banner (#7072)
- [Fix] Callbacks logs: dates are in server timezone (#7069)
- [Fix] Admin account isn't accessible after removing Tools permission (#7068)
- [Plugin] Stripe: track coupon code from promotion_code in checkout.session.completed event (#7059)
- [Plugin] Stripe: per product tracking ignores discount amount (#7058)
- [Improvement] Theme editor: Add copy to clipboard button for file name and content (#7036)
- [Fix] Loading of merchant panel fails with 500 internal server error, on corrupted translation in plugins (#7050)
- [Fix] Multiple grid rows selection, with shift key, selects also text (#7038)
- [Style] Tooltip content hidden in the new plugins design (#7055)
- [Style] Duplicate help icon in site replication banner (#7039)
- [Style] Affiliate panel: Edit grid view dialog content gets out of the bottom border. (#7044)
- [Plugin] New integration (#6818)
- [Plugin] Remove the "SafePay IPN handling" plugin (#7037)
- [Improvement] Transactions Commissions list: Add action commission code (#7020)
- [Improvement] Features and plugins: Change configuration popup to in-page form (#6941)
- [Improvement] Show valid amounts in payout invoice preview (#6978)
- [Fix] PAN: File uploader field on the account signup form doesn't work (#7019)
- [Fix] Application Callbacks: impossible to save signup callback (#7017)
- [Fix] When local timezones are disabled, interface is still shifting some date values (#7008)
- [Fix] Customers can remove scripts for loading ACE editor (#6993)
- [Fix] Top referring URLs grid without status filter is loading data only from approved commissions (#7009)
- [Fix] Export to csv, not even switching between the pages work in
Sum payouts to affiliates
grid (#6985) - [Fix] Image banners URLs are not changed to new URL if custom domain is changed (#6781)
- [Fix] Campaigns Categories - SQL error displayed when editing a new category (#7003)
- [Fix] SQL error displayed on insert to audit log for very long message (#7002)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: for some orders is used "confirmation_number" instead of "order name" (#6996)
- [Performance] Delete old unused setting for flash banner format (#6999)
- [Performance] Move big value settings with low frequency of use to separate table (#6998)
- [Style] Part of listbox is not visible in plugin/feature configuration (#7014)
- [Style] Design issue of Status Scheduler in campaign (#6940)
- [Feature] Create Application callbacks feature, includes Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes functionality (#6559)
- [Improvement] PAN: Commissions list: Add 'Network fee' to custom filter fields (#6988)
- [Fix] Recurring commissions: Check for Limit of recurrence could return incorrect number (#6982)
- [Fix] Template variables for Home screen have to be the same type (#6981)
- [Fix] Translatable strings corrections (#6676)(#6675)
- [Feature] Add option to disable local timezones, display date and time values in the server’s time (#6963)
- [Feature] Audit log: add all "edit campaign" actions (#6938)
- [Improvement] Split the custom filter fields into individual filters in grid header (#6959)
- [Improvement] Add Recurring commissions stats variables for home screen (period_stats.stpl) (#6974)
- [Fix] PAN: Correct texts "AccountStatisticsHeader" and "AccountStatisticsDescription" (#6971)
- [Fix] Some listboxes are not sized correctly when they are initially loaded (#6969)
- [Fix] Empty value for campaign and banner order column causes error (#3453)
- [Plugin] NMI plugin: Refund uses transaction ID which does not match the original transaction ID (#6980)
- [Security] System should return indifferent response for reset password request (#3852)
- [Feature] Audit log: add 'coupon created' and 'coupon deleted' actions (#3708)
- [Improvement] Add notification for invalid filter condition (#6950)
- [Improvement] Affiliates in group advanced filter changes (#6889)
- [Fix] New commission after partial refund has incorrect fixed cost and therefore commission (#6945)
- [Plugin] Track Recharge recurring payments via Shopify plugin as Recurring commissions (#6906)
- [Plugin] Kartra: missing product ID, wrong transaction type check (#6956)
- [Plugin] Error in Shopify plugin if sku and product id is null (#6951)
- [Performance] "Save and test" of email templates can timeout (#6920)
- [Performance] Refactor loading affiliate user to optimize the loading of full details (#6699)
- [Style] Signup Coupe theme: Custom colors are not used in header and in signup steps title (#6916)(#6944)
- [Feature] Send welcome email to merchant after account creation (#6849)
- [Feature] Add "Banner" filter to the "Top affiliates" report (#6932)
- [Feature] API: Add an automatic API request retry functionality to our PHP library (#6928)
- [Improvement] Transactions grid: Order Id filter is limited to 100 values (#6937)
- [Improvement] Recurring Commissions - add option to set Order ID of Recurring commission (#6925)
- [Improvement] Add option to use refund by orderid with filter for exact data field (#6919)
- [Improvement] Add info about manually changed Paid status to the commissions' system note (#6913)
- [Improvement] API: Add Too many requests exception to PHP API library (#5250)
- [Fix] Expired "set password" link displays "set password" form for inserting new password (#6936)
- [Fix] Description of "Read only" affiliate field is not displayed in affiliate profile (#6931)
- [Fix] Clicking the "grid buttons" to sort or paginate multiple times will throw a "too many requests" error (#6927)
- [Fix] Daily report can be created twice a day (#6745)
- [Fix] API: loading api object is using grid instead of direct loading (#6924)
- [Plugin] BigCommerce partial refund incorrectly refunds whole line item if quantity changed (#6934)
- [Plugin] Rest Commissions incorrectly sets parent transaction ID on 1st tier commissions (#6923)
- [Plugin] Kartra: Add option to track recurring commissions (#6939)
- [Performance] Don't allow "like" filter in Commissions grid (#6910)
- [Improvement] Commissions of pending affiliates will be approved, based on approval settings in campaign (#6909)
- [Improvement] In Edit view is missing icon for sortable columns (#4128)
- [Fix] Password set to affiliate via CSV import / update of affiliates is not working (#6814)
- [Fix] Subaffiliate Sale Stats transaction status filter doesn't work on action commissions (#6898)
- [Fix] Trends report Totals row ignores status row (#6888)
- [Fix] "All" filter in "Pay affiliates" section does not show pending and declined affiliates (#6842)
- [Fix] Coupon generator accepts incorrect validity dates (older "date to" then "date from") (#2555)
- [Performance] Heavy traffic from Shopify is causing delays in visit processing (#6905)
- [Feature] Add an option to exclude processing refunds for commissions that have already been paid (#6836)
- [Feature] Add quarter periods to date filters (#6825)
- [Improvement] Audit log: add commission type attributes changes (#6901)
- [Improvement] Allow refunds / declines of 0 total cost commissions (#6883)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup error: "Referral ID you entered is already taken" shows up when short referral ID is generated (#6896)
- [Fix] Not possible to set a link on image via WYSIWYG editor (#6877)
- [Fix] It is possible to edit disabled affiliate screen (#6874)
- [Fix] Lifetime commissions manager: hide empty
Date Created
andDate changed
fields inAdd lifetime reactions
dialog (#6847) - [Fix] Total count of sub-affiliates on the "Affiliate Relations" screen is not changed based on the status filter (#6776)
- [Plugin] BigCommerce API v3: missing check if order details API endpoint is loaded (#6892) (#6882)
- [Plugin] Shopify: order creation can fail when order object doesn't contain customer related attributes (#6881)
- [Plugin] Shopify: configuration fields are blank when API URL change is saved (#6873)
- [Plugin] Shopify: rename shopify store url in configuration (#6899)
- [Integration] WinRed - finish refunds and set bundler_id as affiliate (#6855)
- [Style] Notification from event log with longer message is displayed out of box (#6893)
- [Style] Eye icon is shifted out of input field in RTL language on login and signup form (#6884)
- [Performance] Create rate limiter which allows to limit loading grid requests (#6846)
- [Performance] Add limit for maximum count of filters in grids (#6848)
- [Fix] Trends report: approved status values are filtered if all statuses are selected in status filter (#6830)
- [Fix] Notification of affiliate declination generated after each profile save (#6861)
- [Fix] Error occurs when searching in "Add to Commission Group" listbox on the Affiliate Manager screen (#6860)
- [Fix] User password can be corrupted by API request for editing user profile (#6859)
- [Plugin] Shopify: update API version (#6864)
- [Improvement] Lifetime referrals manager: add button for additional import fields (#6837)
- [Improvement] Private campaigns: Add filter for affiliate data fields in Affiliates in campaigns list (#6790)
- [Fix] "Lifetime referrals" screen is not loaded in the affiliate panel (#6852)
- [Fix] Audit log doesn't open if contains logs from Performance rewards feature and this feature is not active #6850)
- [Fix] Switching to Html and then back to Wysiwyg breaks inserted attached image in email templates (#6841)
- [Fix] Deeplink doesn't redirect to specific allowed destination URL (#6835)
- [Fix] Coupon Tracking: Set coupon banner to transaction even if the campaign is not recognized from the coupon (#6749)
- [Performance] Affiliate fields with big values: in user db table let 255 characters instead of 200 (#6812)
- [Integration] New integration plugin for WinRed (#6851)
- [Plugin] Shopify: use "Order ID" from "Sale requests log" table for checking if order is missing (#6531)
- [Plugin] Anonymize transaction data fields: add option to show X first or X last characters (#6784)
- [Improvement] Performance Rewards: Add operators for the DataX field condition (#6815)
- [Improvement] Performance Rewards: Add an option to change status of multiple rules at once (#6772)
- [Improvement] Performance rewards: Change limit for rule name to 255 (#6832)
- [Improvement] Add coupon code validity to the email notification (#6810)
- [Improvement] Lifetime Commissions - option to not create relations in specific campaigns (#6806)
- [Improvement] Create proper error message if view of grid is not allowed for affiliate panel (#6801)
- [Improvement] Change anonymous profile data fields into their real names in Performance Rewards rule (#6796)
- [Improvement] Add Transaction date created as a custom filter field in Pay affiliates section (#6317)
- [Fix] Undefined affiliate status in campaign after add to default group (#6828)
- [Fix] Performance Rewards - Deleting additional condition during rule copy deleted the original (#6824)
- [Fix] Import transactions could cause error: Unsupported operand types: string / int (#6800)
- [Fix] Banner image file is deleted if you manually change url of banner (#6782)
- [Fix] Top affiliates report: wrong values in "Sale" columns (#6778)
- [Fix] Language parameter doesn't work for notification signup email when adding affiliate with Pap_Api_Affiliate (#6747)
- [Plugin] Braintree: 500 internal server error in braintree plugin (#6820)
- [Feature] Show selected filters when advanced search filter is hidden in grids (#6210)
- [Improvement] API: screens with statistics will no longer filter only the approved status by default (#6775)
- [Improvement] Add option to filter "Performance rewards" rules by name (#6773)
- [Improvement] Add name of email template to its edit section (#6769)
- [Improvement] Invoice to affiliate is not translated to affiliate's language (#6787)
- [Fix] Direct links screen is not working in affiliate panel (#6798)
- [Fix] Performance rewards rule: additional conditions in rule are evaluated without campaign (#6792)
- [Fix] It is not possible to create custom column from column containing hyphen (#6795)
- [Fix] Changing status of ALL coupons in a banner doesn't work - 500 error (#6780)
- [Fix] Configure Referral ID with specified pattern can be saved with prohibited characters (#6774)
- [Fix] 'Delete cookie after lead / sale' is not applied on campaign creation. (#6768)
- [Fix] SQL command displayed when you are deleting affiliate page which is already deleted (#6767)
- [Fix] SQL command displayed in error message on saving: Affiliate Manager info (#6788)
- [Plugin] Typeform webhook handling: hidden field for visitorid must be lowercase (#6771)
- [Plugin] Affiliate Profile Change Webhook: Add fields of type hidden to options (#6791)
- [Plugin] Shopify can set incorrect IP address when order has no IP address (#6785)
- [Plugin] Kartra: recurring commission is never triggered (#6803)
- [Feature] Add custom translation to multiple languages in a single screen (#5662)
- [Fix] CheckBoxes are not added to HTML signup form (#6759)
- [Fix] Campaign description fields changes height when clicking on the "Edit details" (#6757)
- [Fix] Custom timezone is not applied for API session (#6756)
- [Fix] Signup form error if payout method is displayed but not selected (#6755)
- [Fix] Recognizing parent affiliate errors in the event logs (#6746)
- [Fix] "Export to CSV" button in Commissions report returns error message in case affiliate name contains emoji (#6737)
- [Fix] Inconsistency in affiliate username change process: old password is not requested (#6620)
- [Plugin] Stripe currency conversion does not work when Stripe Checkout object is used, amount is divided by 100 for JPY currency (#6766)
- [Performance] API login: Duplicate loading commands from database (#6758)
- [Performance] Default value for user attribute: "Apply VAT invoicing for this affiliate" is saved to database (#6744)
- [Performance] PAN: account user attributes are not deleted on account deleted (#6743)
- [Improvement] Added option to specify the type (currency, percentage) for custom columns (#6721)
- [Improvement] Added button for mass-changing payout statuses to unpaid (#6716)
- [Improvement] Added highlighting HTML syntax editor for Terms and Conditions (#6687)
- [Improvement] Allow leading zeroes in Generate Affiliate User ID as autoincremented sequence (#6422)
- [Fix] "Add to Commission Group" button doesn't work in affiliates manager (#6694)
- [Fix] Not possible to translate "Edit my profile" string (#6717)
- [Plugin] Klaviyo Synchronization: Send more affiliate details option is not working (#6688)
- [Plugin] Kartra: Added option for creating affiliates for selected products only (#6708)
- [Plugin] Kartra: Added option to include price points to product IDs (#6723)
- [Plugin] Stripe: Extract customer details from Checkout Session when no customer ID is set (#6707)
- [Performance] Optimization of loaded data for the affiliate tree (#6635) (#6634)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add variables for account details to display them in the panels (#6030)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add filter for 'Agree to terms' to merchants list screen (and other custom filters) (#6684)
- [Improvement] Design Theme editor: Add full screen maximized HTML syntax highlighting editor (#3335)
- [Improvement] Add option to pre-set data values on graph on trend report screen (#4018)
- [Improvement] Membership subscription manager: improve debug logs (#6648)
- [Fix] Recurring Commissions based on initial sale and change group retroactively (#6054)
- [Fix] An empty color will break the custom_colors.css file (#6681)
- [Fix] Sale requests log is not created for sale with product longer than 255 characters (#6678)
- [Fix] Multiple duplicate new lines in Terms & Conditions (#6668)
- [Fix] Error in audit logs for changed signup fields (#6654)
- [Fix] Design Theme editor: Confirmation dialog about unsaved changes is displayed late (#6649)
- [Fix] DirectLink edit popup is displayed out of bounds of the page (#6596)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup HTML form does not include requirements for payout fields (#6392)
- [Plugin] Braintree integration plugin: Use external braintree library via composer (#6650)
- [Improvement] An ability to show a total sum of commissions for each campaign separately in the email reports (#6236)
- [Fix] PAN: Not possible to translate text under the merchant login form (Contact us and signup links) (#6549)
- [Fix] Improve saving click to clicks table: add check if table exists (#6640)
- [Style] Design responsiveness: Update horizontal resizable screens, move right side to popup (#2717)
- [Plugin] General Webhook Processor for transactions: Add option to create Chargeback (#6626)
- [Plugin] Generate Affiliate User ID as autoincremented sequence: Incorrect configuration can cause server error on affiliate signup (#6633)
- [Plugin] Prohibit commission if affiliate is purchaser: add next affiliate fields to match customer (#6502)
- [Feature] Add reply-to setting to the mail account for outgoing emails (#2350)
- [Improvement] Performance rewards update user field action cannot be set to empty value (#6622)
- [Improvement] Negative Carryover feature improvements (#6603)
- [Improvement] Hide setting for hashing tracking script file name and for https protocol (#6621)
- [Fix] Custom IP ignored during affiliate signup using API (#6627)
- [Fix] Network account invoice notifications are sent to BCC recipient even when the email notifications are disabled (#6616)
- [Fix] Custom text color is not applied after changing font in Wysiwyg editor (#6609)
- [Fix] Duplicate email sent to parent on child signup (#6602)
- [Fix] Affiliate can be a parent set to himself (#6600)
- [Plugin] Chargebee: Add option to pause affiliate when subscription is paused (#6612)
- [Feature] Create new feature: Negative Carryover (#6587)
- [Improvement] Subaffiliate Sale Stats: improve columns names (#6604)
- [Improvement] Add Affiliate status indicator in the affiliates dropdown selector (#6584)
- [Improvement] Set status when adding affiliates to group or campaign from Affiliates Manager (#6557)
- [Fix] Banner from different campaign is removed during editing transaction (#6608)
- [Fix] Site replication: changing banner status error in grid (#6589)
- [Fix] Subaffiliates list: some action commissions are not visible (#4415)
- [Plugin] Typeform plugin does not set affiliate ID correctly (#6599)
- [Performance] Unable to display payout history grid and invoiced with big invoices content (#6597) (#6598)
- [Feature] PAN: Add option for network owner to see plugin config of network accounts (#6238)
- [Feature] Minimum payout balance affiliate notification (#4950)
- [Feature] Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes: add option to execute on refund creation (#6554)
- [Improvement] LiveAgent integration: add option to connect existing account directly and display API key description always (#6570)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: Change group retroactively is recomputing also transactions with custom commission (#6582)
- [Plugin] A new plugin for Typeform webhooks (#6580)
- [Plugin] Klaviyo: update v1/v2 API to new endpoints (#6575)
- [Plugin] Braintree:: configuration is not working for network accounts (#6579)
- [Plugin] FastSpring: add option to populate data from custom fields to data 1-5 fields (#6532)
- [Feature] Add option to delete affiliate invoice, if there are no paid transactions (#6142)
- [Feature] Notify user that there are new data available in grids (#6056)
- [Improvement] Pay Affiliates filter screen: Add filter for affiliate's "Note" (#6494)
- [Improvement] Live Chat and Helpdesk integration improvements and texts (#6544)
- [Improvement] Update GeoIP driver for library GeoIP2 version 3.0 (#6530)
- [Improvement] Invoices - Payouts by affiliates: show VAT % from payment not from current affiliate settings (#6512)
- [Fix] Error on adding news for merchant without permission to upload attachments (#6566)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup panel configuration: parent field options are loaded with delay (#6496)
- [Fix] Plus sign is removed from sent emails (#6556)
- [Fix] Deleted click commissions are not deleted from cache statistics (#6537)
- [Fix] Integration plugins: sale request fails if contains not existing campaign ID, add critical error log (#6239)
- [Plugin] Braintree: Allow multiple configurations (#6519)
- [Plugin] FastSpring: Use original affiliate when subscription product has changed (#6560)
- [Plugin] Fastspring: apply "refund or decline" logic for refunds (#6515)
- [Plugin] Flodesk: Add option to use specific segment ID based on affiliate profile field (#6550)
- [Plugin] Flodesk: Change user segment on profile field change (#6558)
- [Feature] Live Chat and Helpdesk integration doesn't work properly: add option to set contact form and chat button separately for affiliates and signup form (#5797)
- [Improvement] Display only application part of file path in event logs (#4831)
- [Improvement] Audit log: changes in affiliate signup fields are not logged (#6487)
- [Fix] Signup form: Parent field is hidden when is not recognized from cookie, although is set to optional (#6535)
- [Fix] Old API login request is not working if is not included in
(#6534) - [Fix] Total cost ignores decimal point at the start (#6533)
- [Fix] Channel changed notification: email contains channel ID instead of "code" (#6528)
- [Fix] Affiliate stays in 'Invoice Format with VAT' preview after disabling VAT support (#6514)
- [Integration] New integration plugin for Flodesk (#6473)
- [Plugin] Dwolla: callback verification is not working (#6536)
- [Improvement] Add Order ID and Product ID column to "Sale requests log" (#6478)
- [Improvement] Possible to export daily and monthly reports in the affiliate panel (#6520)
- [Improvement] Add IP, browser and country to reset password email (#6516)
- [Improvement] Improve audit logs for channels (#6483)
- [Improvement] Samples & tests: Comment javascript for creating testing sale requests 'ORD_123' (#6521)
- [Plugin] AffiliateInfo: Emoticon in 'userid' url parameter causes 500 internal server error (#6522)
- [Improvement] PAN: Account status changed via "Network Account Prepaid" feature is missing in audit logs (#6477)
- [Improvement] Allow all variables for affiliate profile fields in Invoice file prefix (#6485)
- [Improvement] Recurring commissions: improve debug logs, it is hard to search logs for exact order ID (#6482)
- [Improvement] Send Message: Add the option to remove saved sent emails (#6480)
- [Fix] For wrong impression parameter with pipe '|' is displayed critical error log about wrong date format (#6052)
- [Fix] Not all affiliate fields are displayed in the "extendable_text_widget" popup (#6488) (#6511)
- [Fix] Audit log screen: in "Type" filter are missing some log types (#6500)
- [Fix] Sale request with invalid total cost is not processed, should be processed as zero total cost (#6507)
- [Fix] Add debug logs for visitor non-referred clicks (#6504)
- [Fix] Payments to affiliates: invoice for affiliates with disabled vat could be created with vat (#6498)
- [Fix] Row does not exist error in Performance rewards rule configuration (#6449)
- [Plugin] Removed useless debug logs from CallbackTracker (#6497)
- [Plugin] Shopify: limit missing order creation on status changed for 7 days (#6479)
- [Plugin] "Referring affiliate info to commission fields" add support for Recurring commissions (#6471)
- [Plugin] "MailChimp user synchronization v3": improve description and event logs (#6464)
- [Plugin] Lifetime commissions plugin ignores Parent vs Original Parent settings when parent is changed by Forced Matrix (#6518)
- [Plugin] FastSpring refund tracking doesn't work with subscriptions or products (#6492)
- [Plugin] Zoho Subscriptions plugin: recurring transaction is skipped instead of processed (#6476)
- [Plugin] Delete old unused plugins for customization of referral ID (#6033)
- [Security] Remove merchant contact details from "Contact Us" page for not registered users (#6469)
- [Feature] New date filter option - Date Created greater or equal to number of days (#5528)
- [Feature] Option to not load parent affiliate from cookies and add option to load parent only from url (#6202)
- [Feature] Fraud protection: Add option to check orders with same commission type to order ID section (#6364)
- [Improvement] Merchant application notifications: appear again after closing (#5694)
- [Improvement] Links from Facebook can have an emoticon at the end, which is added to the ID (#6459)
- [Improvement] Replace google QR code generator with local PHP library (#6454)
- [Improvement] Clicks list: add info message about deleting clicks and remove link (#6452)
- [Improvement] Coupon generator for new affiliates - add option to assign existing coupons (#6448)
- [Improvement] Automatic check required plugins on plugin/feature deactivation (#567)
- [Improvement] Extend affiliate signup debug log: add referrer url and useragent (#6465)
- [Fix] Error message shows up when commission is added manually (#6470)
- [Fix] Email templates: It is not possible to save link with variable (#6460)
- [Fix] Error on cloning banner: "Enter valid Destination URL" (#6443)
- [Fix] Iframe is not allowed in News section (#6436)
- [Plugin] ZOHO Subscriptions plugin: Work with subscription object (#6450)
- [Plugin] ZOHO Subscriptions plugin: error if received data are empty and doesn't contain IP (#6466)
- [Feature] Audit log: missing IP and user for transaction status changed by cron task (#6447)
- [Feature] Hide banner categories that have no banners in affiliate panel filters (#6316)
- [Improvement] Commissions and Clicks list duplicity: remove them from Reports menu section (#6451)
- [Improvement] Anonymize transaction data fields plugin: apply to Lifetime referrals screen (#6440)
- [Improvement] Affiliate panel: Create common screens from default custom pages (#6372)
- [Improvement] Report problems: use in-page contact form from our LiveAgent (#6289)
- [Improvement] Improve the "No data or nothing matches your search" message in the "DirectLink URLs" and in grids (#6048)
- [Fix] Follow location doesn't correctly process relative path (#6404)
- [Fix] Change HTTP to HTTPS in google QR service call (#6453)
- [Fix] Custom column formula does not work when brackets are used (#6429)
- [Fix] Duplicate error displayed when database is unavailable (#6167)
- [Technical] Internal technical changes (#6427) (#6438)
- [Feature] Audit log: add actions related to the performance rewards feature (#6400)
- [Feature] Use the mPDF library for generating PDFs instead of tcpdf (#6388)
- [Improvement] URL validation on destination url field can confuse users (#6395)
- [Improvement] Add email notification on Assign to groups by affiliate profile fields plugin (#6377)
- [Improvement] Add option to set date created when importing lifetime relations from CSV (#6365)
- [Improvement] Add main site URL as a suggested option in banner URLs (#6363)
- [Improvement] Add coupons screen (for affiliate and merchant) with option to export all assigned coupons for certain affiliates (#6288)
- [Fix] Invoice PDF generator doesn't support the Japanese language (#6388)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: email template is created on edit any performance rewards rule (#6412)
- [Fix] The https protocol is mandatory. Sample banners and urls should not be created with http protocol (#6419)
- [Fix] HTML banner in iframe preview is added to "head" tags. (#6380)
- [Fix] Referral ID same as Affiliate ID doesn't preserve original referral ID (#6421)
- [Fix] Minimum Payout Option always shows the default value in affiliate profile (#6418)
- [Fix] Email sent 'Save And Test' click shows wrong date format (#6374)
- [Fix] "Show XY banners" button on campaign list in the affiliate panel doesn't work (#6355)
- [Fix] Switching to WYSIWYG spoils unsubscribe link in email templates (#6331)
- [Fix] Affiliate panel menu items can get duplicated in database (#6281)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: update API version (#6407)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin: Real duplicates are considered upsells (#6403)
- [Style] Pager in grids in footer is shifted in some themes (#6384)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability (#6322)
- [Feature] Allow custom params with variables in redirect after signup URL (#6332)
- [Improvement] Affiliate panel: hide inactive/disabled email notifications options (#5850)
- [Improvement] Add "target _blank" and "noreferrer" attributes to unsubscribe link in email templates (#6350)
- [Fix] It is not possible to create HTML banner with javascript code (#6376)
- [Fix] The performance rewards rules grid in campaigns editor does not show correct columns (#6338)
- [Fix] Sale Tracking Fraud Protection - compare hash case insensitive (#6346)
- [Fix] Coupe window theme for Merchant is missing name for 'My Account' menu item. (#6360)
- [Fix] Javascript: 'writeCookieToLink' adds the parameter incorrectly if anchor exists in the link (#5774)
- [Plugin] Add option to set account ID directly to plugin webhook URL for all tracking plugins (#6370)
- [Plugin] Samcart - deduct shipping from total cost in recurring notifications (#6343)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin: Upsell logic is sometimes applied to standard orders (#6373)
- [Plugin] Remove SpotOption plugin, service doesn't exist (#6354)
- [Plugin] Error in 'Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission' plugin during computing commission (#6347)
- [Performance] Use redis cache for banners url domains (#6340)
- [Performance] Remove updating of unused setting in cron tasks (#6353)
- [Performance] Use database table rows count estimation for grids with base filter (over 500 000 rows) (#6336)
- [Performance] Improve performance for redirect links (#6313)
- [Improvement] Allow to use SVG images for logo (#2752)
- [Improvement] Mail outbox: Add response message from SMTP server to displayed error message (#6339)
- [Improvement] Performance rewards: Add variable for rule name to email template (#6333)
- [Improvement] Hide commissions in affiliate panel commissions list: add option to filter campaigns (#6323)
- [Improvement] Add support for translations to Banner Description (#6113)
- [Fix] Audit log: error on changing transaction status (#6327)
- [Fix] Affiliate manager: don't allow image as a URL (#6326)
- [Fix] Terms and conditions do not show HTML format in Coupe signup theme (#6302)
- [Fix] HTML banner iframe preview does not work for a specific HTML banner (#6275)
- [Fix] Saving filter action in "Pay affiliates" section resets selected Field Box labels (#6205)
- [Style] Improve design of "DirectLink URLs" section of affiliate panel (#6049)
- [Style] "Upload file" popup is not designed properly on mobile view (#6040)
- [Style] Improve design of Radio buttons with long text (#5860)
- [Improvement] The filter for banners in the affiliate's panel is changed to collapsible (#3828)
- [Improvement] Change label: "Remember me" to "Keep me logged in on this computer" (#6285)
- [Improvement] Do not create Warning logs when sending emails is disabled under Emails Callback plugin (#6262)
- [Fix] PAN: Creating network account with the "suspended" status doesn't create merchant (#6260)
- [Fix] Duplicated Performance rewards rules with "send email to" condition share the same email template (#6004)
- [Fix] Audit log: unable to display changes in long HTML banner (#6292)
- [Fix] Commissions added manually to previous days are stayed in statistics tables with transaction ID (#6272)
- [Fix] It is possible to save the same URL parameter name for multiple fields (#6307)
- [Integration] New plugin for Easy Pay Direct payment gateway (#6293)
- [Plugin Fix] Refund notification is ignored in Easy Pay Direct plugin (#6309)
- [Plugin Fix] Easy Pay Direct: header is not recognized (#6305)
- [Plugin Fix] Recurly: Upsell order is not tracked (#6297)
- [Performance] Fast tracking scripts are not using redis cache (#6315)
- [Security] Removed old code used by old not supported desktop (PapAlert) and mobile apps (#6279)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability (#6214) (#6277)
- [Feature] Performance rewards: Add possibility to define multiple conditions in one rule (#768)
- [Feature] Add option to create different minimum payouts for different payout methods (#3740)
- [Improvement] Sale filter plugin - add option for multiple tiers commission (#6245) (#6261)
- [Improvement] Support translations for
Default commission group
label (#6266) - [Improvement] Transactions list: Add "split ratio" column to the custom columns options (#6248)
- [Improvement] Add all report screens to quick report overview (#6247)
- [Fix] Missing description field for refid in Affiliate Signup settings (#6280)
- [Fix] Click with visitorid in quotation marks is not saved (#6268)
- [Fix] Rebrand PDF banner is not displayed (#6252)
- [Fix] Tracking request with "Debug parameter" should fail with 403 response code (#6258)
- [Fix] Emails from "Report problems" form may not be delivered (#6282)
- [Plugin] Lifetime Commissions - do not set parent from relation when expired and checking is enabled (#6265)
- [Plugin] Recurly: Refund of a recurring order does not work (#6263) (#6269)
- [Plugin] Stripe: Subtotal is not processed correctly with discount value (#6253)
- [Plugin] Stripe: no signing secret for test mode webhook verification (#6234)
- [Plugin] Stripe: refunds the first order instead or the last (#6231)
- [Plugin] Shopify: do not create commission from tips (#6264)
- [Plugin] Shopify: New sale notification sent for a refund with remaining commission (#6229)
- [Security] Requests rate limit improvement (#6240)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#6168)(#6207)
- [Security] Separate the shared permissions for affiliate and merchant (#6199)(#6206)(#6206)(#6211)
- [Feature] Add new commission type: percentage from previous tier commission (#6171)
- [Improvement] Sale Tracking Fraud Protection: Add option to set a different secret key for each campaign (#6195)
- [Improvement] Add "Last payment date" to Financial Overview (#5506)
- [Improvement] Allow using of "request payment button" again in new month (#5506)
- [Fix] Affiliates activity check: not all affiliates are checked daily (#6189)
- [Fix] It is not possible to uncheck the "Send notification to affiliate" (#4324)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates process is stuck on memory exhausted when payment is for big amount of affiliates (#6222)
- [Fix] During import was displayed notification: Empty response received from server (#6200)
- [Fix] Login form HTML example: missing remember me checkbox value (#6243)
- [Fix] Template general_no_data.stpl is missing in common folder (#6220)
- [Fix] Multiple occurrences of warning log in the event logs: Null Parameter Error in json_decode Function (#6219)
- [Fix] Plugin Variable Tier Commissions: does not work if "per campaign" config is not enabled (#6213)
- [Style] Roles screen is not maximized (#6119)
- [Plugin] Add option for setting additional details like campaign for all tracking plugin (#6235)
- [Improvement] Shopify: Use Product ID if SKU is configured but missing in Sale Request (#6198)
- [Performance] Slow sql logs: for loading transactions (#6237)
- [Performance] Shopify order approvals can overload DB machines (#5829)
- [Security] Remove the option to upload profile image from URL (#6086)
- [Improvement] Rewrite "import process" in grids to backend as cron task (#6107)
- [Improvement] Membership Subscription Manager - add wildcard option "*" for "any" product to act as subscription extension (#6112)
- [Improvement] Sale tracking to stopped/paused campaigns should not create commission (#5778)
- [Improvement] Do not schedule empty emails, if content of email template is empty (#6169)
- [Fix] The email template in performance rules is not loaded in case the rule was not yet saved (#6003)
- [Fix] Moving to the next page (pagination) fails in Translations section (#6183)
- [Fix] French language cannot be imported (#6163)
- [Fix] Months names are not translatable in monthly report (#6144)
- [Fix] Export to csv: "Round currency values" checkbox is not disabled during export process (#6143)
- [Fix] Samples & tests: Incorrect image banner file name (#6141)
- [Fix] Custom filter for sending messages displays the wrong number of affiliates who will receive it (#6136)
- [Plugin] Shopify - gift cards are deducted incorrectly (#6166)
- [Plugin] 'Generate Affiliate User ID as autoincremented sequence' plugin created common userid (#6014)
- [Performance] Slow loading of campaigns grid in affiliate panel (#6184)
- [Improvement] Export to CSV: Add option to enable/disable rounding currency values (#6124)
- [Improvement] Performance rewards: Add the "Save and Test" button to email templates (#6005)
- [Fix] Possible duplicate orders from multi visit processing, which are not detected by fraud protection (#6134)
- [Fix] "500 internal server error" on testing email templates (#6131)
- [Plugin] General Webhook Processor: Add "currency parameter" for recurring commissions (#6133)
- [Plugin] Shopify: Add delay for requests from webhooks, so could be processed after requests from "thank you page" (#6137)
- [Plugin] Stripe won't set extra data for invoice.payment_succeeded notification about trial (#5944)
- [Feature] Combine plugins for setting referral id into one functionality in one place: Affiliate signup > Fields (#5968)
- [Improvement] Add affiliate search to Commission Groups section (#5540)
- [Improvement] Coupon banner: Main description is not displayed in affiliate panel and missing in email notification (#6100)
- [Improvement] Add Campaign ID as a 'Custom Filter field' to Advanced Search (filter) in Pay affiliates section (#6092)
- [Improvement] Add Variable for 'Extra bonus' to email reports/templates (#3904)
- [Improvement] Improve email account settings: add list box for smtp (#1462)
- [Fix] Statistics for action commissions are not displayed in reports (#6116)
- [Fix] '500 Internal Server Error' when when saving Email Templates (#6115)
- [Fix] My account screen is not working if in url is double slash (#6105)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: Orders created from order status change are with different total cost (#6099)
- [Performance] Added file size limit for uploading from CSV (20 MB) (#6121)
- [Feature] Email notification about assigned coupons (#5643)
- [Improvement] Don't change approved commissions to declined by refund, add option to choose how to process refund request (#6069)
- [Improvement] Add "is in" filter for Sale requests log IDs (#6085)
- [Improvement] Add option to enable automatic approval of Sale Tracking Codes (#6007)
- [Improvement] Create banner images with https protocol (#5961)
- [Fix] Translations: the typo in the name of Honduras country in Spanish translation (#6084)
- [Fix] Import transactions from CSV allows to set empty date approved to transaction (#6081)
- [Fix] Debug logs from integration plugins are displayed with same file name and line (#6072)
- [Fix] Commission groups: 'Plugins engine exception' error when saving Merchant email notifications (#6076)
- [Fix] Possible to save campaign categories with the same ID via API (#6042)
- [Integration] New plugin for ConvertKit user synchronization (#6000)
- [Plugin] Shopify: add shop url to referrer url for orders created in PHP side on status change webhook (#6077)
- [Plugin] Shopify: deducting gift card is not working for missing orders (#6074)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin can create duplicate orders (#6073)
- [Plugin] Stripe plugin ignores second config tab (#6079)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability (#6024) (#6023)
- [Feature] The debugging of tracking requests through the 'PDebug' parameter is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the 'Configuration > Event Logging' section (#5946)
- [Feature] A refund request will now change the commission status to 'declined' instead of creating a refund, for Shopify and PayPal integration (#5619)
- [Performance] Rewrite "pay affiliate process" to cron task (#5028)
- [Improvement] Auto-Registering Affiliates feature: Set parent affiliate from lifetime referral (#6057)
- [Improvement] Hide Campaigns plugin: add option to track sales only to default affiliate and skip lifetime referrals creation (#6061)
- [Improvement] Add visitor id column to commissions list for affiliates (#6025)
- [Improvement] Add information about the Stopped campaign to debug logs (#5806)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add account listbox to Sale tracking integration advanced options (#5725)
- [Fix] PAN: Sorting by Paid does not work in Network Accounts Invoices (#6020)
- [Fix] PAN: Error in 'Network Account Prepaid' feature: new email template is missing in database (#6028)
- [Fix] Affiliates tree can be incorrectly updated after adding new user (#6026)
- [Fix] Commissions grid crashes if default network merchant has read access on Affiliate (#5827)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: checkout token is updated only if automatic status change is enabled (#5592)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: reset checkboxes stay checked after reset configuration (#5999)
- [Style] Improve the interface of Event logging section (#5987)
- [Improvement] Shopify plugin: add option to track also order number (#5576)
- [Improvement] Shopify plugin: option to track Company in data fields (#5751)
- [Fix] Empty logo causes PHP error: Path cannot be empty (#6010)
- [Fix] Plugin 'User ID as autoincremented sequence' can cause PHP error on creating affiliate (#6008)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin does not create new customer (#5610)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: correct orders are declined and created new orders are without vat deduction (#6015)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: Missing verification for shopify hooks requests (#2744)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add a network owner notification option to Network Account Prepaid feature (#5617)
- [Improvement] Add Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes for Recurring commissions (#4295)
- [Improvement] Add the option to filter affiliates by status in private campaign (#5966)
- [Improvement] Allow Clipboard API in custom pages in affiliate panel (#5954)
- [Improvement] Set cookie/visitorId in click tracking javascript from get parameter 'visitorId' (#3352)
- [Fix] Membership subscription manger does not create affiliate with parent even though affiliate ID is provided (#5979)
- [Fix] Possibility to save Affiliate Sale Tracking code without any execution option (#5896)
- [Fix] Remove LiveAgent cookies after logout from merchant panel (#5990)
- [Fix] Product ID of manually created commission is not populated by 'Assign to groups by ordered products' plugin (#5971)
- [Fix] Coupon codes are not URL decoded when received via pixel (#5967)
- [Fix] Wrong icon of Membership Subscriptions in affiliate panel (#5825)
- [Improvement] Shopify plugin: Improve integration: add missing order or product (#5976)
- [Improvement] Shopify plugin: update API version (#5986)
- [Performance] Do not send periodical email reports if there was no traffic (#5847)
- [Improvement] Extend Merchant grid views feature by adding option to hide affiliates' information also in Campaigns/Commission groups (#5930)
- [Improvement] Add new page: "About us" for mini-site (#5913)
- [Improvement] Add Refunds to Monthly and Daily report (#5897)
- [Fix] PAN: Deeplink generator - it is possible to set merchant account despite the campaign is already set (#5940)
- [Fix] Redirect link with www in destination URL parameter is redirected to Declined site URL (#5925)
- [Fix] Special characters in password (*) is not accepted in edit affiliate form from merchant panel (#5926)
- [Fix] Payout data after the click on the 'eye' in Payout data column shows incomplete data (#5964)
- [Fix] Time filter is not working in event logs (#5953)
- [Fix] Manually adding commission with Payout status 'Paid' creates Unpaid commission (#5951)
- [Fix] Automatic affiliate activity checking: Cron task may get stuck due to errors in affiliate database tables (#5948)
- [Fix] Pay day notification is not created each month (#5906)
- [Fix] In existing integration methods use: trackjs.js instead of salejs.php (#728)
- [Plugin] Stripe plugin creates recurring commission for checkout session that cannot be recurred (#5947)
- [Performance] Invoices - Payouts by affiliates: export to csv can exhaust memory (#5957)
- [Performance] Invoices - Payouts by affiliates: add cache for user attributes (#5956)
- [Performance] Add automatic task for delete old mass email templates (#5908)
- [Improvement] PAN: translate merchant invoice to merchant's language (#5863)
- [Improvement] Add visitor id column to commissions list (#5934)
- [Improvement] Integration plugins: set new data fields for recurring commissions if available (#5928)
- [Improvement] Improve sale requests log message Commission is not defined in … (#5919)
- [Improvement] Add 'parentuserid' field to Assign to groups by affiliate profile fields plugin (#5911)
- [Improvement] Do not allow to create page peel banners flash type (#5743)
- [Improvement] Email _footer and _header templates are not used for test emails (#5681)
- [Fix] PAN: 'Mark as paid' screen is not working from "Invoices" screen (#5935)
- [Fix] PAN: 'Network Account Prepaid' feature is suspending accounts (#5917)
- [Fix] 'Status changed' notification is sent even if status is not changed (#5927)
- [Fix] Missing '>' in html file generated from Affiliate Link Protector (#5933)
- [Fix] Click on redirect affiliate link is not tracked in a specific case (#5910)
- [Fix] Cloning image banner in Network doesn't change the account ID (#5909)
- [Fix] Login form: 'Wrong Username' error if session is expired (#3329)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: new created affiliate is not added co commission group (#5921)
- [Plugin] Stripe plugin: Unable to save custom separator (#5920)
- [Performance] Slow affiliate signup process (#5900)
- [Improvement] PAN: Improve accounting account balance logic (#5892)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add option to send merchant invoices to owner (#5783)
- [Improvement] Add option to search for a specific invoice by using it's invoice number (#5873)
- [Improvement] Add option to search clicks and commissions from transaction details (#5835)
- [Improvement] API: Sort by 'orderid' column in Pap_Api_TransactionsGrid is not working (#5890)
- [Fix] My account screen displays 404 error for custom languages (#5915)
- [Fix] Cyrillic-based languages are made bold on the affiliate/merchant login page (#5886)
- [Fix] Pagination on the top affiliate report doesn't work for sorting by currency column (#5901)
- [Fix] Allow merchant to set parent when do not set parent affiliate is enabled (#5899)
- [Fix] Pay affiliate process created two invoices instead of one (#5878)
- [Fix] Click request from user agent with special character is not processed (#5877)
- [Fix] Instead of affiliate name in displayed Merchant name in 'Username changed' notification (#5876)
- [Plugin] Improve Stripe plugin to accept webhooks from multiple Stripe accounts (#5902)
- [Plugin] Zoho Subscriptions plugin: add product ID tracking (#5889)
- [Plugin] Chargebee plugin: Product ID is not tracked (#5893)
- [Performance] Don't create default gadgets for users if don't use window theme (#5768)
- [Security] It is possible to use user's email as password (#5842)
- [Improvement] Add "date created" column for channels in the Channel stats report (#5887)
- [Improvement] The "Incorrect tree" error from event logs should not be set as critical level (#5868)
- [Improvement] Sale filter: add option to not save commission (#5830)
- [Fix] Unable to edit view for affiliate panel screens (#5885)
- [Security] Open URL Redirection vulnerability (#5848)
- [Security] Showing database username and hostname in case DB server is not accessible (#5834)
- [Improvement] Add campaign ID and banner ID columns to Clicks list (#5859)
- [Improvement] Create separate permission for Affiliate manager screen (#5836)
- [Improvement] Audit log - log setting campaign as default (#5831)
- [Fix] Cannot manually assign new generated/imported coupon (#5879)
- [Fix] Lifetime commissions error: Call to a member function getDateCreated() on null (#5875)
- [Fix] Lifetime commissions is always setting a custom commission (#5874)
- [Fix] Error in commissions list for action commissions for merchant with limited view (#5869)
- [Performance] Screen Channel stats report is not optimal (#5867)
- [Performance] Slow loading banner categories (#5702)
- [Improvement] For transactions tracking requests count also unreferred/unprocessed sales (#5833)
- [Fix] Cached transaction statistics can have null as payoutstatus (#5838)
- [Fix] Removing ID from Affiliates manager allowed view crashes the grid (#5826)
- [Fix] Default settings are stored to redis cache when database is down (#5864)
- [Feature] Add option for merchants to manage affiliates' channels (#5566)
- [Improvement] Add date created column to channels list (#5807)
- [Improvement] Add response code 403 for inactive plugins (#5814)
- [Improvement] Reduce content in "yellow section" at the top of Tools > Visitor affiliates (#5696)
- [Improvement] Import affiliates: add missing columns to listbox fields (#5816)
- [Fix] Remove "Edit" icon in grids values when you don't have write permissions (#5828)
- [Fix] Email templates error for actions with empty name (#5839)
- [Fix] Cron job: Allowed memory exhausted, if in cron tasks are many rows (#5832)
- [Fix] Error: Field deprecated does not exist in record in Themes list (#5823)
- [Fix] Pap_Api_RecurringCommission does not save extra data when createCommissionsReturnIds function is used (#5820)
- [Fix] Wrong performance rule description for "all commissions" conditions (#5802)
- [Fix] Click tracking may fail with undefined document.referrer (#5821)
- [Fix] Plugin ActiveCampaign ignores the "Send more affiliate details" checkbox (#5804)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability (PHP 7.4) (#5801)
- [Security] Open URL Redirection vulnerability (#5799)
- [Feature] Add option to change default and allowed view for merchants screens (#1739)
- [Improvement] Clicks list: add option to filter clicks also by time (#5798)
- [Improvement] Assign to groups by ordered products plugin doesn't work if commission is not saved (#5800)
- [Improvement] Remove Proxy Server configuration (#5787)
- [Fix] Auto-Registering Affiliates: could allow to create affiliate with disallowed refid (#5792)
- [Fix] The results of CSV export in Payout History of specific affiliate contains payouts of all affiliates (#5790)
- [Fix] PHP 8.1. compatibility (#5794) (#5766)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability (#5801)
- [Security] Open URL Redirection vulnerability (#5799)
- [Improvement] Add "New Ad channel" form for creating new channels for affiliates (#5705)
- [Improvement] Mail outbox: Add response message from SMTP authentication to error message (#5789)
- [Improvement] Mark "default merchant" in users list in CRM (#5788)
- [Fix] PHP 8.1: compatibility errors (#5786)
- [Improvement] PAN: apply BCC also for merchant invoices (#5626)
- [Improvement] Commission group changed notification email: Add info about commissions on all tiers (#5767)
- [Improvement] Add custom filter for Subaffiliates count to Top affiliates report and Affiliates manager (#5748)
- [Improvement] Add cc/bcc columns to Mail outbox grid (#5784)
- [Improvement] Do not create 'API: Using "offset" notification' for affiliate requests (#5773)
- [Fix] Unable to save event logs limit over 1 million, allowed should be 2 millions (#5780)
- [Fix] Daily/weekly/monthly email reports are creating warnings logs (#5772)
- [Fix] Untranslated 'Payout Method' column (#5771)
- [Fix] Visible ## ## in email notifications screen (#5745)
- [Fix] Incorrect refunds stats in Quick report after manual editing (#5703)
- [Performance] Commissions list grid is loading long time (#5724)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#5769)
- [Improvement] Merchant Profile Change Webhook plugin: Add role, account and status to "Watched fields" (#5758)
- [Fix] PHP 8.1: compatibility errors (#5763) (#5764)
- [Fix] Error on saving affiliate via api without optional file field (#5765)
- [Fix] Error after trying to send a test email from any reports email templates (#5756)
- [Plugin] Shopify: reset configuration is checking only current url (#5757)
- [Plugin] Shopify: forced campaign is not applied in click (#5759)
- [Plugin] ReCharge: change recurring commission tracking to use Shopify order ID (#5761)
- [Security] Possible XSS and redirection (#5716) (#5718)
- [Security] Remove old jQuery from templates (#5731)
- [Improvement] Add variables for specific action commissions in email templates (#5559)
- [Improvement] Lifetime Commissions: Load tiers of Custom commission per commission groups (#5733)
- [Improvement] Search affiliates based on the notification email (#5742)
- [Improvement] Not possible to reset password when username is not email (#5741)
- [Improvement] change "Brute force attempt" logs for not active users to warning instead of critical (#5712)
- [Improvement] Integrate CRM Checkout app (#5579)
- [Fix] PHP 8.1: compatibility errors (#5723) (#5734) (#5730) (#5728)
- [Fix] "Max sent emails per minute" doesn't apply on manually created emails (#5708)
- [Fix] Smarty templates errors for missing variables (#5735)
- [Fix] add rate limiter for old password validation (#5690)
- [Fix] Export to csv: column names are in default language (#5740)
- [Fix] Status of direct link changed via mobile app is not logged to audit log (#5738)
- [Fix] Sale requests log: Improve text in Restart confirmation dialog (#5726)
- [Fix] 500 internal server error on downloading invoice PDF with corrupted HTML (#5721)
- [Fix] Lifetime referrals: rows with same identifier are inserted (#5727)
- [Plugin] BigCommerce plugin does not load order details and is stopped (#5722)
- [Performance] Transactions from previous day are recomputing statistics data on each transaction (#5744) (#5715)
- [Feature] Assign coupons to a specific affiliate directly from the generating/importing screen (#5664)
- [Fix] Pending affiliate stay still logged in his affiliate panel (#5704)
- [Fix] Campaign filters are not applied in Top banners grid (#5689)
- [Fix] Missing default sorting in Ad Channels screen in affiliate panel (#5682)
- [Performance] Loading of direct links is sorted by column "matches", but this column is not incrementing (#5711)
- [Improvement] Increase event logs limit on cloud accounts (#5699)
- [Fix] General Webhook Processor not preserving extra data of original Sale in Recurring commission (#5698)
- [Fix] Characters in UTF-8 encoding are incorrectly encoded in outgoing emails (#5697)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup form: Data2 field is shown before the data1 field (#5695)
- [Fix] Confusing merchant notification if affiliate is not recognized in sale process (#5688)
- [Fix] Confusing warning logs are created in outbox runner (#5700)
- [Performance] Reduce sales debug logs: remove useless debug logs (#5706)(#5707)
- [Improvement] Send mass emails: Display number of filtered affiliates (#5671)
- [Improvement] Make last X days in performance rewards work with whole day (#5634)
- [Improvement] Add the channel code column to the Channel stats report (#5563)
- [Improvement] Add more info to the "Merchant Profile Change Webhook" plugin (#5658)
- [Improvement] Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes: Add 'approved' date of commissions as variable (#5569)
- [Improvement] Audit log: time zone change is not logged in audit log (#5654)
- [Improvement] Audit log: display data field code for affiliate profile change (#5637)
- [Improvement] Traffic info: Rename "Monthly limit" to "Monthly pre-paid amount" (#5650)
- [Improvement] Clicks processor: Add details about click to error log, when click is not saved (#5656)
- [Improvement] Change critical logs about corrupted affiliate tree to normal errors (#5667)
- [Fix] PAN: Network fee math expression doesn't work with parenthesis (#5683)
- [Fix] PAN: Error in add campaign form for network merchants (#5678)
- [Fix] PAN: Fees in invoice are null and incorrectly computed if are used in math command (#5646)
- [Fix] Error during installation if processlist didn't load any rows (#5680)
- [Fix] Sql error in Daily and Monthly Report Grids (#5677)
- [Fix] Error: Call to undefined method Pap_Features_Hosting_InvoicesGrid::getColumnsForCustomFormula (#5676)
- [Fix] Custom filter with empty value is not applied for mass mails (#5672)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates: affiliates filter is applied for transactions (#5669)
- [Fix] DirectLink URLs section throws error in affiliate panel (#5653)
- [Fix] Error in generating CSV and paging of campaigns grid in affiliate panel (#5645)
- [Fix] Affiliate Manager: Sorting by name does not work (#5630)
- [Fix] Recurring Commissions: Error: Call to a member function getId() on bool (#5661)
- [Fix] Multiple Currency feature: Error if totalcost is not numeric (#5651)
- [Plugin] ThriveCart: extra data values are not working for per order tracking (#5660)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin: add option to track using invoices instead of new payments (#5640)
- [Performance] add index to table:
for columndateinserted
(#5668) - [Performance] New responsive themes are creating requests for old icons (#5657)
- [Style] Sale Tracking Codes: Ticking the box doesn't work to select an option (#5652)
- [Improvement] Add show password button to password fields on signup page and login forms (#5153)
- [Improvement] Add list of affiliates to Commission groups in Campaign form (#5562)
- [Improvement] Add variable for last week stats to Home screen (#5624)
- [Improvement] Mail account: Set default value for "Max sent emails in a minute" (#5605)
- [Improvement] Add warning event log when all event logs are truncated (#5620)
- [Improvement] Improve email field check: added as valid domain (#5631)
- [Fix] PAN: incorrectly computed next invoice number (#5622)
- [Fix] Destination url filter is disabled in affiliate panel (#5604)
- [Fix] Affiliate can't download the .pdf (Simple PDF banner) in affiliate panel (#5638)
- [Fix] Sending bigger mass mails can fail on php memory (#5627)
- [Fix] Send mass mail: message notification didn't disappear after 1 minute (#5625)
- [Fix] Critical log after using advanced search with empty value in custom calendar field (#5614)
- [Fix] Payouts history: Payee info is not working in footer row (#5608)
- [Fix] Listbox popup: wrong behavior when resized (#3980)
- [Fix] create some "Brute force attempt" logs as warning instead of critical logs (#5602)
- [Plugin] Create new plugin "Merchant Profile Change Webhook" for POST request when merchant profile is changed (#5574)
- [Plugin] Recurly: Add option to track one time payments from notification (#5616)
- [Plugin] Recurly: Add option to use addon as a subscription recurrence trigger (#5633)
- [Fix] Recurly plugin: Recurring commissions are not created (#5612)
- [Fix] Recurly plugin: Undefined variable: commissionDetails (#5615)
- [Feature] Add option to stop sending mass emails (#5575)
- [Improvement] Automatic affiliate activity checking: add option to ignore selected affiliates (#5591)
- [Improvement] Add option to sort by "Status" column in Edit affiliate > Commission groups section (#5588)
- [Improvement] Triggering Affiliate Profile Change Webhook plugin for the note field (#5572)
- [Improvement] Audit log - add logs for channels related actions (#5564)
- [Improvement] Option to use ALL (affiliate details) variables for the URL custom page (#3748)
- [Improvement] Add new fonts to RichTextEditor (#3571)
- [Improvement] Generate Message-ID for outbound emails (#5597)
- [Improvement] Add text limit for merchant application notifications (#5587)
- [Fix] API: PHP fatal error: Gpf_Data_Record::current(): Incompatible return value (#5606)
- [Fix] Payment to affiliates failed (#5603)
- [Fix] Unable to download zip banner from affiliate panel (#5600)
- [Fix] Country data field in invoice should display country name instead of country code (#5558)
- [Fix] Missing some user fields in invoice variables (#5565)
- [Plugin] New HubSpot plugin: create affiliate from hubspot user (#5554)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: update API version (#5578)
- [Performance] PAN: Slow loading lifetime referrals grid (#5581)
- [Performance] Slow loading clicks grid (#5580)
- [Improvement] Add merchant application notification for critical event logs (#5548)
- [Improvement] Add search for Affiliate screens in configuration (#5551)
- [Improvement] Add refunds to General Webhook Processor for transactions (#5522)
- [Improvement] Add event log warning about using deprecated offset in grid requests (#5549)
- [Improvement] Add new bots to ignored crawlers list (#5530)
- [Improvement] Option to add text for affiliates when Request Payment button is not displayed (#5519)
- [Improvement] Add info about javascript function changeCommissionBy to samples_tests examples (#5544)
- [Fix] PAN: Network owner doesn't have permission to delete coupons from other network accounts (#5556)
- [Fix] Affiliate grid configuration: default view columns order doesn't match allowed view columns order (#5531)
- [Fix] Getting started screen is displayed on each refresh of merchant panel (#5529)
- [Fix] Grouping grid action buttons to one is not working (#5555)
- [Fix] Rearrangement of columns in grid does not turn the grid edit button red (#5538)
- [Fix] Export to csv from affiliate panel is trying to open Cron tasks (#5552)
- [Fix] Wrong campaigns order in the affiliate panel (#5542)
- [Fix] Not possible to download CSV with errors from import transactions or affiliates (#5545)
- [Fix] Missing validation of language code for importing new language (#5541)
- [Fix] Wrong timezone in export to csv of daily report (#5536)
- [Fix] Icon of menu button in edit affiliate form is changed (#5512)
- [Fix] PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered in SaveAllCommissions (#5550)
- [Plugin] SamCart: add option to set product name to product ID parameter (#5543)
- [Plugin] Extend QuickBooks plugin to support user synchronization (#5532)
- [Fix] HubSpot plugin: switching to private app is not working (#5547)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin does not subtract discount from total cost amount (#5560)
- [Fix] RevCent plugin: Undefined property: stdClass::$transaction_id (#5539)
- [Feature] SmartLinks: add condition based on operation system (#5526)
- [Improvement] Improve savePayouts method for using in API (#5534)
- [Improvement] In Sale requests log is not possible to filter requests by time: add custom filter for it (#5527)
- [Plugin] Instamojo: Add option to signup an affiliate after purchase (#5199)
- [Fix] Campaign categories: wrong order in filters (#5524)
- [Fix] Broken pay affiliates process: Incorrect users count and amount after interruption of task (#5535)
- [Fix] PHP error on deleting multiple transactions (#5525)
- [Fix] Banners order doesn't work in the affiliate panel (#5523)
- [Fix] SQL error in "Top referrer url" for affiliate panel with custom column (#5521)
- [Fix] SQL error in transaction edit form with sql mode "only_full_group_by" (#5520)
- [Fix] Sale request log is not created if "trackmethod" is longer than 1 character (#3821)
- [Fix] Missing check if feature is active on adding affiliate to commission group (#4400)
- [New Plugin] Hide commissions in affiliate panel commissions list (#5518)
- [Improvement] Channel stats report - add total commissions column (#5423)
- [Improvement] Display status of sub-affiliate in Subaffiliates list (#5212)
- [Fix] Unable to download csv export of "Top referring URLs" from email link (#5517)
- [Fix] Paging of clicks list is not working if date column is not displayed (#5516)
- [Fix] Unable to download email attachment (#5513)
- [Fix] It is possible to execute finished cron task manually (#5485)
- [Fix] Unable to process new installation: there is message: Cron job is not running (#5483)
- [Fix] Transaction List default view and Transaction List Allow View columns don't match (#5378)
- [Fix] PAN: typo in invoice variable: fee_fixed_per_transactione (#5505)
- [Fix] Word "actual" should be replace with "current" for date filters (#5515)
- [Plugin] Change HubSpot plugin to work with Private App (#5484)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#5481)
- [Improvement] Improve partial refunds: Allow multiple partial refunds per one commission (#5487)
- [Improvement] Support emojis in emails (#4456)
- [Improvement] New date preset in filters - Last 60 days (#5490)
- [Improvement] Add Multi-selection listbox to signup fields (#5462)
- [Improvement] Add IP address tracking for affiliate parent recognition after signup (#5140)
- [Improvement] Make old themes deprecated and hidden for customers (#5449)
- [Fix] Unable to export to csv from "Top referring URLs" screen (#5502)
- [Fix] PAN account invoice: logo is not displayed in PDF if url starts without http (#5499)
- [Fix] File uploader field on signup page causes error (#5486)
- [Fix] Additional profile fields are not added to HTML signup form (#5475)
- [Fix] PAP mobile app APNs certificate is expired (#4953)
- [Performance] Try to load grids second time if there is 30 seconds timeout (#5480)
- [Performance] From exports to csv from grids are staying old files in database (#5459)
- [Style] Not all grid action buttons are visible (#4363)
- [Style] Signup in bootstrap theme: correct error message and description position (#5479)
- [Plugin] Add phone number to extra data options of Zenler plugin (#5501)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin - track refunds (#5126)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin does not load subscriptions correctly (#5488)
- [Plugin] PayPal plugin: affiliate registration doesn't work well with per product tracking (#5478)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#5473)
- [Improvement] Add username and userid to reports custom filter (#5469)
- [Improvement] Add a number of created and approved affiliates column to the monthly and daily report (#5288)
- [Improvement] Send email notification about deleted transactions (#5026)
- [Improvement] Add affiliate search bar for Graphic view in Tree of subaffiliates (#4347)
- [Improvement] Add debug error logs for error: Failed to load login key for user (#5470)
- [Fix] Clicks grid: ascending sorting by date is not displaying first rows (multiple db tables) (#5471)
- [Fix] Export to csv from Clicks list can export less rows or is not working in some cases (#5468)(#5467)
- [Fix] Screen: Affiliates in campaign can't be exported to csv (#5460)
- [Performance] Clicks grid: allow sorting only by date (#5471)
- [Performance] Remove sorting by IP from all grids (#5472)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add configuration 'Track referrals by UserAgent and IP address' for network account (#4238)
- [Improvement] Add Merchant email notification when affiliate agrees with T&C (#5106)
- [Improvement] Add merchant notifications for Automatic affiliate activity checking (#5201)
- [Improvement] Add refund data types to the Trends report chart (#5425)
- [Improvement] Use ZipArchive (php zip extension) for Zip feature (#5456)
- [Improvement] Add timeout error message for requests that take longer than 30 seconds (#5403)
- [Improvement] Add Payout Method column to invoices reports (#5073)
- [Improvement] Add data1/data2 and channel variables to Declined Site URL (#4397)
- [Improvement] Improve names of statuses in "Sales requests logs" (#5447)
- [Improvement] Add description and KB link for "Support DirectLink linking" checkbox (#5446)
- [Fix] Recurring commissions are created for affiliates no longer added in a private campaign (#5450)
- [Fix] Cloud checkout process: Coupon not recognized. (#5441)
- [Fix] It is possible to enable country commission although main commission type is disabled (#5435)
- [Fix] Unable to upload file to additional profile field (#5420)
- [Fix] If tree is corrupted: Subaffiliates tree is not working for affiliates (#5404)
- [Fix] Theme editor: Unable to save image from url (#5458)
- [Fix] Delete Google+ Connect feature (#5135)
- [Fix] PHP 8, 8.1: Deprecated logs for PapApi file (#5190)
- [Fix] PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered in SaveAllCommissions (#5424)
- [Plugin] HubSpot: Add option to remove from lists if conditions aren't matched (#5442)
- [Plugin] Chargebee: Undefined index: email (#5445)
- [Integration] Add javascript function
back (#5463) - [Performance] Too many debug logs from shopify plugin (#5461)
- [Performance] Slow sql loading from qu_pap_visits_sales_logs (#5453)
- [Improvement] Performance Rewards - add Send email action (#5118)
- [Improvement] Affiliate Sale tracking code - Add option to be executed on declining of commission (#5157)
- [Improvement] Add option to disable click fraud protection for selected affiliates (#5439)
- [Improvement] Require cron for standalone installations (#5366)
- [Improvement] API: grid pagination upgraded: used latest row data instead of offset (#5440)
- [Improvement] Don't create default flash example banner and remove button for adding flash banners (#5421)
- [Fix] Additional affiliate profile fields are not loaded in API (#5433)
- [Fix] Unreferred commission, although affiliate is recognized from IP and user agent (Split commissions) (#5431)
- [Fix] Affiliate tracking code: email notifications are not working on cloud accounts (#5430)
- [Fix] PAN: Network invoice format preview is displayed in plain HTML (#5428)
- [Fix] PAN: SQL error under Clicks list if account is displayed without campaign (#5432)
- [Fix] PAN: SQL error in Account manager (#5426)
- [Fix] SFP check is not validating valid TXT if there is redirect and include value (#5405)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: Add logs for config recognition (#5417)
- [Plugin] ThriveCart plugin: Add IP tracking (#5438)
- [Plugin] Memberful plugin: Add recognition of recurring orders in (#5427)
- [Feature] Additional signup fields for affiliate profile (#4862)
- [Improvement] Performance Rewards - include refunds to conditions without exact type (#5358)
- [Improvement] Banner description: change textarea to wysiwyg widget (#5411)
- [Improvement] Sale requests log: Add IP to general search (#5408)
- [Improvement] In signup email confirmation use login link instead of set new password link if affiliate filled password (#5377)
- [Improvement] Coupons: generating coupons: Wrong error message on duplicate ID (#5375)
- [Fix] Error on home screen and grids: caused by ionCube loader v11 on some servers (#5409)
- [Fix] Error on saving own "From email" for mail() function (#5406)
- [Fix] Checkboxes field type cannot have an option with a comma (#4648)
- [Fix] Sale Tracking Fraud Protection plugin gets broken in specific case (#5389)
- [Fix] The request payment button does not show up when an affiliate reaches exact minimum payout limit (#5198)
- [Fix] Mobile apps return error during log in and log out (#5401)
- [Fix] Memberful plugin: total cost for recurring and refund is not correct (#5414)
- [Fix] SamCart plugin: deduct tax in recurring payments (#5397)
- [Fix] Chargify plugin: refund tracking does not work (#5399)
- [Improvement] PAN: Fraud protection for accounts signups (#5304)
- [Improvement] Deeplink Generator - add extra parameters per campaign (#5317)
- [Improvement] Javascript click tracking: Add option to not create 1st or 3rd party cookies (#5393)
- [Improvement] Add change status notification for affiliate (e.g. declined right after he was approved) (#5340)
- [Improvement] Recurring commissions: Option to specify total cost when running recurring rule manually (#5345)
- [Improvement] Generating coupons: Add percentage of progress to info message (#5374)
- [Improvement] Coupon codes: improve generating of primary key ID (#1487)
- [Improvement] Add field descriptions into the external HTML signup form codes (#5291)
- [Fix] PAN: Balance in Accounts grid doesn't count with network fee (#5369)
- [Fix] PAN: typo: correct Ballance to Balance (#5370)
- [Fix] Grid view columns: sorting of columns is not correctly saved (#5387)
- [Fix] Affiliate manager email is set up as field MSN Messenger (#5362)
- [Fix] Affiliate profile: not all checkboxes are saved if there are too many checkboxes selected (#4706)
- [Fix] Remove old unused javascript file: saletrack.js (#5395)
- [Fix] Remove functions for flash cookies from javascript (#5392)
- [Fix] typo in javascript tracking code variable name "executeOnResponceFinished" (#5391)
- [Fix] Change view button in grids is still red after view is saved (#5388)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup: Inserted password is not working for membership with trial validity (#5383)
- [Fix] Transactions grid error: when coupon code is added to view (#5376)
- [Fix] Export to csv error when exporting invoices to csv (#5371)
- [Fix] For affiliate manager info is used textarea field type, if it is set for affiliates (#5372)
- [Fix] Overflow in dialogs not easily identifiable in safari: display scrollbars (#5364)
- [Fix] Special characters are html encoded in email template subject (#5332)
- [Plugin] Stripe signature is being checked even when no secret is set (#5363)
- [Plugin] Memberful plugin throws errors (#5355)
- [Plugin] Shopify incorrect discount deducted (#4818)
- [Fix] Disallow uploading invalid images (#5323)
- [Fix] Affiliate panel: Remove "join" button from old themes (#5348)
- [Fix] HTML code with whitespace throws error in News manager (#5346)
- [Fix] Cron request info can fill up the whole screen (#5344)
- [Fix] PHP 7.4. - deprecated warnings (#5359)
- [Plugin] Add extra data fields for recurring commissions webhook (#5307)
- [Plugin] Shopify changes private apps to custom apps (#5224)
- [Security] Missing nosniff header on php generated contents (#5150)
- [Improvement] Audit log: add full details from deleted campaign (#5334)
- [Improvement] Membership subscription manager: set day of month on which subscription will expire (#5324)
- [Improvement] Lifetime referrals manager - missing account ID in import and filter (#5320)
- [Improvement] Contact us: Rename label of field text to message (#5331)
- [Improvement] Multiple currencies: add feature KB link (#5322)
- [Fix] Export to csv: column names are in default language (#5350)
- [Fix] Improve email domain spell check (#5333)
- [Fix] Action code filter in Commissions is not working for search types "is not like" and "is not equals" (#5342)
- [Fix] Export to csv error: Unexpected error, please contact support (#5341)
- [Fix] Payment processor on hosted accounts: display better error message (#5351)(#5330)
- [Performance] Settings file is read very frequently (#5336)
- [Improvement] Audit log: add logs when minimum payout configuration is changed (#5328)
- [Fix] Cron export task can stay stuck if there is an error in grid (#5327)
- [Fix] Merchant user can be visible at the end of affiliates manager (#5325)
- [Fix] Typo in email reports templates (#5326)
- [Integration] New plugin for Memberful integration (#1333)
- [Integration] Extend Shopify plugin by option to disable automatic commission status change (#5184)
- [Feature] Display channel statistics in merchant panel (#5285)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards: Change commission with the length of being an affiliate (#4418)
- [Feature] Recurring commissions: Add option to set Different recurring commissions after Xth recurrence (#2071)
- [Feature] Add option to set privileges for accessibility of Merchant pages (#5053)
- [Fix] Session expired and Infinite redirecting of merchant panel (#5314)
- [Fix] Hide affiliates counts in reports (weekly/monthly/daily) for network merchants (#5312)
- [Fix] Import transactions: error when moving commissions to new campaign (#5302)
- [Fix] Email notification are sent multiple times to CC'ed email address if affiliate's email is incorrect (#5258)
- [Fix] Word "plugins" used under Features (#5203)
- [Fix] Add debug logs for Export to csv task (#5313)
- [Performance] Graphic tree: load next nodes on click (#5293)
- [Improvement] Mailchimp - add also hidden fields to 'Affiliate additional fields' listbox (#5316)
- [Style] If more notifications are created, customer can see only latest one (#5299)
- [Feature] Ability to edit data in Recurring commission rules (#702)
- [Feature] Add option to Redirect merchant after logout to custom Logout URL (#5196)
- [Improvement] Add login type column to Logins history grid (#5294)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add info for date fields in create invoice form (#5266)
- [Improvement] Send notification about status change to affiliates: enable checkbox by default (#5255)
- [Improvement] Fraud protection: Prohibit the opportunity for the affiliate to use application keywords as their referralID (#5197)
- [Fix] Deleting affiliate: Display correct error message if there is one affiliate (#5298)
- [Fix] Pagination on the clicks list doesn't work correctly (#5309)
- [Fix] PHP warning on saving new grid view (#5301)
- [Fix] Download link in export to csv email is with http protocol (#5300)
- [Fix] Date and datetime field type is not set in custom filters (#5297)
- [Fix] Duplicate logins history records if user is authenticated by cookie (#5295)
- [Fix] Payout of only negative commissions without checking the checkbox gets messed up (#5260)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#5289)
- [Feature] Option to create own grid columns (#5186)
- [Improvement] Add option to display affiliate relations also in classic tree (#5142)
- [Fix] Lifetime identifier can be saved with an empty space at the beginning (#5277)
- [Fix] Logins history sorting does not work (#5280)
- [Fix] Error parsing user agent: Undefined offset: 1 in Browser.class.php on line 756 (#5279)
- [Fix] MailChimp: error saving config dialog: Row MailChimpV3MerchantDataFields does not exist (#5251)
- [Fix] GetResponse plugin deletes customer in GeResponse when status changes to pending (#5292)
- [Fix] RevCent plugin: Call to undefined method RevCent_Tracker::log() (#5278)
- [Performance] Loading of transactions grid is very slowly for big account (#5286)
- [Performance] Slow loading from transactions stats by transid (#5284)
- [Improvement] Rewrite "export to csv process" to cron task (#5269)
- [Improvement] Transactions import from csv loads affiliate from lifetime only if valid affiliate is in data (#5259)
- [Feature] Performance rewards: add option to compute all actions with same "action code" (#5110)
- [Fix] Pro variation: Unable to login to merchant account, if default merchant is changed (#5273)
- [Fix] Email templates (for username changed notification) are missing for new accounts (#5276)
- [Fix] Email with error message from mail server stays in pending status (#5264)
- [Fix] Sorting in Affiliates manager grid is not working in some cases (#5262)
- [Fix] Escape html characters in Mail outbox: Subject (#5253)
- [Fix] Import transactions from csv is enabling info logs (#5247)
- [Fix] Fix design for "Add performance rewards rule" form (#5237)
- [Fix] Affiliate Profile Change Webhook plugin is not working if status of affiliates is changed via mass action (#5248)
- [Fix] Hubspot plugin: Display also hidden user fields in configuration (#5245)
- [Fix] Hubspot plugin: Better error reporting (#5249)
- [Fix] Hubspot plugin: Cannot use string offset as an array (#5246)
- [Fix] RevCent: Add option to create new transaction if recurring commission does not exist (#5257)
- [Fix] RevCent plugin does not work with correct product info when recurring transaction is received (#5263)
- [Fix] RevCent refund transaction cannot find original transaction (#5256)
- [Fix] Typo in Interspire Email Marketer (#5265)
- [Improvement] Use date format from configuration in email reports (#5239)
- [Improvement] Add "starts with" operator to custom filters (#5232)
- [Improvement] Pay affiliates: improve and always enable debug logs (#5229)
- [Improvement] Add partial refund option to API (#5225)
- [Fix] Smarty error in Wysiwyg editor for Daily, weekly, monthly email templates (#5238)
- [Fix] Export of transactions list is exporting duplicities if grid is sorted by totalcost (#5231)
- [Fix] Trend reports displays wrong number for week period if year ends during week (#5206)
- [Fix] News manager: HTML code with empty lines throws error (#5207)
- [Fix] Add email logs for trial emails counter and for hourly limit (#5242)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin: Undefined index: HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE (#5233)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin: extra data does not use customer details when checkout.session type is used (#5223)
- [Improvement] RevCent plugin: Add salvage transaction support (#5230)
- [Improvement] Add trial expiration support to RevCent plugin (#5241)
- [Improvement] Mailchimp additional information (#5215)
- [Improvement] MailChimp plugin - add an option to use tags (#4960)
- [Performance] Optimize grid paging: remove rows count sql command during loading next pages (#5234)
- [Performance] Slow loading commission types used in API call for TrendsReportActionWidget (#5194)
- [Security] Improve strip of javascript events (#5219)
- [Feature] Order of columns in Commissions is not saved (#4098)
- [Feature] Add option to tracking code to increase/decrease commission by sent amount (#5124)
- [Performance] Upgrade grid pagination: use latest row data instead of offset (#5209)
- [Performance] Slow loading user commission types (#5193)
- [Improvement] Affiliate tracking codes: Add search by campaign ID to general search (#5211)
- [Improvement] Shopify plugin: update API version (#5210)
- [Improvement] Performance Rewards - add option to filter statistics from all affiliates (#5119)
- [Improvement] Add support for Stripe webhook signing secret (#4861)
- [Improvement] Add responses to General Webhook Processor plugin (#4217)
- [Fix] Trends report: Totalcost and refunds are switched (#5217)
- [Fix] PAN: Error in Accounts manager: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'tr.totalnetworkfee' (#5214)
- [Fix] Commission Bonus can cause an error in Referral commission (#5208)
- [Fix] Add index 'rstatus' and 'payoutstatus' to transactions db table (#5213)
- [Fix] Error on the Quick report (with split commissions feature) (#5205)
- [Fix] Missing label for decline site url input field in old themes (#5200)
- [Fix] Error on mass deleting affiliates (#5195)
- [Improvement] Add refid, bannerid and visitorid variable to "Declined site URL" for redirect link (#5172)
- [Improvement] Daily report: Add custom filter for Country code (#5134)
- [Improvement] Allow merchants to edit (or create) affiliate without mandatory data fields (#5176)
- [Improvement] Add audit log message when merchant edits a theme (#5175)
- [Fix] PAN: remove currency precision rounding from network fee (#5179)
- [Fix] Fraud protection: move checkbox for clicks from different banners to correct position (#5177)
- [Fix Plugin] Stripe: Trying to get property 'amount' of non-object (#5178)
- [Fix Plugin] Aweber oauth 2.0 is not working, there are some errors (#5182)
- [Security] Hide reset password link (and other confirmation links) in merchant panel outbox (#5167)
- [Fix] API error on declining affiliate via mobile app (#5164)
- [Fix] Affiliate manager error, is you display payout data without affiliate name (#5170)
- [Fix] Error in Mail Account configuration on "Save & Send Test Message" (#5169)
- [Fix] Unable to upload logo, error: Image is too big (#5162)
- [Fix] Parent affiliate is saved even it is turned off in signup fields (#5160)
- [Plugin] Aweber plugin add support for OAuth 2.0 (#5101)
- [Plugin] Stripe: Add per product tracking option (#5156)
- [Plugin] Tilda plugin needs an update (#5171)
- [Plugin] PHP warnings in RevCent plugin (#5173) (#5165)
- [Performance] Clean old cache data from first version of redis cache (#5174)
- [Performance] Rewrite storing and reading impressions in redis (#5168)
- [Improvement] Add visitorId as fixed parameter to redirect links (click.php) (#5137)
- [Improvement] Display affiliate photo direct in Affiliates manager grid (#5109)
- [Improvement] Require user's password when merchant (or affiliate) is changing own username (#5103)
- [Improvement] Display data from click (first/last) in the Referral commission details (#5010)
- [Fix] PAN: SQL error in accounting grid if in view is network fee (#5154)
- [Fix] PAN: set default campaign as private doesn't work with custom account signup form (#5141)
- [Fix] Email notification sent to affiliate while it should not be sent (#5131)
- [Fix] Payout variables does not work in emails (#5097)
- [Fix] Lifetime commissions plugin is not working with declined affiliate setting (#3960)
- [Fix] Update errors caused by old foreign keys (#5159)
- [Fix] Update error from older version than: (#5158)
- [Performance] Quick report is slow for loading action commissions (#5098)
- [Fix Plugin] Stripe: Order ID missing in some cases (#5155)
- [Fix Plugin] PayPal: Decline affiliate on subscription cancellation (#5147)
- [Improvement] Cloud accounts: Automatically activate paid features (#5136)
- [Improvement] Add Kosovo to countries list (#5133)
- [Improvement] Add rate limit for affiliate's profile and edit user dialog (#5116)
- [Improvement] Recurring Commissions: apply new changed user tree / parent affiliate (#4880)
- [Improvement] Stripe integration plugin - allow the use of Restricted Keys (#5125)
- [Fix] The first field of payout methods is not included in the HTML signup form code (#5138)
- [Fix] Action commissions: Action name is not translatable (#5067)
- [Feature] Create webhook (POST request) for each sent email (#5107)
- [Improvement] Add audit log message when affiliate agree to Terms & Conditions (#5108)
- [Improvement] Add option to hide content of sent emails in outbox (#5104)
- [Improvement] Add notification "username was changed" also for affiliates (#5100)
- [Improvement] Allow merchants to set xy days for Unpaid commissions filter (#5086)
- [Improvement] Order of campaign commission types on quick report (#5084)
- [Improvement] Country specific sale type commissions not displayed/divided in reports (#5041)
- [Improvement] An undefined commission in a country specific commission (#4992)
- [Fix] It is possible to use more merchants after deactivating multiple merchants feature (#3521)
- [Fix] Recurring Commissions are missing in Monthly report (#5105)
- [Fix] Change source of Integration methods to WP (#5018)
- [Fix] PAN: GetResponse plugin adds also Merchants to GetResponse list (#5074)
- [Fix] Add affiliate update to ActiveCampaign user synchronization (#5115)
- [Style] Shift country commissions in quick report (#5112)
- [Integration] Create RevCent integration plugin (#5088)
- [Performance] Redis: decrease iteration count for impressions SCAN command (#5114)
- [Feature] Add previous period data to daily/weekly/monthly reports (#5014)
- [Feature] Affiliate tracking code: add email notifications (#5076)
- [Plugin] New plugin for Clixli (#5080)
- [Improvement] Add commission type ID column to commissions list (#5092)
- [Improvement] Display commission type ID of country-specific commissions (#5016)
- [Fix] Suppress notices during Smarty template processing (#5089)
- [Fix] Not translatable string for Wrong Username or password (#5078)
- [Fix] NMI plugin does not check status of recurring transactions (#5093)
- [Improvement] Affiliate tracking code: add changes to audit logs (#5083)
- [Improvement] General Webhook Processor - add parameter for custom notes (#5075)
- [Improvement] Make invoice number as readonly (#5077)
- [Fix] Bonus commission with rule "Last number of days" can be created multiple times (#5071)(#5072)
- [Fix] "SMTP Authentication" is always Yes in test email notification (#5081)
- [Fix] Google recaptcha is not working via socket requests (#5079)
- [Fix] SQL error on the monthly report: missing support for only_full_group_by (#5082)
- [Improvement] UI for Account Cancellation (ask for reason) (#4679)
- [Improvement] Improve domain suggestion script: wrong suggestion (#5058)
- [Improvement] API: add option to use username in reset password email function (#5050)
- [Improvement] Increase limit of campaign URL (#5043)
- [Improvement] Add option to track phone number in BigCommerce plugin extra data (#5059)
- [Plugin] Variable tier commissions plugin (#5040)
- [Fix] Duplicate filters in Trends report and Quick report (#5066)
- [Fix] On commission group changed: checkbox is missing in bootstrap theme and allow it only for owner (#5064)
- [Fix] Remove email domain suggestion from login form (#5052)
- [Fix] Error in ActiveCampaign plugin on deleted merchant (#5062)
- [Fix] PAN: Owner cannot edit coupons of network merchants (#5055)
- [Fix] PHP Notices: in site replication error template (#5054)
- [Fix] PHP warnings in AuditLog: Undefined index (#5051)
- [Fix] Username Referral IDs plugin allows spaces in Referral ID (#5047)
- [Fix] PayPal plugin does not work with item_name when per product option is used (#5057)
- [Fix] ThriveCart plugin: cannot use customer email in data fields (#5056)
- [Fix] GetResponse plugin: error from api response is not visible in logs (#5061)
- [Feature] Send email notification about deleting affiliates to merchant (#4890)
- [Feature] Approve deleting affiliates via email notification (#4890)
- [Feature] Add "auto spelling check" feature for username or any email field (#4777)
- [Improvement] Add channel code and channel ID columns to the commissions list (#5035)
- [Improvement] Allow to edit order ID of recurring commission rules (#5007)
- [Improvement] Add the sum of all action commissions per country under to one column (#5019)
- [Improvement] Affiliate manager custom filter could contain also Commission Group and Campaign (#4921)
- [Improvement] Klaviyo Synchronization: add custom fields (#4996)
- [Improvement] SamCart plugin: add option to create only new recurring sales (#5037)
- [Improvement] Assign to groups by affiliate profile fields - add more fields (#5038)
- [Fix] Email account: unable to remove Bcc address (#5036)
- [Fix] PAN: Merchant in the network account cannot add commission manually (#5034)
- [Fix] Invoice pdf file name contains variable name (#5029)
- [Fix] Unable to add lifetime relation, error: "Row datevalidto does not exist" (#5027)
- [Fix] Unable to activate commission groups feature if some users stayed in old groups (#5011)
- [Fix] Shopify cannot load correct config with custom domain (#5021)
- [Fix] Recurly error: Uncaught Recurly\Errors\NotFound: Couldn't find Subscription with uuid (#5033)
- [Fix] Error in Chargebee plugin: Undefined index: plan_id (#5032)
- [Fix] 3dCart plugin small fixes (#4416)
- [Fix] Zenler plugin ignores received data (#5030)
- [Performance] Slow, not optimal update step 5.10.12 (#5023)
- [Integration] New plugin for NMI webhooks (#5005)
- [Improvement] Custom invoice number format (#4659)
- [Improvement] Add banner category column direct to grid (#4620)
- [Fix] Imported coupons from CSV are invalid: missing account id (#5006)
- [Fix] Error in generating email with geoip for user with empty IP (#5004)
- [Fix] Remove P3P settings from Cookies (#4985)
- [Technical] Update pclzip library to new version (#4782)
- [Feature] Allow copy/clone commission group into another campaign (#3295)
- [Integration] New plugin for Zenler webhooks (#5001)
- [Improvement] Add info about option DoNotDeleteCookies to cookies screen and KB for Pap_Api_SaleTracker (#4995)
- [Improvement] Add affiliates date approved filter to Top Affiliates report (#4990)
- [Improvement] Add an option to save zero commissions in Minimum total cost plugin (#4988)
- [Improvement] Add "On commission group changed" email notifications for merchant (#4984)
- [Improvement] Display message when user tries to decline commission without privilege (#4476)
- [Improvement] Add a permission to roles to save payout details of affiliates (#4431)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: Clickable Clone button without chosen item (#3543)
- [Fix] Transactions list in affiliate invoice is limited to 1000: add note about it (#4998)
- [Fix] Coupon generator for new affiliates: 500 error on affiliate signup (#4987)
- [Fix] Make split commission settings editable only in default group (#4986)
- [Fix] Action commission name includes list of countries (#4980)
- [Fix] Unable to validate card using Braintree if Canary Islands is selected as a country (#4978)
- [Fix] New theme design: Clone selected banners dialog is small (#2267)
- [Security] Possible XSS (#4977)
- [Feature] Create button to add all selected banners to a banner category (#4592)
- [Feature] Network Account Prepaid - allow different limits per account (#4922)
- [Improvement] Custom invoice file name with additional variables (#4917)
- [Improvement] Lifetime Commissions - after relation is expired check cookies (#3349)
- [Fix] MariaDB 10.6. the utf8 collations are renamed to utf8mb3 (#4976)
- [Fix] New line breaks the external HTML + javascript/jquery signup form (#4971)
- [Security] PAN: correct network merchants permissions (#4963)
- [Security] Correct permmissions for file uploading (#4429)
- [Feature] Email settings: Add option to set Bcc email address for all outgoing emails (#4944)
- [Feature] PAN: allow same coupon codes for different merchants (#4926)
- [Feature] Add campaign details 'extendable widget' into the commissions list (#4078)
- [Improvement] Add commission group filter to reports (#4733)
- [Improvement] Add status filter to advanced search in Subaffiliate Sale Stats report (#4938)
- [Improvement] Custom login form is not working with 2FA (#4966)
- [Improvement] Monthly report should use "year and month" in month column (#4959)
- [Fix] PHP warning on sending test email (#4972)
- [Fix] PHP Notice on saving affiliate invoice format (#4970)
- [Fix] Error notification "Emails limit per hour exceeded" not formatted correctly (#4954)
- [Fix] Not possible to have a hyperlinked email in news (#4946)
- [Fix] Redirect click: fraud redirection is not blocked if Declined site URL is not set (#4832)
- [Fix] Stripe Checkout - cookie isn't set (#4969)
- [Fix] ThriveCart: Undefined index: product_id (#4968)
- [Fix] PHP error in BigCommerceAPIv3: Call to undefined method log() (#4967)
- [Feature] Easy way to change main theme colors (#2765)
- [Feature] Add new pages to minisite for T&C and Privacy Policy (#4850)
- [Feature] Add Monthly report screen (#4640)
- [Integration] Klaviyo mailing list integration (#4879)
- [Improvement] Delete all existing sessions on activating 2FA (#4941)
- [Improvement] PAN: Add network fee to reports (#4500)
- [Improvement] Add signup and referral commissions to quick report (#3734)
- [Improvement] Add flags images for new countries (#4931)
- [Plugin] Referral ID same as Affiliate ID: refid of existing affiliates should not be synchronized by default (#4937)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: include tax in total cost (#4900)
- [Fix] PAN: problem with notification "On login from new IP address" for network merchants (#4935)
- [Fix] Payment process, problem with invoice can cause duplicities in payouts (#4955)
- [Fix] Campaign scheduler Time condition error (#4951)
- [Fix] Banner image file can be deleted if merchant panel is used from different url (#4939)
- [Fix] PopUp Wrappers don't show any results (#4934)
- [Fix] News manager - image with upper case PNG fails to display (#4916)
- [Fix] Show hint in variables field in WYSIWYG editor of email templates (#4894)
- [Fix] Expired mobile app APNs certificate (#4952)
- [Performance] Redis servers are overloaded after adding scan command (#4949)
- [Improvement] Add missing countries: Kingdom of the Netherlands (#4924)
- [Fix] Not possible to add affiliate from merchant panel (#4928)
- [Fix] Send message email: The dropdown shows duplicates in the predefined filter (#4927)
- [Performance] Use redis session handler only if redis cache is enabled (#4930)
- [Performance] Redis: for impressions processor use SCAN instead of KEYS (#4932)
- [Improvement] Affiliate pages: Allow fullscreen in custom URL page (iframe) (#4920)
- [Improvement] Multiple Merchants / Administrators - add role column to Merchants (#4925)
- [Improvement] Lifetime Commissions - process "Tie new affiliate with" after affiliate save (#4907)
- [Improvement] Warning if Referral ID should be changed (#4903)
- [Fix] Banners and links doesn't support sql_mode=only_full_group_by (#4915)
- [Fix] Smarty v3 php notices on installing account and saving email template (#4912)
- [Fix] Unable to save quick_report_content_multitier.stpl template (#4913)
- [Fix] Permission to write Campaign does not work without Trend stats read permission (#4825)
- [Fix] Braintree plugin: Call to undefined method Braintree_Tracker::setOrderID() (#4910)
- [Integration] Recurly plugin - add option to enable coupon tracking (#4906)
- [Performance] Add settings to redis cache (#4919)
- [Performance] Problem with server performance during delete tasks (#4911)
- [Feature] Import affiliates/transactions: Save CSV import presets (#3640)
- [Feature] Option to display campaign categories from the campaigns list in affiliate panel (#4163)
- [Improvement] Add "tier" variable to Affiliate - New Subaffiliate signup (#4898)
- [Improvement] Allow custom SMTP ports (#4857)
- [Fix] Cookie lifetime set to lower number than 0.05 creates invalid cookie (#4816)
- [Fix] Impressions are tracked also for declined affiliates on the cloud (#4897)
- [Fix] PAN: notifications to owner on affiliate join to campaign are not created (#4893)
- [Fix] Sum payouts to affiliates: error in export to csv if grid is ordered by amount (#4888)
- [Fix] Plugin ThriveCart throws errors (#4887), (#4891)
- [Fix] Plugin Kartra plugin uses N/A value for order ID (#4889), (#4896)
- [Performance] Add redis for sessions, rate limiter, languages (#4881)
- [Performance] 429 Too Many Requests: on loading banners (#4869)
- [Improvement] Audit log: Add/track changes under Roles/Privileges (#4822)
- [Performance] Optimize loading application version (#4877)
- [Fix] Unable to restart transaction in the Sale requests log (#4883)
- [Plugin Fix] PHP Error in Recurly plugin: Couldn't find Account with code = undefined (#4873)
- [Plugin Fix] ThriveCart does not read custom variable (#4884)
- [Plugin] Change Kartra plugin to work with API instead of IPN (#4886)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - new time condition Since exact date (#4866)
- [Improvement] Function
could support also username parameter (#4855) - [Improvement] API: Add function to load session from login key (#4865)
- [Improvement] API: Add
function direct to Api class Pap_Api_Affiliate (#4855) - [Improvement] Reports - add campaign name and ID to custom filters (#4829)
- [Improvement] Top campaigns: rename date created filter (#4860)
- [Fix] Error during login to affiliate panel (#4870)
- [Fix] Error: Unknown column 'lastlogin' in affiliate panel (#4859)
- [Fix] Campaign recognized from product ID can be cached and used in next sale (#4858)
- [Fix] Custom timezone listbox doesn't offer any options in new affiliate form (#4854)
- [Fix] Affiliate import requires first or last name despite you are using the 'First name Last name' field (#4848)
- [Performance] Stop campaign recognition if product is not found in any campaign by SQL (#4834)
- [Performance] Slow sql: loading from transactions list with filter for 500 IDs is not using Primary index (#4868)
- [Performance] Slow select for loading banner types (#3996)
- [Integration] Shopify subtotal can include tax (#4810)
- [Integration] Add per product tracking to ThriveCart (#4845)
- [Feature] Show Audit Log details direct in campaign and banner (#4805)
- [Feature] Multiple Merchants feature: add notification for new Merchants (#3926)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add condition for Sales and Recurring at any tier (#4851)
- [Improvement] Add option to set 2 Factor Authentication as mandatory (#4846)
- [Improvement] Add password field to custom HTML signup form (#4815)
- [Improvement] Add variable for count of new affiliates in daily/weekly/monthly reports (#3757)
- [Fix] Recaptcha feature: captcha is added to html signup form although is disabled in configuration (#4847)
- [Fix] Add update step for removing old smarty variable {$panel} (#4840)
- [Fix] Commission is recomputed incorrectly by Multiple currencies feature if the transaction is tracked by Lifetime referral (#4811)
- [Plugin] Recharge: webhook for recurring commission is processed multiple times (#4839)
- [Plugin] ThriveCart tries to process empty requests (#4838)
- [Plugin] BigCommerce: Add option to use total cost instead of subtotal (#4856)
- [Plugin] Shopify plugin: update API version (#4844)
- [Security] Add separate permission for creating login key (#4821)
- [Security] Changing password from panel should require current password (#4759)
- [Feature] News: Add the ability to create a popup in the affiliate panel (#4081)
- [Improvement] Paypal email is not being validated on signup (#4326)
- [Improvement] Domain parking: add validator for country code field (#4828)
- [Fix] Update From Email after domain is changed in CRM (#3772)
- [Fix] SQL error in Top affiliates report if there are actions with dash in code (#4836)
- [Fix] SQL error in Top campaigns report for affiliates without statistics (#4835)
- [Fix] Add affiliate: (TypeError): Cannot read property 'substr' of null (#4826)
- [Fix] Installation error: AuthUser not created yet (#4824)
- [Fix] Variation name and code is not updated in some cases (#4814)
- [Fix] Add check if SalesStatsProcessorTask exists only once (#4813)
- [Fix] Recurly Plugin: wrong total cost if a customer has more subscriptions (#4830)
- [Performance] "429 Too Many Requests" error on campaigns list in the affiliate panel (caused by logo images) (#4717)
- [Integration] Plugin for ThriveCart (#4808)
- [Style] Add status icon instead of text in status widget in edit affiliate (#4802)
- [Security] Add email notification to merchant about log in from new IP (#4351)
- [Security] Add notification for merchant and affiliate when payout method is changed (#4770)
- [Security] Add option to enable using REMOTE_ADDR for IP fraud protection for logins (#4809)
- [Improvement] PAN: add Network fee field for importing transactions from csv (#4775)
- [Improvement] Top affiliates report: missing Recurring commissions in custom filter and sorting (#4807)
- [Improvement] Add invoice number to default view columns in Invoices screen (#4806)
- [Improvement] Use icon status widget in edit affiliate details header (#4800)
- [Improvement] Do not increase logins count for logins via LoginKey (login to user in edit form) (#4799)
- [Improvement] Add advanced filter to affiliate's Subaffiliate Sale Stats screen (#4792)
- [Fix] Use HTTP2 for apple push notifications, HTTP protocol won't be supported after March 31, 2021 (#4778)
- [Fix] Date joined to private campaign is refreshed after moving to new commission group (#4730)
- [Fix] Error while exporting affiliates from campaign (#4801)
- [Fix] Campaign matching problems if product is found in multiple private campaigns (#4788)
- [Fix] SQL error on event logs when time is set in the advanced filter (#4772)
- [Feature] 2-factor authentication (#3169)
- [Improvement] PAN: Send notification to network owner on affiliate join to campaign in any account (#4758)
- [Improvement] In dynamic links/deeplinks allow 4 characters patterns (#4766)
- [Improvement] Add option to send "request new password email" for merchants (#4765)
- [Improvement] In stats grids display same action commissions columns in same column (#4757)
- [Improvement] Add option to display statistics on home screen with last month filter (#4756)
- [Improvement] Hide campaign name from action commissions header (#3377)
- [Fix] PAN: Network fee is computed incorrectly if Rest commissions plugin is used (#4740)
- [Fix] HTML signup form doesn't display payout options (#4767)
- [Fix] Date approved is refreshed in update after loadFromUsername (#4787)
- [Fix] Image banner: Missing error message on uploading not allowed file type (#4761)
- [Fix] Simple PDF banner download link displays SQL error if used with wrong ID (#4760)
- [Fix] If language is changed via "l" parameter in url, old language stays in profile (#4731)
- [Fix] date in custom timezone is wrong for Add transaction (#4566)
- [Fix] Can't delete clicks filtered by referrer URL (#4529)
- [Plugin] HubSpot - do not delete contact when affiliate email is changed (#4764)
- [Plugin] Recurly integration: problems with trials (#4763)
- [Improvement] Increase character limit for action code (#4753)
- [Improvement] Add Identifier to custom filter in Lifetime Referrals Manager (#4746)
- [Fix] SQL error on standalone update on older versions than 5.3.30 (#4751)
- [Improvement] Action commission: add option to display statistics per action commissions on home screen (#4741)
- [Improvement] Top campaign for affiliates: remove from list all campaigns without tracking statistics and display also stopped and private (#4739)
- [Improvement] Add columns to Lifetime referrals page in Affiliate panel (#4651)
- [Improvement] Option to pre-define cookie lifetime for new campaigns (#4560)
- [Improvement] Add language parameter from affiliate profile as custom filter (#4495)
- [Improvement] Language does not appear in affiliate add form (#4365)
- [Fix] Network fee doesn't work if its value is set with "," not a "." (#4709)
- [Fix] Bonus commissions with empty totalcost causes SQL error with SQL strict mode (#4743)
- [Fix] Plugins configuration on encoded plugins throws an annotation error on standalone installations (#4742)
- [Fix] PAN - notification on affiliate join request for campaign sent even when disabled (#4738)
- [Fix] Campaign is hidden in reports if affiliate is pending in private campaign (#4621)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin: Extra data are not set for checkout session (#4735)
- [Improvement] Option to select campaign for unreferred clicks (#4682)
- [Improvement] Assign to groups by affiliate profile fields - remove from groups (#4723)
- [Improvement] PAN: Compute network fee automatically when importing commissions from a csv (#4661)
- [Improvement] Numbers in exports are not rounded (#4653)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: refund is recomputed to positive value (#4726)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: change group for old date period can let unchanged commissions (#4725)
- [Fix] PAN: network merchant home screen: php notices in pending tasks section (#4724)
- [Fix] Sent mass emails are loaded for merchants in PAN (#4721)
- [Fix] Banner size not changed when new image has the same name (#4666)
- [Fix] Channels tracking issue: when the same channel code is set twice with upper/lower case differences (#4647)
- [Fix] Invoice format: Tooltip for listbox of affiliates is not displayed (#4711)
- [Fix] SQL error in impressions cron task: Unknown column 'workingareato-workingareafrom' (#4727)
- [Integration] New Payrexx integration plugin (#4729)
- [Integration] Shopify plugin: Checkout token orders are not updated with the correct order ID sometimes (#4689)
- [Integration] Stripe does not track email when checkout session is used (#4718)
- [Improvement] Partial refund: add option to set current date for rest commission (#4691)
- [Improvement] Add an option to not set the default country on signup form (#4435)
- [Improvement] Send message: correct text for creating filter (#1339)
- [Improvement] Rename "VAT Handling" configuration option (#4707)
- [Fix] Rest Commissions doesn't set tier commission correctly (#4694)
- [Fix] Self hosted: Password fields are missing on set password screen (#4704)
- [Fix] Not possible to save empty "Additional allowed dynamic links/deeplink generator destinations" (#4703)
- [Fix] Sending mass emails: Commission group filter is not applied (#4699)
- [Fix] Javascript tracking doesn't create secure cookies (#4696)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin can generate empty sale requests (#4705)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin: load customer name from metadata (#4700)
- [Fix] FastSpring plugin: add support of refunds (#4708)
- [Improvement] Api click tracking: use user affiliate variable for loading affiliate details (#4680)
- [Improvement] Add notification that your IP/username will be blocked after X more attempts (#3254)
- [Integration] New Instamojo integration plugin (#4683)
- [Integration] New Plugin for ZOHO Subscriptions (#4684)
- [Fix] smarty v3: PHP Notices for undefined variables (#4692) (#4688)
- [Fix] Syntax error during standalone update (old theme_panel.tpl should be deleted) (#4685)
- [Fix] Stripe doesn't support partial refund (#4687)
- [Fix] BigCommerce API v3: Partial refund creates incorrect commissions (#4668)
- [Improvement] PAN: recognize parent affiliate from click from any network account (#4675)
- [Improvement] Add "Total commissions" column (for any commission) in Top reports (#4158)
- [Improvement] Add "Avg Orders" column and rename existing column to "Avg Commissions" in Top reports (#4667)
- [Fix] Changes in header and footer in signup page themes are not displayed (#4677)
- [Security] Smarty upgrade to version 3 (#4442)
- [Improvement] Membership subscription manager: add trial notification (#4612)
- [Improvement] Display language of logged user in profile (#4671)
- [Fix] Wrong transaction status in change status email (#4650)
- [Fix] Permission denied error in User roles privileges if role read permission is not allowed (#4655)
- [Fix] Shopify: Order ID is null (#4629)
- [Fix] Shopify: refund with per order tracking creates multiple partial orders (#4608)
- [Fix] Shopify: refund is not working with updated amount of refunded products (#4665)
- [Fix] BigCommerce plugin includes shipping cost in total cost (#4660)
- [Fix] Stripe: Get customer name from a different source when billing details are missing (#4644)
- [Fix] Chargebee: email is missing in data1, save only commissions with recurring rule (#4270)
- [Plugin] Stripe plugin upgrade to new API version (#4670)
- [Style] Old themes: count number in grids could be centered (#4657)
- [Style] Coupe theme design matter - sizes of banner images preview (#4579)
- [Style] Highlight authorization notification in email settings (#4656)
- [Fix] Visitor affiliates grid is not working - sql error (#4641)
- [Fix] Precision issue: extremely small commissions are displayed in scientific notation (#4632)
- [Fix] Currencies symbols not shown in PDF invoices (#4628)
- [Performance] PAN: Loading sales log per account is slow (#4633)
- [Performance] Performance rewards: don't recompute statistics data on each new transaction (#4631) (#4626)
- [Style] Broken design for screen Manage paid addons (#4627)
- [Style] Missing icon on 'Refresh cache' update step (#4421)
- [Integration] Support discounts in Tilda plugin (#4639)
- [Security] Disallow dynamic url / redirect url to all urls (#4622)
- [Improvement] Performance rewards rules: Quarter start in February (#4587)
- [Improvement] Add option for Password field on signup form to be mandatory (#4606)
- [Fix] PHP 7.4: deprecated and notices logs (#4623), (#4619), (#4618), (#4624)
- [Fix] Same username (email) for affiliate and merchant with space (#4610)
- [Fix] Don't compress banner images (#4615)
- [Fix] Invoice generated as PDF under Arabic language displaying non English letters as question marks (#4596)
- [Fix] Allow iframes in home Welcome message (#4605)
- [Fix] Sub-affiliates count variables: apply status filter (#4572)
- [Fix] Remove whitespace character at the start or end of callback URL setting (#4517)
- [Fix] Unable to save news with new line in HTML content (#4617)
- [Fix] Translation in German lang file "Verkäufe" is displayed with uppercase U as "VerkäUfe" (#4613)
- [Fix] Displayed duplicate transactions on two pages in Commissions report (#4590)
- [Fix] Plugin: Commission Bonus - bonus is lost after recompute of commission (#4607)
- [Fix] Plugin: Commission Bonus - settings are not applied per commission groups (#4600)
- [Performance] Do not use getParams variable with JS sale tracker (#4611)
- [Performance] Unable to delete big amount of clicks from clicks list grid (#4609)
- [Style] Design on User roles privileges (#4480)
- [Feature] Performance rewards: add action commission as bonus (#4583)
- [Feature] Performance rewards: add bonus regularly (#4583)
- [Feature] Performance rewards: add bonus commission to parent affiliate (#4583)
- [Feature] Audit log doesn't log deletion and status changed of recurring commission rules (#4603)
- [Improvement] Add Destination URL to affiliate panel's clicks list (#4602)
- [Improvement] Display all tiers commissions info under Campaign manager (#4597)
- [Improvement] Add password inout field to signup form (#4591)
- [Improvement] Set limit for sending emails from SMTP to 1000 (#4584)
- [Improvement] Add payment info details into Affiliates grid (#4580)
- [Performance] Slow sql log for mail outbox (#4598)
- [Fix] Add link button in campaign description not working correctly (#4604)
- [Fix] Network - merchant notifications are not disabled via link (#4593)
- [Fix] System allows to create new themes with the same names (#4581)
- [Fix] Some commissions can stay pending for multi cron processing (#4577)
- [Fix] File uploader field causes internal server error with custom HTML form (#4569)
- [Fix] Order by Payout data in Pay affiliates does not work (#3843)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify: update API version (#4599)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify: consider webhook requests as failed (#4575)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify: refund webhook refunds all products with same id in order (#4578)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify: refund webook is not created with initial settings (#4316)
- [Plugin Fix] SamCart: refund recurring commission tiers fix (#4573)
- [Style] Grid count without ID column (#4568)
- [Style] Coupe theme design issue > Page for setting up password is messed up (#4109)
- [Improvement] Add feature description to addons on checkout page (#4118)
- [Improvement] SVG images is banners are not allowed (#4570)
- [Fix] Set correct parent transaction ID for individual tiers of Recurring commissions (#4523)
- [Fix] Change "set as default" button for signup themes to "select theme" (#4554)
- [Fix] Remove PAP3 cookies compatibility (#4557)
- [Fix] google maps javascript is loaded on signup page (#4555)
- [Fix] Not all theme files are deleted after deleting theme (#4367)
- [Feature] New affiliate field type: "file" (#762)
- [Improvement] Allow file attachments in _header and _footer email templates (#4436)
- [Improvement] Small improvement in wallpapers interface (#4428)
- [Fix] PHP 7.4: warnings in simple PDF banner (#4535)
- [Fix] SQL error during update from versions older than (#4551)
- [Fix] Missing support for sql mode only_full_group_by in Banners and campaigns categories (#4543)
- [Fix] Missing support for sql mode only_full_group_by in Network accounts grid (#2505)
- [Fix] Email outbox: To recipients filter is always searching "is equal" (#4518)
- [Fix] Unable to edit transaction if private campaigns contains thousands of affiliates (#4528)
- [Fix] Sale tracking code javascript error if custom commission is number (#4527)
- [Plugin] SamCart - SubscriptionChargeRefunded doesn't refund tiers (#4522)
- [Plugin] Add customer phone to Shopify plugin data fields (#4512)
- [Plugin] Undefined variables in EcwidAPI plugin for curl authenticate request error (#4547)
- [Design] Remove HorizontalLayoutPanel from email templates editor (#4494)
- [Feature] Multiple currencies: add option to set currency to Recurring Commissions (#4489)
- [Feature] API: add using namespaces and remove ini_sets (#3275)
- [Feature] Recompute transaction based on commission group of new affiliate (#4502)
- [Feature] Auto-Registering Affiliates: add option to create affiliate also for refids which are not emails (#4510)
- [Improvement] Improve error notification: Emails limit per hour exceeded (#4507)
- [Improvement] Correct error message when restarting pending recurring rule manually (#4471)
- [Fix] PapApi file is triggering E_USER_NOTICE on each version change (#4164)
- [Fix] PAN: Incorrect Network fee when affiliate changes commission group by performance rewards (#4506)
- [Fix] Copy of commission group is not copying commission type attributes (#4504)
- [Fix] Map in Reports > Map Overlay is not displayed (#4505)
- [Fix] country flags are missing in affiliate sale tracking codes for country commissions (#4503)
- [Fix] Add commissions: list of affiliates should be empty if no affiliate is in private campaign (#4497)
- [Fix] In commissions list can be displayed "warning" without text (#4496)
- [Fix] Set as default theme option doesn't work for new merchants (#4486)
- [Fix] Width of listboxes / pop ups in plugin configuration (#4445)
- [Security] Login form: Remember me checkbox should not be set and decrease cookie validity (#4485)
- [Improvement] Audit log: add user to log if status of affiliate is changed via email notification (#3192)
- [Integration] Create integration plugin for Tilda (#4482)
- [Fix] Add SameSite attribute to application cookies created by PAP (#4478)
- [Fix] Transparency of PNG files in logo images is removed (#4479)
- [Fix] "Add affiliate" button under Affiliates in campaigns should be hidden by permissions (#4483)
- [Fix] Coupon generator for new affiliates: missing check if both coupons are not same (#4484)
- [Fix] Braintree - problem with processing ssl certificate (#4474)
- [Feature] Options for recompute commission based on transaction group and history settings (#4394)
- [Feature] Add option to increase application requests timeout (#4468)
- [Improvement] PAN: lock approved commissions for edit for network merchants (#4414)
- [Improvement] Lifetime commission: add option to not save commission after custom validity (#4473)
- [Improvement] Coupon generator for new affiliates: Add second coupon field (#4469)
- [Improvement] Campaign filter for Top referring URLs (#4195)
- [Improvement] BigCommerce plugin improvement (#3321)
- [Improvement] Samcart - add support for SubscriptionChargeRefunded hooks (#4470)
- [Fix] INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 5.4 (#4465)
- [Fix] Kartra plugin: PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered (#4464)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: incorrect totalcost if whole order is paid by giftcard (#4458)
- [Fix] FastSpring plugin: php warning if pap cookie is not string (#4457)
- [Style] Integration method steps have limited width (#4460)
- [Improvement] Add Product ID column to Recurring commission rules (#4437)
- [Improvement] MerchantPages plugin: add translation support for title (#4452)
- [Improvement] Missing 'unique' check on "Coupon generator for new affiliates" plugin (#4439)
- [Improvement] Recurly plugin - use API so customer doesn't need to have PHP thank you page (#4412)
- [Fix] Invoice preview contains new_line texts (#4455)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: commissions can be created to old group (#4450)
- [Fix] Add trim to affiliate vat percentage field (#4434)
- [Style] Set dynamic custom URL page height to whole screen (#1561)
- [Fix] Installation error: AuthUser not created yet (#4438)
- [Fix] MerchantPages plugin: Notice: Undefined variable: hash (#4433)
- [Security] XSS: possible javascript injection in merchant panel (#4425) (#4423)
- [Security] improve forms requests validation (#4408) (#4407)
- [Feature] Create plugin for merchant custom pages (#4413)
- [Performance] Add rate limiter for sending emails via built-in mail() function (#4387)
- [Plugin] 3dcart plugin to change commission status (#4402)
- [Fix] PHP 7.4: Rebrand PDF deprecated warning (#4424)
- [Fix] ZIP banner doesn't work with larger files (#4419)
- [Fix] PAN: logo in installer is from Post Affiliate Pro instead of network (#4417)
- [Notice] Added support for PHP 7.4.
- [Security] possible SSRF: mail account configuration, custom urls requests (#4377) (#4401)
- [Security] Authentication and session cookies are not HttpOnly and secured (#4389)
- [Security] XSS: possible javascript injection in merchant panel (#4385) (#4384) (#4366) (#4356)
- [Security] Download file link can execute any uploaded file in browser (#4371)
- [Security] Import themes: missing check for allowed file tyepes (#4370)
- [Security] HTML signup form: example with echo post field (#4373)
- [Improvement] Remove EXIF data from profile images (#4399)
- [Improvement] Use different commission for existing customers (Lifetime referral commission) (#4381)
- [Improvement] Add user role ID to event logs on unsuccessful login attempt (#4380)
- [Improvement] Knowledge base urls links should be https (#4361)
- [Improvement] Option to select commission group while importing lifetime referrals from a csv file (#4359)
- [Performance] Loading pending tasks on merchant home screen is not effective (#4357)
- [Plugin] Stripe: problems with creating affiliate (#4392)
- [Plugin] Add rules for affiliate fields to HubSpot plugin (#4391)
- [Style] Contact us form in August theme has broken CSS on mobile (#4372)
- [Style] Turn right arrow in menu (#4364)
- [Improvement] Protect merchant from locking out himself by IP whitelist (#4305)
- [Improvement] FastSpring - subscription product can be changed (#4346)
- [Fix] PAN: sale fraud protection should check only within 1 account (#4341)
- [Fix] In audit log are missing changes of transactions and affiliates via import transactions (#3282) (#4352)
- [Fix] Javascript click tracking is not working if cookie is disabled in browser (#4340)
- [Fix] If there are coupons without validity: Affiliate is not able to ask for coupons (#4355)
- [Fix] Membership subscription: checkbox for creating new affiliates is still checked (#4342)
- [Fix] Remaining transaction after partial refund contains same note (#4339)
- [Fix] Too many rows exception when lifetime identifier is in more accounts (#4332)
- [Fix] Add merchant user id and account id to profile class (#4328)
- [Performance] Add progress check to update steps 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 (#4325)
- [Performance] Optimize event logs general search (#4330)
- [Performance] Optimize sql commands for general search in affiliates screen (#4329)
- [Style] Affiliate panel Payouts to me report design (#4327)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify - refund with manually selected amount is not tracked (#3925)
- [Plugin Fix] ReCharge: PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'charge' of non-object (#4334)
- [Plugin Fix] ReCharge cannot be saved with Network (#4333)
- [Plugin Fix] ReCharge: Division by zero if total_line_items_price is zero (#4336)
- [Improvement] Improve error message: If affiliate refid is same as another affiliate userid (#3752)
- [Fix] Setting parent affiliate by task fails if visitorid contains account ID (#4315)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin can send refund and decline status hook on same order (#4317)
- [Security] Installer module vulnerability (#4313)
- [Feature] Add option to set exact timezone location (#4257)
- [Feature] Add possibility to create hyperlinks in Affiliate Manager`s info fields (#4036)
- [Feature] Membership Subscription Manager - added unlimited period type (#4290)
- [Feature] Membership Subscription Manager - added custom number of days (#4290)
- [Improvement] Refund value of single transaction could be filled automatically (#4301)
- [Improvement] Partial refunds: add option to set also remaining total cost amount (#4314)
- [Improvement] Display number of selected affiliates in Delete affiliate warning popup (#4294)
- [Improvement] Add Instagram icon into the mini-site footer (#4292)
- [Fix] Refunds/chargebacks totalcost is in transactions grid displayed positive (#2673)
- [Fix] Affiliates activity check for traffic is not checking recurring commissions (#4306)
- [Fix] Membership subscription: new affiliate is not created due to T&C (#4298)
- [Fix] Quick report: Multi-Tier section is not displayed (#4312)
- [Fix] PAN: Click tracking on root page is not working (#4308)
- [Fix] Can't edit "9. Test everything" content within Getting Started (Merchant panel) (#4304)
- [Fix] It is possible to edit date approved of transaction via API (#4287)
- [Plugin fix] BigCommerce status change doesn't work (#4309)
- [Security] Enable SSL verification for each request from application (#4286)
- [Feature] Membership subscription manager - add trial period for new affiliates (#4283)
- [Improvement] Add option to set own prefix for generated invoices (#4284)
- [Fix] Membership subscription manager is not working for recurring commissions (#4283)
- [Fix] Deeplink generator ignores the 'Affiliate linking method' in a campaign (#4285)
- [Plugin fix] Shopify plugin ignores amount discount (#4248)
- [Feature] Add option to do partial refund from commissions list (#4273)
- [New plugin] Create coupon automatically for each new affiliate (#4274)
- [Improvement] PAN: Network fee is not computed via "Compute commissions" button (#4271)
- [Improvement] Add recurring commission ID to recurring commission rules custom filter (#4280)
- [Improvement] Add user name to audit log popup dialog (#4275)
- [Improvement] Add additional columns to Campaigns manager custom filter (#4266)
- [Improvement] Enable signup logs by default (#4227)
- [Improvement] Affiliate panel: Add option to sort banners based on 'date created' (#3755)
- [Fix] Not saved commission can create a recurring commission rule (#3826)
- [Fix] Coupons with empty validity should be valid (#4279)
- [Plugin fix] Ecwid plugin is missing reset option (#4214)
- [Plugin fix] FastSpring incorrect recurring total cost (#4268)
- [Style] Live agent and dash themes: Missing grid templates for lifetime referrals (#4269)
- [Style] August theme - buttons on the 'password reset' form have wrong position (#4139)
- [Feature] PAN: add network fee direct to commissions list (#4243)
- [Feature] PAN: Network accounting - add columns for fees and commissions (#3076)
- [Feature] Audit log details per transaction and affiliate (#4235)
- [Feature] Audit log: add fraud protection, tracking settings, plugins activation (#2665)
- [Feature] Audit log: add changes in lifetime referrals via CSV import (#4260)
- [Improvement] Display count of selected rows in grid buttons (#4255)
- [Improvement] Add both banner descriptions to coupon details (#4237)
- [Improvement] Add Name listbox to Membership Subscription Manager (#4223)
- [Improvement] Allow iframe in News (#4221)
- [Improvement] Anonymize transaction data fields per specific affiliates (#3982)
- [Improvement] Delete exported CSV files after 30 days (#3083)
- [Improvement] Include payout options in the HTML signup form (#2746)
- [Fix] PAN: account column is not visible by default (#4246)
- [Fix] Message from the 'contact us' form in affiliate panel is not parsed correctly (#4244)
- [Fix] Commission Groups Synchronization plugin removes affiliate from all private campaigns (#4190)
- [Fix] Custom HTML signup - parentuserid is always hidden (#4225)
- [Fix] Custom HTML signup - ReCaptcha is not displayed (#3938)
- [Fix] Javascript/jQuery signup form - problem when username field is missing (#4226)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify plugin does not work with per product discount (#4191)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify plugin is sending 'default1' as campaign id (#4231)
- [Integration] Support Stripe JS integration in our plugin (#4224)
- [Feature] Change affiliate (and other details) for a sale request (#3635)
- [Feature] Option to set default value for affiliate hidden fields (#4211)
- [Feature] Recurring commissions: change status/delete also of recurring rule (#3731)
- [Fix] Edge user agent is recognized as Chrome (#4206)
- [Fix] Unable to set field type for read-only affiliate fields (only textbox) (#4218)
- [Fix] jQuery signup form bug with $ instead of jQuery (#4208)
- [Plugin Improvement] Stripe: add option to track plan ID as product ID (#4215)
- [Plugin Fix] Bigcommerce plugin can create sale requests with empty data (#4216)
- [Plugin Fix] Bigcommerce plugin PHP warnings on wrong orderid param (#4212)
- [Security] Add Strict-Transport-Security header for https/ssl (HSTS) (#4045)
- [Feature] Add an option to use global header/footer for email templates (#501)
- [Feature] Recurring Commissions doesn't work with Rest Commissions (#3603)
- [Feature] Add option to disable dynamic links and allow to block domains (#4167)
- [Improvement] Add channel filter to top banner and top campaigns screen (#4178)
- [Improvement] Clicks list: show full destination url for redirect links (#4171)
- [Improvement] Allow searching for Destination and Referrer URL in Clicks list (#4166)
- [Improvement] Add Campaign logo for every Banner in Affiliate panel (#4130)
- [Improvement] Block next crawlers (Skype bot triggers click tracking for redirect link) (#4177) (#4196)
- [Fix] Manually creating a Recurring commission creates also a recurring rule (#4199)
- [Fix] Add trim to IP url parameter for tracking request (#4184)
- [Fix] Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'o' (#4193)
- [Fix] Unable to edit parent affiliate if affiliate has same refid as another affiliate id (#4192)
- [Fix] GeoIP: link for download GeoLite2 City database is not working (#4188)
- [Fix] Visitor affiliates list: sorting is not working if in list is only some rows (#4182)
- [Fix] Country specific commissions and country recognized from visitoraffiliate (#4180)
- [Fix] Added header noindex, nofollow for click.php on cloud accounts (#4161)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2. Warning: if total cost value is "-": A non-numeric value encountered (#4162)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in DateTime.class.php (#4044)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2. Warnings in split commissions (A non-numeric value encountered) (#4186)
- [Fix] Missing percentage on CTR value in the quick report (#4189)
- [Fix] Blacklisted countries checkbox in fraud protection is not clickable (#4181)
- [Style] missing style for disabled menu item (#4170)
- [Style] missing selected template design (#4169)
- [Style] Midnight city: price is black (#4116)
- [Style] In new themes is not possible to select and copy text from help popup (#3924)
- [Style] Coupe window sidebar hide unhide bug (#3882)
- [Style] Not clear type of statistics in Trends report for new themes (#2571)
- [Plugin] PAN: Mailchimp integration API v3 add also new merchants into the mailing list (#4115)
- [Plugin Fix] MailChimp: updated user in PAP is changed to subscribed again (#4185)
- [Plugin Fix] MailChimp error on new affiliate with auto approval (#4179)
- [Plugin Fix] Limelight plugin does not differentiate refunds from chargebacks (#4175)
- [Plugin Fix] Shopify: missing check for second partial refund (#3727)
- [Integration] Shopify multi currency not supported (#4173)
- [Integration] Add integration plugin for Kartra (#4176)
- [Improvement] Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser: add option to enable it per campaign (#4157)
- [Improvement] Allow multiple coupons tracking: choose one valid coupon (#3416)
- [Improvement] Add {$session} variable as template variable(#4159)
- [Fix] PHP 7.4 compatibility (#4156)
- [Fix] Banners and Campaigns Categories - translation is not working correctly (#4160)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates screen: custom filter with defined payout methods is not working (#4155)
- [Fix] Banner image preview is cached after new image is uploaded (#4153)
- [Fix] Coupe window: Error in grid.tpl theme: unable to login to merchant panel (#4152)
- [Fix] Multiple currencies: unable to activate cron task for update exchange rage (#4151)
- [Feature] Multiple banners/campaigns categories (#4142)
- [Feature] Add custom field filter for user data to Statistics reports (#3742)
- [Feature] Add Custom filter option for Lifetime referrals manager screen (#4145)
- [Improvement] Transaction import: missing Coupon code field (#4123)
- [Improvement] Infusionsoft plugin: Add multiple merchant support (#4122)
- [Improvement] Membership subscription - add config for email data field (#4146)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: PHP Notice for banner view, missing check if size are numbers (#4136)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in CampaignForm.class.php (#4017)
- [Fix] Rest commission plugin sets wrong parent commission ID on tier commissions (#4140)
- [Fix] If affiliate has status 'fixed' in private campaign, click.php redirects user to declined site URL (#4149)
- [Fix] PHP error: Call to a member function build() on null for date profile fields (#4147)
- [Fix] Recurring commissions are not working with Prohibit commission if affiliate is purchaser (#4143)
- [Fix] PHP error: Missing file in new stripe plugin (#4134)
- [Fix] Import from csv not working for Affiliate with userID "0" (#4131)
- [Fix] Unnecessary custom data fields in Banners & Links filter (#4129)
- [Fix] Error in update step to version: 5.6.38 if database driver is set to mysql (#4127)
- [Fix] Cant create LA account from PAP (#4119)
- [Fix] PHP error: A non-numeric value encountered in SplitCommissions (#4042)
- [Fix] PAN: Account signup form is not working on MAC (coupe theme) (#4138)
- [Fix] Design issues of Coupe theme (#4106)
- [Security] Program name is not escaped in some themes (#4117)
- [Feature] Multiple currencies: use European Central Bank API service (#4088)
- [Bug] PAN: merchant can approve commission using link in notification (#3993)
- [Fix] Split commission: recognizing by IP is not working correctly (#4120)
- [Fix] Add country code to commission type in reports for country commissions (#4121)
- [Fix] Add possibility to sort the commissions via IP (#4114)
- [Fix] Affiliates activity check is sending decline email on no action or if only warning is enabled (#4113)
- [Fix] 'Save and Test' function in Email templates does not generate any data (#2380)
- [Performance] Clicks grid: optimize general search (#4111)
- [Performance] Lifetime commissions grid: Optimize general search (#4108)
- [Feature] Add filter to affiliate manager for subscription type and expire date (#4102)
- [Feature] Branding free: add an option to disable indexing of pages with default PAP domain (#4096)
- [Plugin] HubSpot plugin: add option to register also pending affiliates to list (#4103)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2. warning: Function create_function() is deprecated (#4101)
- [Fix] Image banner: Image preview is not displayed due to adblock (#4099)
- [Fix] Commission Groups Synchronization: is adding affiliates to private campaigns (#4100)
- [Fix] notification email is missing in template variable for affiliate panel (#4094)
- [Fix] In trial upgrade notification is missing one time and current plan discount (#4092)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: missing reconnection if Shopify URL is changed (#2750)
- [Fix] Call to undefined method EmailSubscriptionCancelledMerchant::setProductId() (#4104)
- [Performance] Lifetime referrals export to csv is very slow (#4093)
- [Feature] Affiliate panel: add Top campaigns and Top banners screens (#3280)
- [Style] Add icons for new features: Membership and activity checking (#4084)
- [Fix] Declined commission is stored as pending for pending affiliates (#4090)
- [Fix] "Create multi tier commissions" is missing on the transaction import in the 'Coupe window' theme (#4085)
- [Performance] Slow testing big user tree (#4087)
- [Performance] Slow deleting sessions for exact user (#4086)
- [Feature] Create new feature for processing affiliate membership subscriptions (#4052)
- [Feature] Lifetime Referrals Manager: add page to affiliate panel (#3798)
- [Feature] Lifetime Commissions - overwrite affiliate in relations (#3350)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add sales/actions conversion rate (#4028)
- [Feature] Affiliate fields: add datetime and date type (#4077)
- [Feature] Affiliate Activity Check - extend the traffic option (#4060)
- [Feature] Added automatic HTTPS redirect (#3469)
- [Feature] Grids: Count total rows in footer for selected rows (#4051)
- [Feature] Grids: Add option to select multiple rows with Shift key (#4050)
- [Plugin] Recurly plugin - use Recurring Commissions feature (#4047)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: A non-numeric value encountered in Mail Template.class.php (#4040)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates - payouts history is rounding some amounts (#4056)
- [Fix] For API sessions use same timezone as for user logged in merchant panel (#4059)
- [Fix] HTML signup form: Add plain redirect (#4065)
- [Fix] Campaigns listbox search is case sensitive if there is over 500 records (affiliate panel) (#4071)
- [Fix] HubSpot plugin: user missing if was declined and approved again (#4068)
- [Fix] HubSpot plugin: contact fields are hard coded (#4067)
- [Fix] Affiliate broadcast email: load mail from template permissions error (#4066)
- [Fix] Cannot load email from template in Send mail to affiliate (#4046)
- [Fix] Signup form - do not set parent affiliate doesn't work for hidden parent field (#4013)
- [Fix] Plugin's "Referral ID length constraint" config is not applied when referral ID is automatically generated (#3893)
- [Fix] Rest commission: in recurring commissions is missing ID of original transaction (#4049)
- [Fix] Recurring commission: fixed cost field is empty (#4048)
- [Fix] MailChimp user synchronization v3 plugin: wrong utf8 encoding (#4075)
- [Performance] Performance rewards optimization (#4057)
- [Performance] Clicks fraud protection optimization (#4062)
- [Fix] Commission groups: custom cookie validity is displayed as -1.00 (#4038)
- [Fix] SQL error if you filter category without campaigns/banners (#4035)
- [Fix] Not possible to edit destination URL of banners directly in banners grid (#4034)
- [Fix] Account Payment info: payment summary is without addons (#4037)
- [Fix] Stripe - PHP error: Uncaught Gpf_ClassNotDefined: Class Stripe\Exception\Throwable (#4039)
- [Fix] FastSpring - webhook secret logic bug (#4033)
- [Fix] Fastspring plugin - try to find cookie in order tags (#4025)
- [Security] Changing password via password reset link should reset remember me cookie (#4008)
- [Feature] Add lifetime relation changes to Audit log (#3889)
- [Fix] update GWT: application is not working if on server is X-Frame-Options set to Deny (#3961)
- [Fix] For change password and set new password set autocomplete new-password (#4032)
- [Fix] Google search app is in useragent displayed as unknown browser (#4027)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: set user value only when action is successful (#4024)
- [Fix] Performance Rewards: for retroactively we need date of transaction (#3990)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: improve performance for change group retroactively (#4006)
- [Fix] Import transactions: date approved cannot be empty, recognize commission group (#4021)
- [Fix] Sale requests log: Add "retry number" to custom filter (#4019)
- [Fix] Add new permission to roles for emailing individual affiliates (#4015)
- [Fix] Option "Send mail to affiliate" should be hidden by permission (#4014)
- [Fix] API: it is not possible to add transaction with own ID (#4012)
- [Fix] Error "Row data5 does not exist" when trying to create/edit HTML banner (#4007)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: Warning "cannot change session id" (#4004)
- [Fix] Tools -> Offline sale doesn't work (#3989)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates: label as paid button could be disabled (#3981)
- [Fix] Automatic detection/fix for transaction stats discrepancy (#3876)
- [Fix] Improve referral commission set up (#3690)
- [Fix] Add size filter to Banners manager (#3653)
- [Fix] Pay affiliates recompute warning (#2911)
- [Plugin] Add Cleeng integration plugin (#3991)
- [Plugin] BigCommerce - allow multiple configs for different network accounts (#3997)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin: Prevent glitches when versioning is used (#3987)
- [Fix] PayPal: track trial signups (#3995)
- [Fix] HubSpot plugin error: unable to register affiliate (#3985)
- [Fix] BigCommerce plugin does not set extra data correctly (#3979)
- [Fix] Shopify: deducting gift cards works only for one gift card and only for per product tracking (#4031)
- [Fix] Shopify: plugin does not work correctly with per product and shipping discount (#2493)
- [Fix] Shopify: add Order Name to data fields options (#3790)
- [Security] XSS: it is possible to execute js code in iframe (#3977)
- [Security] It is possible to save html to image url (#3975)
- [Feature] Add possibility to search Direct links by date created (#3676)
- [Fix] PAN - PDF export of merchant invoice doesn't contain commissions list (#3976)
- [Fix] Campaign categories List of campaign IDs is limited to 1024 characters (#3970)
- [Fix] Error in Export to csv of Top affiliates (#3968)
- [Fix] Coupe theme - images are not loaded in custom copy (#3967)
- [Fix] Error if you edit signup form via Affiliate signup (#3964)
- [Security] Affiliate can create approved direct link (#3956)
- [Feature] Mod rewrite link per campaign: different htaccess location url (#3946)
- [Feature] Option to disable performance rewards rules (#3431)
- [Feature] Automatically decline direct link if match main site or destination url of banners (#2507)
- [Feature] Add warning when emails fail to send (#1757)
- [Feature] Add option to limit cookie lifetime to hours (#3963)
- [Fix] PAN: click fraud protection from account is not processed if account is recognized from banner (#3962)
- [Fix] Clicks list: Add url parameters to destination url for anchor and new style links (#3949)
- [Fix] Add seprate permissions to hide reports: top affiliates, top banners, top campaigns (#3958)
- [Fix] New chrome warning about tracking cookie SameSite and Secure attributes (#3957)
- [Fix] Display link to global performance rules in every campaign's performance rules (#3954)
- [Fix] General search in Sale requests log is not working for ID (#3947)
- [Fix] Redundant "Referral Id" variable in panel editor's dropdown (#3877)
- [Fix] When timezone is changed to less time cron tasks stay waiting (#3822)
- [Fix] Feature Auto-Registering Affiliates doesn't add signup bonus (#3717)
- [Fix] Update SPF check to new spf records (#3424)
- [Fix] Add next social options into the Affiliate manger info (#1980)
- [Fix] Payment processor: allow cards where liability shift is not possible (#3945)
- [Fix] Audit log: missing details after plugin config is changed (#3932)
- [Fix] Missing number validator for vat percentage field (#3941)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: upload wallpaper error (#3934)
- [Fix] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in MemberMouse (#3940)
- [Fix] LiveAgent integration: new contact us tickets are not created as New (#695)
- [Fix] In Map Overlay report - not correct DATA for Approved Sale count (#3927)
- [Fix] Import/export tools can duplicate commission types (#3873)
- [Fix] (AWeberAPI) PHP Notice: Undefined variable: list (#3943)
- [Feature] Add plugin to send webhooks when affiliate data is changed (#3914)
- [Feature] Add Unsubscribe link to promo emails sent from affiliate panel (#3846)
- [Feature] Option to manually trigger a recurring commission (#3840)
- [Feature] Add status indicator to affiliate in grids (#3866)
- [Feature] Add affiliate columns to Commissions report View (#3467)
- [Feature] LiveAgent integration: add language code to chat button code (#3921)
- [Fix] PAN: Network Account Auto Recognition plugin si not working if cookie is in cache (#3916)
- [Fix] Referral commission approval on first subaffiliate sale doesn't work (#3631)
- [Fix] Add different anchor to url after signup page (#3920)
- [Fix] Corrupted Contact us link on signup merchant login (#3673)
- [Fix] Variables for a Main and decline site URL (#3666)
- [Fix] Add check and disallow deleting used payout method and fields (#3642)
- [Plugin] Simpleshop integration plugin (#3917)
- [Style] Wrong news status color (#3915)
- [Style] Coupe signup theme: improve design on the "after signup page" (#3906)
- [Style] Coupe window - styling on the affiliate signup form fields (#3885)
- [Feature] Add subaffiliate sale stats to Subaffiliates list (#3880)
- [Feature] Top affiliates - add number of sub-affiliates (#3896)
- [Feature] Compressed commission placement model: add condition for 1st tier sales commissions (#3891)
- [Fix] PHP 7.1 Payout fields encryption feature is not working (#3913)
- [Fix] PHP 7.1 warnings in RSS reader widget (#3879)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in DateTime.class.php on line 47 (#3884)
- [Fix] PAN: Top affiliates: missing account filter (#3875)
- [Fix] User Profile: Missing email validator on server side (#3910)
- [Fix] Fix email validator - comma is not allowed character in email address (#3837)
- [Fix] Performance Rewards - date of rule is from transaction (#3892)
- [Fix] Cannot remove Recurrence column from recurring rules grid (#3881)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: adding bonus error if rule string is longer than 250 characters (#3878)
- [Fix] Drop down under theme editing is not displaying optional (not in signup) fields. (#3851)
- [Fix] Update date approval when user and transaction is changed to approved again (#3732)
- [Plugin] Sale filter: apply also on action commissions (#3911)
- [Plugin] Create plugin for general commission status changes (#3898)
- [Plugin] Plugin to allow Intercom chat integration (#3894)
- [Plugin] Add support for SamCart's subscription ID (#3864)
- [Plugin] Add logging to Braintree customer load (#3813)
- [Style] Make all checkbox labels clickable (#3780)
- [Feature] New desktop theme (#2019)
- [Feature] Add "date changed" to multiple currencies list (#3688)
- [Plugin] User ID as autoincremented sequence: decrease sequence on delete user (#3869)
- [Fix] Guzzle and PHP 5.3 compatibility (#3874)
- [Fix] Recurring commission is creating tiers if are disabled in current settings (#3868)
- [Fix] Creating PDF or pay affiliates is not working if SSL certificate for logo url is wrong (#3860)
- [Fix] Daily report sql error for action commissions (#3858)
- [Fix] Storing cookie to localStorage in Safari in private/incognito mode throws error (#3747)
- [Style] Affiliate checkbox field label should be the same as other fields (#3765)
- [Style] Commission details style - separation of recurring (#3699)
- [Style] Style Commissions list for mobile devices (#3322)
- [Feature] CSV import commissions, option to calculate tier commissions as well (#1258)
- [Feature] Add option to set email error message to Mail outbox (#3848)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered when totalcost is empty (#3854)
- [Fix] Custom cookie validity from commission group is not applied (#3849)
- [Fix] Recurring commissions is creating zero commission for all parents (#3856)
- [Fix] API send multiple requests in one multi request (#3855)
- [Security] XSS security vulnerability
- [Security] Remove swf file: open-flash-chart.swf (#1749)
- [Feature] Recurring Commissions do not respect tier commission setting (#3809)
- [Feature] Add size filter to Banners manager (#3653)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2 error: Unable to upload PDF file for rebrand pdf banner (#3838)
- [Fix] Top affiliates: sql error if custom filter with statistics field is used (#3831)
- [Fix] Top referring URLs report throws an error and data are not loaded (#3820)
- [Fix] Custom data URL parameters don't change in the banner codes (#3824)
- [Fix] Invoice: Logo image is not working in PDF if url starts without http (#3823)
- [Fix] Add check for multiple merchants deactivation (#3774)
- [Fix] Multiple currencies: Refresh button in header doesn't refresh values in currency table (#3689)
- [Fix] CSV commissions import: matches by type and tier (#3624)
- [Fix] CSV commissions import: update commission type and type ID (#3623)
- [Fix] Add comma and semicolon character to csv delimiter (#3819)
- [Fix] BigCommerceAPIv3 plugin: Per product tracking does not work correctly (#3825)
- [Fix] Braintree plugin: PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object (#3817)
- [Feature] Add email notification for refunds/chargebacks (#3681)
- [Fix] New Sale/Lead notification has incorrect commission after moving affiliate to new group (#3658)
- [Fix] Recomputing commissions retroactively didn't use fixed cost from new group (#3805)
- [Fix] SMTP host with port 465 without tls:// in front returns timeout (#3720)
- [Fix] Subaffiliates list error if some fields are disallowed (#3812)
- [Fix] Variables in destination url parameters are not replaced in dynamic link (#3753)
- [Fix] MailChimp v3: incorrect check of configuration fields (#3806)
- [Fix] Eventbrite: PHP error: Undefined index: PAPVisitorId (#3807)
- [Feature] Create feature for usage data collection of hosted accounts (#3784)
- [Fix] Compressed commission placement model: new commissions are for wrong group (#3785)
- [Fix] Performance Rewards doesn't work with Rest Commissions (#3744)
- [Fix] Mobile app: traffic numbers for totalcost and commissions are integer (#3803)
- [Fix] Not possible to delete All clicks (#3797)
- [Fix] Rest commission plugin can create second tier commission twice (#3791)
- [Fix] Manual computing commissions wrong compute fixed cost for fixed commissions (#3789)
- [Fix] No email found for affiliate when Stripe is used with Clickfunnels (#3786)
- [Integration] Braintree: subscriptions do not use custom value for visitorID (#3802)
- [Security] Password is returned from login request (#3776)
- [Security] Escape/remove special characters from parameters for trackjs.php and nofifysale.php (#3773)
- [Security] Add rate limiter for contact us and for sign up form (#3762)
- [Security] SQL command is displayed when you add not existing id to edit grid request (#3746)
- [Feature] Add visitor ID to clicks list (#2260)
- [Feature] Include click destination url into click list (#2388)
- [Feature] CPM commissions per clicks: provide commissions for 1000 clicks (#3437)
- [Feature] Add option to select exact date for traffic info chart (#3610)
- [Feature] Add warning message when you upload image to banner with different extension (#3625)
- [Feature] Add 'coupon created' date into coupons table (#3707)
- [Feature] Audit log: add logs for changing email notifications (#3767)
- [Feature] Add hidden variables for the Deeplink generator configuration (#3667)
- [Integration] Shopify: transactions statistics cache is not refreshed after approving commission (#3764)
- [Integration] Eventbrite tracking plugin (#3759)
- [Integration] Add chargeback support to Limelight plugin (#3754)
- [Integration] Add currency support to VoguePay plugin (#3739)
- [Integration] PayWhirl integration plugin (#3726)
- [Integration] A possibility of adding extra data fields for Stripe transactions (#3230)
- [Integration] Add test mode configuration to Stripe plugin (#3028)
- [Integration] Extra data fields for Stripe (#3738)
- [Integration] Stripe plugin does not work with correct subscription ID (#3750)
- [Fix] Copy of invoice to merchant is from affiliate email address (#3779)
- [Fix] Affiliate sale tracking code: transaction id is empty (#3778)
- [Fix] Sql error in impression tracking if channel code is longer than 10 characters (#3769)
- [Fix] Requesting new password returns error if used from old/invalid link (#3763)
- [Fix] Sql error if more affiliates are created fast in bulk (#3758)
- [Fix] Not possible to use Space in Thousands separator language metadata (#3751)
- [Fix] Trim lifetime identifier (#3745)
- [Fix] MySQL 8 error: 'rank' is a reserved word (#3743)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: Trends report: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array… (#3723)
- [Fix] Error during export of campaigns in affiliate panel (#3735)
- [Fix] LiveAgent integration: creating account never finish (#3722)
- [Fix] Banner categories details are missing in the affiliate panel (#3679)
- [Fix] Cookie created by javascript should be created for top domain (#3464)
- [Fix] Limit maximum possible timezone offset, email reports task is waiting on it (#3273)
- [Fix] Hidden signup fields aren't writable during signup (#1933)
- [Feature] Separate Lifetime Commissions per network accounts (#3576)
- [Feature] Add banner to commission if campaign is different than banner's (#2506)
- [Feature] Add id columns to default view for some grids (#3706)
- [Feature] Add all affiliate fields to Subaffiliate Sale Stats (#3630)
- [Feature] Add rules for affiliate fields to ActiveCampaign plugin (#3684)
- [Fix] PHP Warnings and notices for PHP 7.2
- [Fix] Affiliate sale tracking code HTML type should escape single quotes (#3617)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: API calls do not work (#3705)
- [Fix] It is not possible to add or edit country specific commission (#3714)
- [Fix] Username length should be allowed to 255 characters, instead of 60 (#3697)
- [Fix] Plugin "Only numbers in Referral ID" is not compatible with integration plugins (#3702)
- [Fix] BigCommerceAPIv3: PHP errors and warnings (#3687)
- [Fix] Multiple currencies - Update currency rates doesn't work (#3665)
- [Fix] Download PDF for Simple PDF banner is not working in affiliate panel (#3686)
- [Fix] Deprecated error messages for PHP 7.2 (#3687)
- [Feature] New signup theme - Coupe (#3319)
- [Feature] Direct links urls: add date created and date changed columns (#3675)
- [Feature] Add affiliate status to Commission Groups in affiliate edit screen (#3632)
- [Fix] Deeplink generator: added http protocol instead of https (#3678)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: Wrong title in Copy rule popup (#3540)
- [Fix] Performance rewards: it is not possible to save rule with condition value "1 000 001" (#3670)
- [Fix] HTML Signup Form + jquery: visible
en error message (#3680) - [Fix] HTML Signup Form: Optional not in signup fields are added (#3668)
- [Fix] API: it is possible to insert commission for not existing affiliate (#3505)
- [Fix] BigCommerceAPIv3: extra data fields are always empty (#3655)
- [Fix] Stripe product ID is not loaded for Stripe subscriptions (#3656)
- [Feature] Add option to cancel/close affiliate account by affiliate (#2279)
- [Feature] Add parent details to the plugin: Affiliate info in external page plugin (#3622)
- [Feature] Add tracking of refunds to SamCart integration (#3613)
- [Feature] Add useragent/browser info to logins history (#3644)
- [Fix] Audit log for Payout settings create log even no change was made (#2865)
- [Fix] Error in cmmissions list for affiliate panel for action commissions (#3629)
- [Fix] Android push notifications are not working (#3426)
- [Fix] Transaction API uses incorrect commission group when affiliate is defined by referral ID (#3599)
- [Fix] Affiliate info plugin - First name Last name option does not work (#3628)
- [Fix] Nodes in Tree of subaffiliates are too narrow in chrome (#3641)
- [Feature] Add process for validation email account (#3514)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add bonus commission as % from total cost (#3565)
- [Feature] Allow short visitor cookie values (less than 32 characters)(#2870)
- [Feature] Add option to send reason why affiliate is declined in campaign (#3578)
- [Fix] Affiliate sale tracking codes: is possible to approve empty code (#3616)
- [Fix] Affiliate sale tracking codes: code for deleted campaign is displayed as global (#3614)
- [Fix] Javscript tracking should use latest comma or dot for decimal separator, not first (#3597)
- [Fix] Design fixes for transaction and email detail (#3608)
- [Feature] Banners & Links: Add button for copy affiliate link from all banners (#1779)
- [Feature] Add plugin: Move affiliates to commission group based on profile field value (#3594)
- [Feature] Add parent related variables in all affiliate panel templates (#408)
- [Feature] Add affiliate name, refid and username to Subaffiliates sales ratio screen (#3330)
- [Fix] Country code in transactions grid is not displayed with name (#3592)
- [Fix] Edit transaction error: Call to a member function exists() on null (#3590)
- [Fix] Slow transaction general search (#3589)
- [Fix] Subaffiliates sales ratio screen error on general search (#3585)
- [Feature] Coupons: add option to import coupons with affiliates from CSV (#3117)
- [Feature] Add screen for displaying sum of payouts by affiliate (#2759)
- [Feature] Add advanced filter for affiliate/banner/campaign statistics tab (#3210)
- [Feature] Campaign scheduler new condition for Sale, Click, Action commissions (#3528)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add new condition: totalcost of sales and recurring of whole tree (#3308)
- [Feature] Copy get parameters from destination url to dynamic link (#3393)
- [Fix] PAN: unable to require new Terms & conditions from one network account (#3482)
- [Fix] HTML tags in Terms & conditions are displayed as plain text in affiliate panel (#3558)
- [Fix] Affiliate does not see split ration in commissions table (#3579)
- [Fix] Negative numbers are not rounded mathematically correct (#3580)
- [Feature] PAN: add option to change the account for merchant (#3481)
- [Feature] Add an option to filter affiliate in top banners report (#3532)
- [Feature] Display relevant affiliates in the affiliate listbox when creating commissions manually for private campaign (#3442)
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add action to update affiliate data field only (#3497)
- [Feature] Multiple merchants: Add userid column to merchants grid (#3554)
- [Feature] Created integration plugin for SamCart (#3564)
- [Feature] Created integration plugin for Mailchimp API v3 (#3512)
- [Feature] Created plugin for user synchronization with Hubspot (#3551)
- [Fix] Clicks list: Export to CSV with filter can stuck (#3511)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (#3529)
- [Fix] data1/data2 fields in banners links are not displayed in preview (#3519)
- [Fix] data1/data2 fields in banners links are not used for zip, pdf banners (#3522)
- [Fix] Top banners report - incorrect columns width for default view (#3566)
- [Fix] Insert attached image button is not working in simple PDF banner editor (#3536)
- [Fix] PAN: account invoice disappear from invoices list after mark as paid (#3527)
- [Fix] Coupons shouldn`t be case sensitive (#3507)
- [Fix] Email validator is missing on server side for affiliate fields (#3482)
- [Fix] Rebrand PDF banner is not able to generate PDF with euro symbol "€" (#3417)
- [Fix] Recurring commission is changed to normal sale after Edit transaction (#3116)
- [Fix] Add close button to all panel notifications (#1871)
- [Feature] Add data1 data2 fields to banners links in affiliate panel (#3392)
- [Feature] New BigCommerce plugin for API v3 (#3480)
- [Feature] Add option to use like search via % to custom filter fields (#3504)
- [Feature] After pay affiliates process display dialog with next steps (#3141)
- [Feature] PayPal plugin add option to choose values for sale data fields (#2452)
- [Feature] VolusionAPI: Add option to use Affiliate Commissionable Value instead of Total (#3490)
- [Fix] PAN: Network merchant can manually create commission under default merchant account (#3441)
- [Fix] Banners counts in banners categories is always 1 (#3499)
- [Fix] Design fixes and optimization in css (#3461)
- [Fix] Home screen: change totalcost of sales to totalcost of all transactions (#3495)
- [Fix] LastPass addon fills affiliate username and passwor in edit affiliate form (#2758)
- [Feature] Add ability to sort news in the news manager (#3436)
- [Feature] Deactivate reset password link if user credentials are changed (#3447)
- [Feature] Display 'Tracked by' column in commissions in affiliate panel (#3444)
- [Feature] Hide campaign name in Action commission columns names (#3466)
- [Feature] Shopify - add product vendor to product ID options (#3484)
- [Feature] Send email actions under Edit affiliate screen should require confirmation (#3458)
- [Fix] Merchant session is active after merchant user is deleted (#3455)
- [Fix] Missing email validator in custom HTML Signup with javascript/jquery (#3477)
- [Fix] Transactions statistics cache is not refreshed after updating dateinserted via import transactions (#3485)
- [Fix] Shopify - affiliate creation problem (#3479)
- [Fix] Segpay plugin generates commissions for declined transactions (#3446)
- [Fix] Unable to create coupon banner if STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is enabled (#3452)
- [Fix] Banner SEO field should be hidden for plain wrapper (#2592)
- [Feature] Rebrand PDF: Add "first name" and "last name" to one variable "name"(#3451)
- [Feature] API: add support to add coupon to affiliate by coupon code (#3450)
- [Feature] Audit log: user status in commission group or in campaign is not logged (#3449)
- [Feature] PayPal - create affiliate only on specific button/product (#3415)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin does not check default parent setting when creating a new affiliate (#3439)
- [Fix] Recurring commissions: fixed cost is applied but not displayed in commissions (#3445)
- [Fix] VAT ID validation is not correct for Greek VAT IDs (#3448)
- [Feature] Add split commissions support to Recurring commissions (#3434)
- [Feature] Stop tracking clicks if affiliate is not added in private campaign (#3266)
- [Feature] API: Add 'Equals', 'Not Equals' or 'Not In' for campaigns and banners categories (#2112)
- [Feature] Created integration plugin for Cratejoy (#3425)
- [Feature] Created integration plugin for Segpay (#3407)
- [Fix] Special characters in click data1/data2 are url encoded (#3430)
- [Fix] Action commissions listbox not working, if there are are over 500 values (#3429)
- [Fix] pap4.rtl.css should be read-only (#3421)
- [Fix] Creating affiliates via integration plugins should ignore mandatory fields (#3419)
- [Fix] Don't allow to edit merchant of network owner role (#3389)
- [Fix] Campaign ID is mandatory while manually adding a commission (#3386)
- [Feature] Add counter to Banner and Campaign Categories filter (#1970)
- [Feature] Create panel notification for merchant if requests processing is delayed (#3379)
- [Feature] Add variant_title into Shopify plugins extra data fields (#3405)
- [Feature] Add RTL support to new themes (#3199)
- [Feature] Created integration plugin for Moonclerk (#3410)
- [Fix] Slow unopitmized SQL command for deleting old data (#3403)
- [Fix] Twitter sharing button is not working in chrome in new themes (#3198)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin - problems with refunds (#3402)
- [Fix] In direct links form are visible banners and campaigns from inactive accounts (#2919)
- [Fix] New click is displayed as repeated, if unreferred click is created right before click on affiliate link (#3406)
- [Fix] PAN: Missing "Owner" after account name in some grids (#3390)
- [Fix] Planned task scheduler can schedule one same task more times (#3401)
- [Feature] Add country commissions support for import transactions from CSV (#3371)
- [Feature] Add country commissions support for adding transactions via API with multitier creation (#3374)
- [Feature] Add session and userid variable for custom URL pages (#3369)
- [Feature] delete expired cookies after year for all accounts (#3252)
- [Feature] Add option to Lifetime Commissions plugin to tie new affiliate with original parent (#3347)
- [Fix] Samples and tests subpages dont use signup theme (#1795)
- [Fix] Traffic info menu item is visible also for netwrok merchants (#3368)
- [Fix] duplicate max-age header for tracking scripts (#2724)
- [Security] Possible XSS vurnerability in via banner preview (#3333)
- [Fix] Unable to create smarty template cache file on windows server (#3336)
- [Fix] Infusionsoft plugin skips affiliate creation when no sale was made (#3344)
- [Fix] Aweber API plugin: authorization script is not able login (#3338)
- [Fix] Recharge plugin: add support for recurring commissions (#3267)
- [Fix] Import transactions/affiliates fields number start at 0 (#3345)
- [Fix] PAP3 migration script: session is not created (#3342)
- [Fix] Error in update step: 5.6.32: missing column in table qu_pap_referrerurls (#3340)
- [Security] Possible XSS vulnerability in samples and tests (#3328)
- [Feature] Add affiliate data fields to performance rewards condition and action (#3261)
- [Feature] Add status option and dataX text to Assign to groups by ordered products plugin (#3265)
- [Feature] API: add option to set proxy server for curl call (#3298)
- [Feature] AWeber plugin: implement aweber API for adding affiliates to list (#117)
- [Fix] PAP API sale tracker error: Class 'Gpf_Settings' not found (#3331)
- [Fix] Recurring commission aren't created correctly for all tiers if tiers are missing in commission group (#3325)
- [Fix] Parent affiliate is not correctly recognized if default parent is set (#3324)
- [Fix] Weekly report is generated also for affiliates registered later than reported week (#3313)
- [Fix] Stripe plugin creates empty commissions, these requests should be ignored (#2367)
- [Fix] Cybersource plugin - add lifetime support (#2331)
- [Performance] Slow sql for inserting referrerurl during click request processing (#3314)
- [Feature] Anonymize IP address: last octet of the IP address will be changed to 0 (#3307)
- [Feature] Split commissions: add option set split ratio for commissions created manually via API (#3229)
- [Feature] Anonymize sale customer data stored in transactions data fields (#3221)
- [Fix] Referrer URL search in clicks list is broken (#3297)
- [Fix] Affiliate signup form: parent should be editable if is recognized and visible (#3231)
- [Fix] Maximum commissions per referral: settings are same for all commission groups (#3303)
- [Fix] Shopify plugin - parent of created affiliate is not latest referring affiliate (#3311)
- [Feature] Improve traffic info report design and add additional details (#3284)
- [Feature] Recurring commission: add option to recompute commission for new totalcost by initial settings (#3287)
- [Feature] GeoIP: Add option to recognize transaction country code from click (#3246)
- [Feature] Login fraud protection: block per username or IP only affiliate or merchant panel (#3243)
- [Feature] Shopify plugin: add product ID tracking options (#3225)
- [Feature] Sale fraud protection: add option to block orders from same IP per commission type (#3095)
- [Feature] Deeplink generator's add affiliate variables to additiona parameters (#2676)
- [Fix] Affiliate menu tree configuration: scroll is not allowed during moving, add up/down buttons (#3205)
- [Fix] API: Adding transaction with multitier creation doesn't return ID (#3289)
- [Fix] Favicon is not working in firefox browser (#3286)
- [Fix] In channel stats grid default view show all clicks instead of repeated (#3279)
- [Fix] Username can contains spaces, missing trim function (#3277)
- [Fix] rename: "Per Sale / Lead" to "Per sale" in campaigns commission description (#3276)
- [Fix] BigCommerce: transaction data fields are not set if coupon not exists and should be applied (#3274)
- [Fix] Conversion ratio in trends report in affiliate panel include also higher tier commissions (#3268)
- [Feature] GDPR: option to hide IP addresses of visitors and affiliates (#3188)
- [Feature] PAN: add option to configure tracking IP address validity for account (#1984)
- [Feature] Created Recharge integration plugin (#3248)
- [Fix] Visit processor: visits tasks are not executed continuously for big accounts (#3258)
- [Fix] Recurring commission should not recompute commission if totalcost is same as initial (#3249)
- [Performance] Optimized update steps from previous version
- [Fix] Improved sale tracking script for PrestaShop and Shopify, to support delete for "per product" tracking
- [Fix] PAN: sale notification is not sent to affiliate when merchant notification email is not filled
- [Important] Update of accounts with high traffic can take few hours
- [Feature] Add option to sort by banner name to Banners & Links in affiliate panel
- [Feature] CPM: add option to count impressions per whole campaign
- [Feature] PAN: add option to block creating flash banners for network merchants
- [Fix] Javascript tracking codes gives ReferenceError when strict is enabled
- [Fix] In period stats for affilaite panel is dispayed totalcost and count only from first tier
- [Fix] Make version hash in PapApi.class.php file as php variable
- [Fix] Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes - broken columns width
- [Fix] Typos in deeplink generator configuration screen
- [Fix] Chargify plugin does not track refunds
- [Fix] New Facebook share option requires image url with protocol
- [Fix] Disable seding referrer from aplication pages
- [Fix] API errors: RPC Execution exception: Could not lock token consumption
- [Fix] Plugin InterspireEmailMarketer is not working correctly
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] Add search by banner name for Banners & Links in affiliate panel
- [Feature] Shopify plugin: add option to create affiliate on exact products only
- [Fix] PHP Warnings and notices for PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2
- [Fix] Signup form: Field description of radio buttons is not displayed
- [Fix] Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes - global callback is not called
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: new affilite should be created also if sale is not saved
- [Fix] Rebrand pdf files are deleted as temporary files
- [Fix] Home/period stats: Missing CommissionsFirstTier for last 30 days
- [Fix] Affiliate program name should be used as title in signup and login form
- [Fix] PayPal plugin: sale request is not saved if product contains hebrew characters
- [Fix] Monthly report can be generated for one more month back
- [Feature] Allow merchant to change coupon validity
- [Feature] API: allow AffiliateSignup with merchant's session if signup form is disabled
- [Feature] New conditions for campaign scheduler: conversion rate for sales and actions
- [Feature] Plugin: Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser, ability to set % commission
- [Feature] Display campaign status in affiliate commission groups
- [Feature] Add statistics columns of actions to custom filter fields
- [Feature] Affiliate panel: Allow to create own filters for campaigns
- [Fix] Banners/campaigns category fiter is not applied as default filter
- [Fix] In Clicks list for affiliate is missing click type column
- [Fix] Incorrect language for Merchant notifications emails
- [Fix] Empty content displayed if Url page for affiliate is displayed in new window
- [Fix] Shopify plugin - missing parent for created affiliate
- [Fix] Unable to edit referral or bonus commission without campaign
- [Fix] Automatic approval of commissions fails if commission type doesn't have action selected
- [Feature] GDPR: Add option to request agreement with new Terms & conditions
- [Feature] GDPR: All browser cookies expiration have to be maximally 1 year
- [Feature] GDPR: Auto delete logins history should be configurable (1-185 days)
- [Feature] GDPR: Allow to delete logins history via merchant panel
- [Feature] Audtit log: Add message after payment to affiliates
- [Fix] The QR code generator should use https instead of http
- [Fix] API click tracker: IPv6 from url parameter is not decoded
- [Fix] API: language parameter is not working for class 'Pap_Api_Affiliate'
- [Fix] Subaffiliates list is showing only first tier if visible tiers is set to Infinite
- [Feature] Added new feature: Banner retargeting - multiple destination urls
- [Feature] Create new screen to see all direct subaffiliates
- [Feature] PayPal: add option to resend IPN request
- [Feature] Shopify: Add option to create customer when a new affiliate is registered
- [Feature] Add option to add parentAffiliate photo into period_stats.stpl
- [Fix] Diasble automatic search box focus on mobile devices
- [Fix] IP of tracking requests is not correctly recognized for CloudFlare domain
- [Fix] Hide campaigns plugin should hide campaigns also from banners & links filter
- [Fix] Commission overview for commisison group doesn't display all commissions settings
- [Fix] Direct link notification is not sent if direct link is approved via Edit window
- [Fix] Error message from smtp connection test is not displayed
- [Feature] Improve brute force attack protection by IP for API, count only unsuccessful attempts
- [Feature] Add a Product IDs column to Campaigns grid
- [Feature] Improve generation of next invoice number
- [Fix] Top referring url in affiliate panel should depends on overwrite cookies setting
- [Fix] LiveAgent integration should send nomal email if it is not able to create new ticket
- [Fix] Missing country flag for country affiliate data field
- [Fix] It is not possible to pay zero value commissions
- [Fix] Transaction browser value is not visible via edit transaction form
- [Fix] Error on Export clicks from clicks grid when sort column is not chosen
- [Feature] Add "create action" for banner, campaign, affiliate into Audit log options
- [Feature] Add payout option id to affiliate invoice
- [Fix] Next page grid utton in banners & link in affiliate panel works on second click
- [Fix] SQL optimization for clicks processing
- [Fix] style and alt properties are removed from attached images tags in email content
- [Fix] Error on importing language if lang_text_direction contains more characters
- [Fix] External url of image banner (from another PAP account) is updated to bannerid
- [Feature] Facebook connect - added option to share images of image banners
- [Feature] Audit log: add PAN accounts changes and invoices
- [Bug] security: possible javascript, SQL, php injection via merchant account
- [Fix] Multiple currencies - automatic exchange rate doesn't work
- [Fix] Save commission to default affiliate, if recognized affiliate is not in the private campaign
- [Fix] Recurring commissions info is missing on campaigns in affiliate panel
- [Fix] Zip banner: files in zip folder are not loaded
- [Fix] Ecwid plugin approves also declined transactions
- [Feature] Upgrade google reCAPTCHA to new version 2.0
- [Fix] Audit log: users listbox - system user is not visibe on searching
- [Fix] Import via import/export tool should display progress
- [Fix] Optimize loading channels in plugin ChannelsListInTemplates
- [Fix] disable option creating channels automatically for hosted accounts
- [Fix] Sale data are not correctly parsed if there is non-utf8 char
- [Fix] Affiliate sale tracking code can use params from previous transaction
- [Feature] Integration plugin with Chargify
- [Feature] Add date created and bannerid to sale callback URL
- [Fix] AutoApprovalCommissions plugin didn't approve refunds and chargebacks
- [Fix] Optimize loading of banners grid for affiliate panel
- [Fix] Optimize loading of channgels for chanel listbox filter
- [Fix] Function "approve commission by orderid" can approve also other orders
- [Fix] Performance rewards error in rule: value of direct subaffiliates total cost
- [Fix] Incorrect line number in Event logs
- [Fix] PHP memory can be exhaused when big file is exported
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] Brute force attack protection: add configuration screen
- [Feature] Execute Affiliate Sale Tracking callback on commission creation and approval
- [Feature] PAN: add option to disable netowrk account approve email
- [Fix] cookie is missing for recognizing parent affiliate fom cookies after signup without parent refid
- [Fix] GetResponseSignup: missing X-Domain header for 360 version API
- [Fix] Empty screen on Edit campaign if db_file write permission is not allowed
- [Feature] Signup affilaite should try to recognize parent from cookie
- [Feature] Move banners and campaigns categories in affiliate panel to the filter section
- [Feature] Count unreferred clicks requests
- [Feature] Audit log: add IP column to audit log grid
- [Feature] Change status by order id via cron task if order is not porcessed
- [Fix] Site replication click tracking should be removed for auto recognized affiliate
- [Fix] Error on copy of performance reward rule
- [Fix] Affiliate manager image is saved as temporary and automatically deleted
- [Fix] Error in click tracking if lifetime is enabled only per campaigns
- [Fix] in click.php is not possible to send ampersand character to data1/data2 field
- [Fix] Email sending problem: smarty cache folder for email templates is not with writeble permissions
- [Fix] Unable to save custom filter which is longer than 250 characters
- [Fix] Date approved should be set only for approved affiliates
- [Fix] Use sale/action debug logger for shopify
- [Important] new PHP extension required: bcmath
- [Security] Added option to block/allow account login by IP
- [Security] Added brute force attack protection
- [Feature] Audit log: added report for payout info changes
- [Feature] Add option to enable lifetime commissions only per specific campaigns
- [Fix] Percentage character in News manager can broke loading news
- [Fix] Removed plugin Sysinfo for security reasons
- [Fix] Shopify plugin tracking problem in IE and Safari
- [Fix] Daily report can show only one day in certain server timezone
- [Fix] ZIP banner: in the targeturl are not filled
- [Fix] Affiliate tracking codes screen error with private campaigns
- [Fix] Tracking plugins: customer IP address could not be used
- [Feature] Shopify API plugin - add possibility to set more shopify accounts
- [Feature] Show affiliates the cookie life for their commission group
- [Feature] Added Vendor tax ID (SSN) to IIF export format
- [Fix] channel code is not filled in iframe and url preview
- [Fix] Banners images are blocked for robots
- [Fix] Payouts by affiliate - export to csv is not working
- [Fix] Banner preview lists also affiliates who are not in banner's campaign
- [Fix] Api sendConfirmationEmail() is sending after approval email also for pending user
- [Fix] News editor attachments reloading doesn't work
- [Fix] Added new permissions for News editor
- [Fix] Affiliate listboxes fields save translated value
- [Fix] SQL optimization for Top Campaigns screen
- [Fix] Rest Commission plugin does not set parent transaction relation
- [Fix] supprot for only_full_group_by sql mode in Affiliate campaigns grid
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] Lifetime commission: add option to set different commission after X days
- [Feature] Add option to not edit affiliate firstname and lastname
- [Feature] Add total cost to Subaffiliate Sale Stats report
- [Feature] HTML signup form generator improvement
- [Fix] If no referrer exists for javascript tracking code, as referrer is used self page
- [Fix] Cannot insert second {$channel_code} to HTML banner
- [Fix] PHP Warnings and notices for PHP 7.1
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] Create invoices HTML design compatible with PDF generator
- [Feature] Campaign cookie lifetime is maximally 365 days for hosted accounts
- [Feature] Deleting expired visitor-affiliate relations should be enabled for hosted accounts
- [Feature] Add option to approve referral commission on first subaffiliate approved sale
- [Fix] Default custom advanced search filter is not used
- [Fix] WYSIWYG editor creates tag which is not supported in PDF generator
- [Fix] Home screen chart is loaded with delay if news content is removed
- [Fix] Put affiliate to group retroactively doesn't work for all campaigns condition
- [Fix] Forced language via parameter is not saved to cookies on index.php page
- [Fix] Default user panel theme is not used
- [Feature] Create Audit log feature: log user activity in the system
- [Feature] Create plugin for adding Referring affiliate info to commission fields
- [Feature] Site replication: display 404.html page for wrong affiliate
- [Feature] New themes improvements of grids pager and other sections
- [Fix] Site replication: fix option to disable default affiliate is disabled
- [Fix] email field validator is not working properly in some cases
- [Fix] GeoIP: map gives error for anonymous IP
- [Fix] News Manager does not translate
- [Fix] PAN: import transaction for multiple orders in another account
- [Fix] Missing sale request log message if commission is stopped by Split commission feature
- [Fix] Paid amount is displayed without VAT in Payout history if VAT is added to amount
- [Fix] PAN: Signup account via API is trying to validate captcha
- [Feature] New HTML design for affiliates and merchants invoices
- [Feature] Invoice commissions list content should be configurable via Invoice Format
- [Feature] Use SVG GeoChart instead flash map for Map Overlay report
- [Feature] Add option to display parent affiliate details in Affiliate panel home screen
- [Feature] BigCommerce plugin: add order and customer details to commission data fields
- [Fix] Minimum payout balances do not accept decimals
- [Fix] It is not visible if view columns are changed but not saved
- [Fix] PAN: owner email is not updated via Tools > Merchants
- [Fix] Commission Bonus plugin is not working together with Sale filter plugin
- [Fix] Add support for only_full_group_by mode in affiliate banners & links grid with stats
- [Fix] Shopify plugin: add support for refund tracking
- [Fix] Ultracart plugin: Ignore shipping refunds
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] Send invoice as PDF email attachment
- [Feature] Add panel logo variable for invoices
- [Feature] HTML signup form generator: added JavaScript and PHP functions
- [Feature] Add option to not delete cookies after sale request
- [Feature] Add fixed cost configuration to Recurring commissions setup
- [Feature] Add payout status filter to Top Affiliates screen
- [Feature] Split commissions: display split rate in commissions list
- [Feature] Add copuon variable to sale email and callback
- [Feature] Lifetime Commissions - add storing and loading commission group
- [Fix] Campaigns manager screen is not working on PHP 7.1
- [Fix] Unable to save promo email banner with content over 64kB
- [Fix] Theme for signup is used from affiliate panel
- [Fix] Split commissions: commissions settings help contains plain HTML
- [Fix] Network account is unable to configure stripe plugin
- [Fix] MemberMouse plugin ignores cookie value when creating new affiliate
- [Fix] Action commission for signup plugin: manual commission is not applied
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] New compact theme
- [Feature] Add functionality to delete/decline pending affiliates automatically
- [Feature] Possibility to clone banner and campaign with same categories as original banner or campaign
- [Feature] Add option to import affiliates without changing status of existing affiliates
- [Feature] Ability to set IP address when creating affiliate via API
- [Feature] Add Date approved to affiliate panel Commissions grid
- [Fix] "Get another coupon" can assign expired coupon to affiliate
- [Fix] Import of affiliates or commissions: big error file could be broken
- [Fix] Import of affiliates or commissions: error message is missing if header contains more same columns
- [Fix] Dynamic link is not working with iframe wrapper for DirectLink style linking method
- [Fix] Imported theme files are saved as temporary and could be automatically deleted
- [Fix] Performance rewards 'number of action commissions' for all actions is not working
- [Fix] CallBack tracking does not work for multi tier commissions
- [Fix] It is possible to create channel with empty code and name
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] API: Add option to load campaign categories tree with campaign IDs
- [Feature] Update GetResponse to use their newest API v3
- [Feature] Add Account ID to Shopify API and notification handling plugin for PAN
- [Fix] Export to CSV in clicks list doesn't include Affiliate Name
- [Fix] Adding images to Promo emails is not working properly
- [Fix] Dynamic link is not working with iframe and javascript wrapper
- [Fix] Theme background image, and HTML banner preview is saved as temporary and could be automatically deleted
- [Feature] Add support for PHP 7.1. (use ioncube version 10.0)
- [Feature] Add VAT columns to 'payout' history by affiliates
- [Fix] Error in computing user affiliates tree
- [Fix] tracking script name is not hashed in Tracking code in site replication
- [Fix] Additional options in commission settings are not saved during first creation of the commission
- [Fix] Incorrect width of columns in Invoice grid for hosted accounts accounting
- [Feature] Add Possibility to change system timezone
- [Feature] Add Possibility to choose current user timezone
- [Feature] Plugin for ActiveCampaign synchronization
- [Fix] if refid is hidden, save of affiliate profile in affiliate panel generates new refid
- [Fix] LiveAgent feature should create trial account
- [Fix] Quotes in click data parameter can cause that click is not saved
- [Fix] Flags missing in list of countries in Country specific commission
- [Feature] PAN: add screen for all invoices created by owner for merchants
- [Feature] Add banner categories filter to screens with banner filter
- [Feature] Add csv export functionality to 'affiliates in campaigns' grid
- [Feature] Pay Affiliates grid: Add affiliate fields to custom filter
- [Feature] Add fraud protection by IP address AND UserAgent
- [Feature] Roles privileges - add select All/None option
- [Feature] Add option to show commissions of more affiliates
- [Feature] Add possibility to 'Open Payouts in Commissions' for Affiliates as well
- [Feature] Affiliate info plugin: add additional user fields
- [Fix] Columns width is too big for some grids
- [Fix] Campaign categories advanced filter is not working if is used as default filter
- [Fix] Ultracart plugin: substracted discount is rounded to integer
- [Fix] Lifetime commissions grid: Missing refid column in export to csv
- [Fix] Commissions grid in new themes doesn't work with Edge
- [Fix] GeoIP not working for IPv6
- [Fix] Deeplink generator generates channel ID instead of code into a link
- [Fix] Import transactions: missing option for not changing status
- [Fix] Affiliate signup callback URL encoding
- [Feature] Notification for affiliates on removed from Private campaign
- [Feature] Extend 'Assign to groups by ordered products' plugin
- [Feature] All user sessions should be deleted when user change his username or password
- [Fix] Grid columns width is not working correctly add saving to views
- [Fix] PAN: Show commissions from Accounting: date filter is shifted to server timezone
- [Fix] Ultracart plugin: Substract shipping option needs to substract discount as well
- [Fix] Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser does not work for recurring commissions
- [Fix] Commissions grid: Missing commissionTypeName column in csv export
- [Fix] EcwidAPI plugin improvement
- [Fix] Error on sending email notification on stopped replicated site
- [Fix] Unable to load affiliate via API by username
- [Fix] Do not hide Parent field in signup doesn't work
- [Fix] Import of campaigns allows to import multiple default campaigns
- [Fix] When creating the site replication banner the Replicated site files section isn't visible
- [Fix] Use customer Useragent for loading replicated page
- [Fix] Affiliate note field from payouts isn't added to On Payout email
- [Fix] Empty affiliate columns in Payouts by affiliate grid
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Fix] Unable to import language with special characters
- [Fix] API function getAppVersion() is not working
- [Feature] PAN: add option to configure IP and referrer fraud protection for account
- [Feature] Add possibility to whitelist ip address in fraud protection
- [Feature] Add an option to edit/delete copies of the themes
- [Feature] Pay affiliates grid: Add option to filter Affiliates requested payment
- [Feature] News manager - add user variables and images
- [Feature] Import affiliates: match existing affiliates also by username
- [Feature] Import affiliates: parent affiliate could be recognized also username
- [Feature] Import lifetime affiliate relation: affiliate should be recognized also by username
- [Feature] Export to CSV for Lifetime referrals manager
- [Feature] Add option to send email notification if 'bonus commission' is created manually
- [Feature] Email outbox: Add from email address column
- [Fix] If username is not email, mail to friend should use notification email
- [Fix] MassPay export is exporting empty columns if field code contains spaces
- [Fix] Banner categories are not being translated
- [Fix] Unable to activate replicated site feature
- [Fix] Shopify plugin should create affiliate at the beginning of commission saving
- [Fix] PAN: Allow grid widget for approve/decline pending commissions permission
- [Fix] Missing pager in listboxes for old classic theme
- [Fix] Export to CSV should exoprt only displayed columns
- [Feature] Add custom domain check for CNAME configuration
- [Feature] Add mass action button for deleting commission groups in campaign
- [Feature] BigCommerce plugin: add support for multiple currencies
- [Fix] Unable to create HTML and Promo email banners
- [Fix] Campaign category filter in commissions grid is not working with action name filter
- [Feature] Lifetime Commissions - add date created/updated column for a lifetime relation
- [Feature] Performance rewards rules: add option to choose specific campaigns
- [Feature] Performance rewards rules: add option to choose specific action commissions
- [Feature] Improved Keywords Performance feature, recognize keywords also from url parameter
- [Feature] Improve Traffic Info screen - add charts
- [Fix] Import/export tool error for importing non-utf8 characters
- [Fix] Braintree integration fixed updating status of commission
- [Fix] Improved getting Affiliate Id from cookies
- [Fix] Campaign description variable is escaped in email notifications
- [Fix] Import transactions: affiliate should be recognized also by username
- [Fix] API tracking: PHP cookie is not created
- [Fix] Chargebee plugin discount VAT from commissions
- [Fix] Bigcommerce plugin does not accept "cart" discounts
- [Fix] Not possible to filter by advanced filters tihether with general search in Logs grid
- [Fix] Chargebee plugin: total cost needs to be converted from cents
- [Fix] Improved user interface in banners/campaigns categories
- [Fix] Merchant notification email variables displays affiliate variables
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] PAN: Compute performance rewards from all campaigns of netowrk account
- [Feature] PAN: Add relation between invoiced commissions and affiliate payout
- [Feature] PAN: Add show commissions button to accounting tab
- [Feature] Lifetime Commissions: move setting for Custom commissions to campaigns
- [Feature] Add also user ID to signup Callback URL
- [Feature] Add option to set IP for PAP API sale/click tracker
- [Fix] IOS push mobile notifications certificate update
- [Fix] Theme editor search should hide empty folders
- [Fix] Listbox will not open options if value is once chosen
- [Fix] Some next bots are creating tracking requests
- [Fix] Transactions/affiliates import errors are not visible in error file
- [Fix] Incorrect mail attachment
- [Fix] Incorrect MIME type on get_affinfo.php script
- [Fix] Lifetime cookie expiration check works only for sales
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] PAN: Add possibility to disable Merchant signup form
- [Feature] PAN: Display network owner account in Network Accounts list
- [Feature] Add Callback URL for affiliate signup
- [Feature] Add performance rewards bonuses to top campaigns grid
- [Feature] Add performance rewards and signup bonuses to top affiliates grid
- [Feature] Add option to edit affiliate for Visitor affiliates records
- [Fix] Listbox values are not visible after searching
- [Fix] Sending android push notifications can give error
- [Fix] BigCommerce API plugin should deduct coupon discount and shiping
- [Fix] Export via Tools > Import/Export is not working
- [Fix] PayPal plugin: affiliate is not approved after payment
- [Feature] Add campaigns categories Filter to the grids
- [Feature] Add option to filter only new customers sales via Minimum Total Cost plugin
- [Feature] Google maps added API key configuration option
- [Feature] BigCommerceAPI plugin improvements, added option to store customer name
- [Feature] API tracking requets should be sent as GET requests
- [Feature] Integration with Chargebee
- [Fix] Recurring commission rule is not approved when its commission is approved manually
- [Fix] IonCube encoding: warning Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
- [Fix] Lifetime Commissions creates referral even if commission is stopped by Minimum Total Cost plugin
- [Fix] Commission is not saved if productid or orderid is longer than 255 characters
- [Fix] Top referring URLs are not recomputed after campaign is deleted
- [Fix] Error during editing allowed and default views for affilaite panel
- [Fix] Update currency rates function not working for some currencies
- [Fix] Click tracking data1 and data2 are htmlencoded
- [Fix] Cannot open file gpf.css in Theme editor
- [Fix] API: Payout fields values are not saved via Pap_Api_Affiliate
- [Fix] Terms and conditions does not scroll and cannot be extended in August theme
- [Fix] Order icon is not visible in edit views
- [Fix] Some fixes in Shopify plugin
- [Feature] Possibility to export channel stats report into csv
- [Feature] Add logins count and last login columns to Merchants grid
- [Feature] Add checkbox filter type to custom filters
- [Feature] Merge multiple delete buttons in some grids
- [Feature] Banner rotator improvements: delete more banners
- [Feature] Add 'does not equal' to custom filter numeric fields
- [Feature] Add Campaign type filter
- [Fix] Top affiliates doesn't show refunds/chargebacks
- [Fix] Error in Top referring URLs for PAN if cron is running
- [Fix] Design fixes and improvements
- [Feature] PayPal IPN verification use HTTPS
- [Feature] User actions requests resending on 503 server error
- [Fix] Lifetime commission plugin option: 'Tie new affiliate with' doesn't work if affiliate is added manually
- [Fix] Shopify plugin affiliate creation doesn't work
- [Fix] fixed mysql error caused by STRICT_TRANS_TABLES sql mode
- [Fix] Shopify plugin javascript error
- [Fix] Changing status of transactions via import should not require user ID
- [Feature] Lifetime referrals manager add import from CSV
- [Feature] Add list of country codes to fraud protection settings
- [Feature] Move affiliates from deleted commission group to default group in private campaign
- [Feature] Add button to categories tree for fast creating subcategory
- [Feature] Shopify plugin improvements
- [Feature] Add button for reverting template changes in theme editor.
- [Fix] Disable banners link in Affiliate campaigns for manual not approved campaign
- [Fix] Rules conditions date in Performace rewards should depends on datainserted of created transaction
- [Fix] Improved PDF parser in rebrand pdf banner
- [Fix] Not translated Y/N value in merchant view of checkbox fields
- [Fix] PHP7 warnings fixed
- [Fix] fixed errors for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode
- [Fix] Stripe plugin stops tracking if customer email isn't found
- [Fix] Banners Images with space in name are not working
- [Fix] PagePeal banner preview is not working
- [Fix] Plugin for EasyLocator updated and fixed
- [Fix] Added next designs improvements for new bootstrap themes
- [Feature] Add a 'text field' for affiliates when they apply for a public campaign with manual approval
- [Feature] add support for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode
- [Fix] Banners links shared via Pinterest are not working
- [Fix] Grid Edit view is not clickable on Safari mac
- [Fix] PHP7 warnings
- [Fix] Added next designs improvement for new bootstrap themes
- [Feature] Added new August/Bootstrap theme for signup
- [Feature] Added integration plugin for Avangate
- [Feature] Add template syntax check for import themes tool
- [Fix] Commission is not saved if custom commission is used with multiple currency
- [Fix] Export to csv of clicks grid is not working if grid is not sorted
- [Fix] PHP7 warnings
- [Fix] Added next design improvements for new bootstrap themes
- [Fix] Hide plugin SysInfo for hosted accounts
- [Fix] Shopify plugin error
- [Fix] EasyLocator plugin task error
- [Feature] Add PHP 7 compatibility (for ionCube loader)
- [Feature] Add variable {$photo} to email promotion banner
- [Fix] Unable to set account domain
- [Fix] Date filter in Top referring URLs report doesn't work
- [Fix] Imported changed translations are not marked as custom
- [Fix] Hosted account invoices: display price billed
- [Feature] Updated PDF generator for simple PDF banner
- [Feature] Add option to pay also negative commission balance
- [Feature] Add delete button to each banner/campaign category
- [Feature] PAN: Allow to display Payouts history screen by permissions
- [Fix] Fixed communication with CRM: unable to process checkout
- [Fix] PAN: Invoice in network merchant email is escaped
- [Fix] Incorrect links for downloading rebrand PDF in affiliate panel
- [Fix] Export of top referring urls is not working
- [Fix] Move date formatter to smarty variable instead of PHP sourcecode
- [Fix] Disabled or new imported language is not possible to enable
- [Fix] Unable to add country specific commission
- [Fix] Creating a copy of one of the new themes breaks some theme functionality
- [Fix] Banner images containing plus or space in name are not working
- [Fix] Recurring commissions grid is not working
- [Feature] PAN: Stripe plugin - add support for network merchants
- [Feature] Create plugin which allows to hide campaigns
- [Feature] Block PAP panels in iframe
- [Fix] Optimization of site replication cache
- [Fix] Optimization of daily report
- [Fix] Captcha plugin - missing text for 3-rd radio option in settings
- [Fix] Incorrect commission group for performance rule after copy of campaign
- [Fix] Error: Unknown column description in affiliate campaigns grid
- [Fix] It is possible to save empty status of commission via API or import
- [Fix] New themes design fixes
- [Fix] Optimization for cron tasks, and delete old data tasks
- [Fix] Optimization for include and set headers commands used in tracking requests
- [Fix] Optimization for click.php script (faster redirect to destination url)
- [Fix] iFrame wrapper needs to generate HTML representation of ampersands
- [Fix] Fixed cost in percentage is not working via javascript tracking
- [Feature] Lifetime commissions: create relation with parent affiliate on signup
- [Feature] Add POST signup fields to the page to which new affiliate is redirected after signup
- [Bug] Sql Injection vulnerability
- [Bug] Possible XSS vulnerability
- [Bug] Error on creation of banner rotator
- [Bug] Possible sql injection
- [Bug] Click tracking custom data fields encoding problem
- [Bug] New themes design fixes
- [Bug] Commission group cookie: validity shows default value
- [Bug] Add option to set channel into the transaction import
- [Bug] Countries list in country commissions settings shows HTML sourcecode
- [Bug] Performance rewards: PHP warnings
- [Feature] API: Add function Refund commissions by order ID
- [Feature] Add option to set channel into the transaction import
- [Feature] Add option to change and set default filter for affiliates grids
- [Bug] Design in new themes: Create new Banner background
- [Bug] Design in new themes: Color palette in HTML editor is not visible
- [Bug] Fix compatibility: Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser and Performance Rewards
- [Bug] Hosted: change plan detail is not visible after click on trial notification button
- [Bug] Parent transaction ID isn't correctly set if a tier commission isn't saved
- [Bug] Sale tracking script generates duplicate click when sale is tracked on same page as click
- [Feature] PAN: network accoutnt new fees types (totalcost, commissions count)
- [Feature] PAN: Do not allow merchant to create campaigns if he didn't add funds to his balance first
- [Feature] Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser: should compare affiliate also by email
- [Feature] Fraud protection - allow multiple products processing
- [Feature] Add support for using classname for cookie to field and link functions
- [Feature] Add option: Clone commission groups
- [Feature] Mass export: display decimal delimiter option before export
- [Feature] Add option to set limit for email outbox
- [Feature] Added new responsive affiliate panel design theme based on bootstrap
- [Bug] Stripe plugin error with refunds
- [Bug] Incorrect parrent of user on forced matrix
- [Bug] plugin: Affiliate info in external page execute sale processor multiple times
- [Bug] Bugs in template editor in new theme
- [Bug] Affiliate Sale Tracking Code - callback isn't executed on first approval of commission
- [Bug] Grid action tasks infinite cycle when low php memory is set
- [Feature] Add support of wildcard * or ? in campaign product ID matching
- [Feature] Add possibility to close dialogs by ESC button
- [Feature] Add banners and campaigns filter to Visitor affiliates list
- [Feature] Display integration tracking codes simple version without document.write()
- [Bug] Custom page for affiliates doesn't work if name contains % sign
- [Bug] In LiveAgent theme in affiliate panel is possible to scrool down
- [Bug] Design of application name in features list
- [Feature] Move system menu buttons to panel header
- [Feature] Move plugins and features from main menu to configuration
- [Feature] Import affiliates - parent affiliate could be set as refid or userid
- [Feature] Infusionsoft integration plugin: save contact details to transaction fields
- [Feature] Hosted accounts checkout: Add option for inserting coupon fields
- [Bug] Payout options field type listbox is not changeable
- [Bug] Long texts in desciptions are cut off
- [Bug] Htaccess check is not working for new installations
- [Bug] Hosted accounts checkout: Credit card input fields are not displayed during updating payment details
- [Bug] Channel variable is not filled in banenr destination url
- [Feature] Optimize forced matrix feature
- [Feature] Affiliate info plugin: hide photo alt text and div element if photo doesn't exist
- [Bug] Assigning coupons to affiliates does not work
- [Bug] Zip banners upload file doesn't work
- [Bug] Coupons banner preview error
- [Bug] Affiliate manager: last login date is in server timezone
- [Bug] Logins count is not increased when affiliate logs first time via change password link
- [Bug] Breadcrumbs does not work correctly
- [Bug] Affiliate panel shows target URLs of banners from manual not approved campaign for affiliate
- [Feature] Improve plugin: Generate Affiliate User ID as autoincremented sequence
- [Feature] Shopify plugin: add an option to create affiliate account automatically
- [Bug] Payout method listbox is not working
- [Bug] Improved new bootstrap theme
- [Bug] Fixed some design issues
- [Feature] Added new responsive merchant panel design theme based on bootstrap
- [Bug] Merchant theme is changed to default after logout and login
- [Feature] Flash is blocked if tracking script is loaded from another domain as page
- [Feature] Add referral ID and all affiliate details into Lifetime referrals manager view
- [Feature] Recurring commission improvement for using current commission group
- [Feature] Add option to copy/duplicate performance rule
- [Feature] Add possibility to use payout variables in email templates
- [Feature] Add help for Signup fields
- [Bug] Popup edit widget is not scrolling
- [Bug] PAN: Imported commission is assigned to default account if account id is missing
- [Bug] HTML banner preview in new window removes javascript
- [Bug] Deeplink generator is adding campaign parameter as anchor for redirect method
- [Bug] Unable to set zero value for affiliate vat percentage
- [Bug] API affiliate signup call gives negative response on success signup
- [Bug] Blue aero theme: Live chat button displays scrollbars
- [Bug] Import theme: blue aero theme is imported as single mode
- [Bug] Delete cookie after sale, removes cookie after first product
- [Bug] Sale tracking javascript is using global variable 'i'
- [Feature] Infusionsoft plugin: recurring commission tracking
- [Bug] Features 'Buy now' button doesn't work
- [Bug] Auto approval commissions plugin: merchant notification doesn't work
- [Bug] Signup Form HTML generator preview shows extra code
- [Bug] Affiliate default theme is not applied for affiliate emails
- [Bug] Only matched recurrence in OptimizeMember plugin is linked with total cost
- [Bug] Images uploader doesn't work in chrome browser
- [Bug] Login to Mobile applications is not working
- [Bug] Banner confirmation is displayed for new HTML and promo email banners
- [Bug] Images uploader doesn't work (image banners, profile, logo)
- [Bug] Affiliates in campaign screen in campaign configuration doesn't work
- [Bug] mercahnt cannot edit hidden affiliate fields, note and photo
- [Bug] API affiliate grid request sql error
- [Feature] API affiliate signup could work without session
- [Feature] Infusionsoft plugin: add affiliate registration functionality
- [Feature] add additional values to custom filter of Clicks list
- [Bug] security: possible javascript injection
- [Bug] Banner parameter is not recognized from QR code
- [Bug] Request payment button does not work
- [Bug] Subaffiliates tree filter is not editable
- [Bug] HTML banner preview in new window is not working
- [Bug] new Mobile application is not working for affilaites
- [Bug] RSS feed reader is not working
- [Bug] screen 'Affiliates in campaigns' doesn't display Paused campaigns
- [Bug] quick reports compute action commissions twice
- [Bug] Edit affiliate via Pap_Api_Affiliate could broke affiliate password
- [Feature] fixed security error (possibility to create merchant account)
- [Feature] API: create separated object for affiliate signup: Pap_Api_AffiliateSignup
- [Feature] Add theme option for custom design to disable gpf.css and common pap4.css
- [Feature] Create separate screen for affiliate sale tracking codes feature
- [Bug] multiple javascript tracking code is not working with suffix: pap_tracking_suffix
- [Bug] Affiliate panel tour video is not working
- [Bug] affiliate signup logs: missing inserted values
- [Bug] SMTP email account errors
- [Feature] Create plugin for synchronization commission groups in campaigns by group names
- [Feature] Add user details option for parent ID column in Pay Affiliates screen
- [Feature] Improved security for loading files and Cross-site scripting
- [Bug] Affiliate panel > Banners and links > Banner size listbox shows multiple records
- [Bug] Affiliate campaigns list: long description icon should be hidden if there is no description
- [Bug] Remove modulesinfo.php file and particular function
- [Bug] Error: Unknown column data1 for generating of weekly/ monthly reports
- [Bug] SMTP email account not authentificated (update functions needed)
- [Bug] banner.php without parameters displays exception content instead of error message
- [Feature] Increase rows count in grids
- [Feature] Add button for Mass change affiliate status in a commission group
- [Feature] 2checkout plugin improvements: add support for IP address, lifetime commissions
- [Feature] Performance Rewards - add "this/last quarter" filter option
- [Feature] Add more social options into the Affiliate manger info
- [Feature] PAN: add account details column widget #1267
- [Bug] Banners images are not allowed for google bot
- [Bug] Banners confirmation notification is sent for all new banners
- [Bug] Recurrence option "Each 4 hours" doesn't generate any actual commission
- [Bug] Clicks list slow loading
- [Bug] Commissions list slow loading
- [Bug] Special characters in email subject are incorrectly encoded
- [Bug] Stripe plugin: refunds of tracked charge events are not working
- [Bug] Invalid license: although if license is valid
- [Feature] Action Commissions: add sum of all actions to stats reports
- [Feature] Action commission types with zero commission count should be hidden in reports
- [Feature] On export from grids hide field "Timezone for dates" if date column is not visible
- [Feature] Create option for CSV import of affiliates
- [Feature] Pixel tracking make parameters case insensitive
- [Feature] Force choosing campaign by product ID - ability to save to default campaign
- [Feature] Change Shopify app to a private app and PAP plugin
- [Feature] PagosOnline plugin updated to PayU
- [Feature] Add notifications for new unconfirmed banners for merchant
- [Feature] SparkPay (Americommerce) tracking plugin
- [Feature] Add merchant username change notification
- [Feature] Visitor affiliates - add valid to filter
- [Bug] Smarty syntax check does not allow to save quick_report_content.stpl
- [Bug] Banner ID in css class name for affiliate banners list is changed to: 'Banner_{bannerid}'
- [Bug] Quick Reports: Multi-Tier commissions are not loaded
- [Bug] Delete cookie after lead / sale radiobutton in a campaign is not working
- [Bug] Fraud protection 'duplicate order id check' is skipping declined commissions
- [Bug] Correct design of dialog for Sent to friend in affiliate's banners screen
- [Bug] Campaign status change notification is sending duplicate emails
- [Feature] Mobile Applications Push notifications
- [Bug] Installator/update doesn't use changed language
- [Bug] Call to a member function setActual() on a non-object in SaveVisitorAffiliate.class.php
- [Feature] Optimization for mass grid actions: delete/update many rows in grids
- [Feature] Add sorting to Default View to Recurring Commission rules grid
- [Bug] Added header noindex, nofollow for affiliate minisite on iis server
- [Bug] Incorrect header content type for file loaded from accounts location
- [Bug] PayPal plugin input request is visible in logs when test mode is enabled
- [Feature] MySQL is not supported, you can use MySQLi or PDO
- [Feature] Affiliate manager improve general serach for Full name
- [Feature] Lifetime Commission: Add option set campaigns for zero commission
- [Feature] Tracking plugins should recognize parent affiliate also from coupon
- [Feature] Keywords Performance add option to choose another url parameter name
- [Feature] Improve search function in varialbes listboxes
- [Feature] MailChimp user synchronization add option to add only approved affiliates
- [Feature] Add opiotn to expor daily report to csv
- [Feature] Add possibility to set affiliate note for lifetime commission
- [Bug] Default sender for hosted accounts have to be full domain
- [Bug] Home screen (for dash theme) pending tasks: All links are same: affiliate manager
- [Bug] Plugin Custom options in Trends Report: Home screen and trends report errors
- [Bug] Banners & Links Formats: save and delete buttons should be hidden without pemissions
- [Bug] Callback URL: missing variables for userid and refid
- [Bug] Unsubscribe link is not working in affiliate email notification: OnSubAffiliateSignup
- [Bug] Plugin: action commissions for signup breaks signup if country specific commissions are defined
- [Bug] Delete cookie after sale doesn't work correctly for quick consecutive sales
- [Bug] Commissions import/export: missing commission group ID
- [Bug] Recurring commission rules: missing campaign column and filter
- [Feature] Flash charts are changed to HTML5
- [Feature] Add an option to filter out affiliates in a certain Commission Group and Export them to CSV
- [Bug] Affiliate banner statistics on banners&links page shows only repeated clicks and impressions
- [Bug] Unknown column 'firstclickdata2' in Affiliate Commission grid
- [Bug] Error during export if order column is not visible
- [Bug] Option Save transaction also for zero orders should be hidden for referral commissions
- [Bug] Old links in getting started window
- [Feature] Add confirmation functionality for HTML and Promo email banners, so owner can see and check HTML code before execiting scripts
- [Feature] Do not allow to use custom email address as sender in system email without SPF check
- [Feature] Add option to automatic approval referral commission of affiliate login
- [Feature] PAN: Add column 'Account' into Transactions Commissions and Clicks grid
- [Feature] Display log group ID column in Sale requests log, add fast button for filtering logs
- [Feature] Show banner wrapper ID in banners and links configuration
- [Feature] Optomize pay affiliates processor
- [Feature] Make subaffiliate sale and signup notification to work for all tiers
- [Feature] Add general affiliate link even for Standard/redirect links
- [Bug] Approve transactions link from merchant sale notification didn't approve all tiers
- [Bug] Smarty syntax template validation gives error for correct templates
- [Bug] Commissions list is not opened on first click on commissions button in payout history
- [Bug] PAN Getting Started gives error message if it is disabled via permissions
- [Bug] Improve directlinks visibility when direct links are disabled
- [Bug] Error on PHP 5.3: use of undefined constant JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES
- [Bug] Country commissions are not correctly displayed in affiliate tracking codes
- [Bug] Top Affiliates: Transaction status filter is not working correctly
- [Bug] Commission overview in Commission groups is not correctly displayed
- [Bug] OptimizeMember plugin recurring tracking does work
- [Feature] Improve affiliate custom pages: create Nice URLs
- [Feature] Add search input field for email templates
- [Feature] Add focus on search input fields
- [Feature] Export grid to csv optimization
- [Feature] Add check for unreferred affiliate
- [Bug] Affiliate signup country listbox scroll is scrolling whole screen
- [Bug] Sale Integration methods
- [Bug] Country commissions settings are not displayed correctly
- [Bug] Contact us screen error: html is null
- [Bug] Signup Subaffiliates link is not displayed correctly
- [Bug] Listbox for Integration methods is not loaded
- [Bug] Banner image file error if file extension is with uppercase
- [Feature] Compressed commission placement model: add condition for declined transactions
- [Feature] Create integration plugin for Braintree
- [Feature] SEO optimization for signup site: change all index.php links to /
- [Feature] Add google recaptcha field to custom HTML signup form
- [Feature] Set new password screen design improvement
- [Feature] Banner list box filter on reports screens should display only banners with statistics
- [Feature] Features list improvement: display active features at the top + create search field
- [Feature] Add Recurring commissions list and refunds info in Daily/Weekly/Monthly report
- [Feature] Improved security (Cross-site scripting)
- [Bug] Rename Permission name: 'Visits sales log' to 'Sale requests log'
- [Bug] Affiliate panel Commissions list: Coupon code column is not working
- [Bug] Second Activation/deactivation of feature is not working without refresh
- [Bug] Import transactions task error: some transactions are skipped
- [Bug] VAT number is not loaded in edit affilaite form
- [Bug] Top referring URLs is not working correctly with date filter
- [Feature] PAN: Create HTML signup form generator for netowrk account signup
- [Feature] Add save grid button to the top buttons
- [Feature] Add order by account name to Account Search Listbox
- [Bug] Do not show User tasks in Cron tasks list
- [Bug] Export to CSV of grid with statistics details error
- [Bug] Check requirements takes too long if curl does not response
- [Feature] Added Korean translation
- [Feature] Added channel code variable to affilaite sale tracking code and Callback URL
- [Feature] Added optimization for loading statistics for Affilaite and Merchant Home screen
- [Bug] Export via import export is not working (only in
- [Bug] Grid export to CSV is exporting only few rows (only in
- [Feature] Product ID campaign recognition higher priority for private campaign
- [Feature] Product ID campaign recognition compatible with coupons
- [Feature] Default filter for merchant campaigns change to 'All' campaigns
- [Feature] PAN Account listbox should search also by AccountID
- [Bug] Cron task error: Class Pap_Merchants_Tools_SaleVisitLogDeleteTask does not exist
- [Bug] Error on Add transaction with checked "Support multi tier", screen stays loading
- [Bug] Corrected css style for mobile devices (Dash for signup theme)
- [Bug] API transactions grid unable to load column 'transid'
- [Bug] Banners manager grid: general search and banner type filter is not working
- [Bug] Affiliate field of type text area, it adds 3 dots to the record in aff manager and export
- [Feature] Create List of NOT saved commissions requests and possibility to restart
- [Feature] Add Image uploader to themes, for overwriting existing files
- [Feature] Group old statistics impressions and click data by days (instead of hours)
- [Feature] Add user payout variables to the request payment email
- [Feature] Improve email validators for top domains with special encoded characters
- [Feature] Display priority column in Commission groups grid
- [Feature] add suport for visitorId connected with accountid to sale.php
- [Feature] Improve email deliverability: add unsubscribe link to email header
- [Feature] Move statistics data from Banner manager to new Top banners grid
- [Bug] Error logs registered after login to affiliate or merchant panel: strtotime()
- [Bug] Multiple currencies: Original currency value should be visible with particular currency symbol
- [Bug] Clicks List: Banner search filter not working for hosted accounts, optimize general search
- [Bug] Conversion rate value is not rounded on affiliate home screen
- [Bug] Smarty doesn't allow to use hyphen in widget class stylename
- [Bug] Missing grid loading indicator for loading filters
- [Bug] Offset for client timzone can be moved 15 minutes for some timezones
- [Bug] Remove scrollbars from graphs on affiliate panel Home screen
- [Bug] Export of theme is not working if there is some custom page
- [Bug] Contact us form shouldn't revalidate again after it is sent
- [Bug] Default grid rows limit doesn't work on first load for Banners And Links grid
- [Bug] Google recaptcha for request new password is not used for Set password screen
- [Bug] Dynamic link should generate url with click.php for ModRewrite links
- [Feature] PAN: Create plugin for automatic reognization of account
- [Feature] Implement: Global performance rewards rules
- [Feature] PayPal plugin improvement for product ID and additional variables
- [Feature] Clone banners: add option to set suffix or prefix for new banner name
- [Bug] Interspire plugin - better handling of exceptions
- [Bug] Live Agent integration errors, login button is not working
- [Bug] Ecwid API plugin discounts not correctly deducted
- [Bug] Preview image for HTML banner doesn't work if filename contains space
- [Bug] Dynamic link on a Link banner encodes ampersand character
- [Bug] Share on Facebook button in Affiliate panel alters the affiliate link
- [Feature] New affiliate field type: writable only in signup and mandatory
- [Feature] Add Additional affiliate field types also for payout fields
- [Feature] Add banner search listbox to Clicks list grid
- [Feature] Performance Rewards: Put affiliate into commission group with status
- [Feature] Site replication: new banner status: hidden but working
- [Feature] Affiliate info in external page plugin should replace all occurrences
- [Feature] Display alert info that affiliate deletion remove also all his statistics
- [Feature] Commissions grid: add action commission name to custom filter
- [Feature] Deep link generator: add campaigns and channels listbox
- [Feature] Send message to affiliates "Specify E-Mail Addresses" should allows only existing affiliates
- [Bug] Site replication: Files to process rule for dir doesn't work with spaces
- [Bug] Overwrite cookies info is not displayed for split commission feature
- [Bug] Liveagent integration: chat button is disappeared after refresh of affiliate panel
- [Bug] Top Affiliates (for hosted) edit grid view is not displayed if there are no stats columns
- [Bug] Logins history gives empty response if it contains some specific IPs
- [Bug] Missing error message on "Login to affiliate panel" if affiliate is not approved
- [Bug] Slow sql for loading: isMinimumPayoutReached - for Affiliate panel
- [Bug] Original predefined filters should not be modified
- [Bug] Contact Us form: New lines from message are removed
- [Bug] Commission tabs in edit affiliate can be hidden
- [Bug] Duplicate email for affiliate is delivered also to merchant
- [Bug] Affiliate campaigns search listbox displays database error in affiliate panel reports
- [Bug] LiveChat button is not displayed for hosted account if merchant username contains apostrophe
- [Bug] Advanced Custom filters in Recurring commissions grid are not working
- [Feature] Add order by name to Campaigns listbox
- [Feature] 2Checkout integration: add coupon processing
- [Bug] Unable to upload images files to banners and campaigns
- [Bug] Edit grid default views for affiliate panel can cause error
- [Bug] Email Link for request new password doesn't contain port
- [Bug] Old recaptcha setting should be ignored
- [Feature] Create new Feature: Add / edit lifetime relations
- [Feature] Add checking for htaccess rewrite rules if merchant try to enable adblock hashing
- [Feature] Add Pinterest share button
- [Feature] Add option to redirect stopped campaigns to main site url
- [Feature] Getresponse signup plugin: add parent user id to Getresponse notification
- [Feature] Performance rewards conditions for count of all sub-affiliates
- [Feature] Possibility to have multiple merchant notification emails
- [Feature] Apply Limit of recurrence also for recurrence via plugins and varied creation
- [Feature] Add option to Delete custom translation
- [Bug] short anchor links does not affect general affiliate link
- [Bug] clickjs.php tracking script can genetate incorrect tracking url if adblock hashing is enabled
- [Bug] Banner clone should have created own file
- [Bug] Empty response on Displaying Map for some IPs
- [Bug] Search toolbar in languages is case sensitive
- [Bug] Loading of Campgins for Campaign with stats listbox in affiliate panel is too slow
- [Bug] It is not possible to edit Minimum Payout Option if payout option is not choosen
- [Bug] Brackets in "search in" in Order ID filter field cause problems
- [Bug] Request payment button visible even when affiliate has no payout method selected
- [Feature] Add possibility to generate click commission only for unique clicks
- [Feature] Add possibility to choose account for Deeplink generator
- [Feature] Allow indexing for robots of all tracking scripts
- [Feature] Affiliate dynamic link generator should automatically add protocol
- [Feature] Dynamic link improvement: add fixed URL parameters
- [Feature] Allow resend emails which are already marked as Sent
- [Feature] LiveAgent integration: add affiliate name to chat button
- [Bug] Automatic Affiliate Removal feature: can delete only few affiliates on one day
- [Bug] Affiliate info plugin: displays affiliate after refresh page
- [Bug] Plugin 'Username Referral IDs' saves @ in the refid, but then tracking doesn't work
- [Bug] Top campaigns report: custom date range filter doesn't work
- [Bug] Page description isn't translatable
- [Bug] City country commissions are not correctly displayed in campaigns grid
- [Bug] Fixed strict standard and deprecated notices
- [Feature] Add setVisitorId function for Pap_Api_Affiliate, for parent recognizing
- [Feature] Add possibility to delete rows form VisitorAffiliates screen
- [Bug] Slow sql select for loading affiliate campaigns
- [Bug] Use better function for generating random string key for qu_pap_useragents
- [Feature] Add support for database mysql version 5.7
- [Feature] CustomCommission parameter could take also multiple tiers separated by ';'
- [Feature] Html banner: add option to hide sourcecode section
- [Feature] Add data1-5 collumns to Recuring commission rules
- [Feature] Add declined clicks column into Trends report
- [Feature] Optimize pay affiliates process
- [Bug] Strict Standards notices
- [Bug] In campaigns filter listbox (Affiliate - Quick report) should be visible also campaigns which have only clicks
- [Bug] Affiliate custom URL page doesn't work if url contains hashtag
- [Bug] SpotOption integration plugin: error logging is not working properly
- [Bug] Plugin "Assign to groups by ordered products": config screen returns error 500
- [Bug] Deeplink generator generates
- [Bug] Changed language via link parameter (l='langcode') doesn't work correctly
- [Bug] Flash cookie can overwriting first party cookie and html5 storage
- [Feature] Implement feature which allows tracking scripts and banners with Adblock
- [Feature] Deeplink generator for affiliates (Dynamic link without banner ID)
- [Feature] Create import/export of whole cutom theme files
- [Feature] Display also country commission value in campaign detail for affiliate
- [Feature] Add custom filter to email outbox: for error message, retry number, recipients
- [Feature] Remove / Delete multiple affiliates from Commission Group by mass action
- [Feature] Pay Affiliates Grid: add filter for displaying unpaid commissions by default
- [Feature] Top Affiliates Grid: restrict columns by type of column (database optimization for hosted accounts)
- [Bug] Import/Export tools errors
- [Bug] Pay affiliates can give error if there are many commissions and database is overloaded
- [Bug] Contact us content is not translated
- [Bug] Multiple currencies: exchange rate tool could load incorrect value: -1
- [Bug] Custom theme images are not displayed in theme editor
- [Bug] Import language screen displays shows incorrect rows per page
- [Bug] Values In csv export could be ordered different and some rows could missing, if ordering is not chosen
- [Bug] Language Text Direction 'RTL' is not correctly used
- [Bug] Channel stats report for affiliate panel error 'Avg. com. per unique click'
- [Bug] PAN: Design error in About screen
- [Bug] RebrandPdf Banner doesn't work with protected document by password
- [Bug] BigCommerce plugin error: requests from BigCommerce are not parsed
- [Feature] Add new feature: Automatic affiliate activity checking (inactive affiliates are removed)
- [Feature] Save cookies value also to HTML5 storage
- [Feature] Create new screen for campaigns statistics details: Top Campaigns grid
- [Feature] Improve advanced custom filters: add option IS IN/NOT IN for sting options
- [Feature] Add limit for Mass Pay export (PayPal allows maximally 5000 transactions per file)
- [Feature] Optimize invite to campaign button
- [Feature] Add Affiliate referral id to Commissions grid, so referral id can be exported to csv
- [Feature] Add tracked by collumn to Commissions grid
- [Feature] Add email notification on Affiliate Bonus commission (performance rewards)
- [Bug] PAN: Send invoice email for network merchant invoice is not working
- [Bug] It is not possible to load custom icons for custom theme
- [Bug] BigCommerceAPI plugin: received data are not currently parsed (XML header missing)
- [Bug] Affiliate signup fields: checkbox, listbox values are not translated
- [Bug] Stripe plugin error when trying to refund a transaction
- [Bug] Knowledge Base link in second campaign info is not debranded
- [Bug] LiveAgent integration: new contact us tickets are not created as type New
- [Bug] UltraCart partial refund doesn't work for multitier commissions
- [Bug] Changed affiliate manager filter is not displayed for Email > Send message recipients
- [Bug] Name of default filter is not displayed
- [Bug] Incorrect result type and message for function approveByOrderId()
- [Bug] Incorrect design in Affiliate panel > Affiliate Personal info
- [Feature] Import Transactions: Add abbility to approve all tiers of commissions by order id
- [Feature] Add possibility to set google captcha in forget password screens
- [Feature] API: Add a way to set a language of an affiliate via API
- [Feature] Daily report: add campaign and affiliate filter
- [Feature] Added integraion plugin: OptimizeMember
- [Feature] PAN: Add list of paid commissions to merchant invoice "{$commissionsList->list}"
- [Feature] Tool import export should export user settings for affiliates
- [Feature] Campaign commission setting for saving/blocking zero commission apply also for recurring commissions
- [Feature] Add Email notification to merchant on invalid license
- [Feature] Move logins count to qu_g_users table, so count of logins is not computed from logins history table
- [Feature] Add info message on adding second campaign, so merchants could read article how to work with more campaigns
- [Feature] Add Top referring URLs back to hosted accounts, and create cache for these data
- [Bug] Custom page links doesn't work in Firefox 41.0
- [Bug] For manual adding commissions should be tracking method set 'Manually created'
- [Bug] Created critical error logs: strtotime() - works only with English textual datetime, used date is in incorrect format
- [Bug] Forgot password on merchant login form should take only merchant's username
- [Bug] Unable to disable themes
- [Bug] PAN: show commissions list from invoice form is not working
- [Bug] Update error: error in update step: update_5_3_31
- [Bug] Slow loading of grids
- [Bug] InterspireEmailMarketer plugin: delete affiliates from Interspire doesn't work
- [Bug] Recurring type should be readonly in commission groups
- [Bug] Error in EasyLocator plugin: zip_postal_code is not correctly uploaded
- [Update] Rename 'Recurring commissions' grid to 'Recurring commissions rules' grid
- [Update] Rename 'Raw clicks list' grid to 'Clicks list' grid
- [Update] Rename 'Raw clicks' to 'Repeated clicks', so there are clicks type: unique or repeated
- [Update] Optimize email outbox task, and sale tracking processor
- [Feature] Add average commission per click and per unique click to channel stats report
- [Feature] Visitor affiliates grid: add search filter for Type
- [Feature] Add option to use System email address as sender for contact us forms
- [Feature] Performance rewards: Add option to compute rule values from all campaigns
- [Update] Rename HOVER banner to LIGHTBOX banner
- [Update] Add extension points for restricting data in accounts and merchants grid
- [Bug] Easy Locator plugin: added Zip to Phone field
- [Bug] Duplicate records in transactions stats tables
- [Bug] Invalid license screen not displayed after license problem
- [Bug] Payout Method filter: "No method" for Pay affiliates grid doesn't work
- [Bug] php depricated errors for php 5.6
- [Bug] Stripe plugin: reocgnize recurring commission problem
- [Bug] Changed and not saved checkboxes in grid are not highlighted
- [Feature] Site replication: Add setting to enable/disable sending $_GET tracking params to source page
- [Feature] Add database settings for configuring count of cron visits and impressions processors
- [Feature] Add visitorid (cookie) variable to destonation url for click.php
- [Bug] PAP/PAN is not working correcly in browser Firefox 41.0
- [Bug] PAN: Account signup is not working (error message with password field)
- [Bug] Installation: Check requirements problem with htaccess check
- [Bug] Ecwid tracking plugin updated
- [Bug] Page peel banner: wrong destination URL displayed in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] API: it is not possible to set empty values in High level api objects
- [Bug] Zip banners: delete error
- [Feature] Improve Dynamic link tool for affiliate panel: for same domain as banner destination use same linking method
- [Feature] Add transactions status filter for banners manager
- [Feature] Add nginx check to installator
- [Feature] Add channelID variable for HTML and promo email banners
- [Feature] In Trends reports in affiliate panel for campaigns filter offer all campaigns with statistics
- [Feature] Add affiliate variables for Welcome message
- [Feature] Add option for affiliate signup API to turn on/off signup bonus or referral commissions separately
- [Bug] Pixel tracking (sale.php) should display 1x1 px image
- [Bug] Site replication of type external url adds get params with ? instead of &
- [Bug] Transactions commissions grid 'Order ID' filter uses always like search '%value%'
- [Bug] PAN HTML account signup - input password is not set
- [Bug] missing SCR statistics column in daily report
- [Bug] Button 'Show commissions' from affiliate details is not working if there are many affiliates
- [Bug] Worldpay plugin problem with recurring commissions
- [Bug] Payouts history - export to CSV error
- [Bug] Videos from 'Watch Video' in merchant panel are not loaded when access via https
- [Bug] Allow to read only PAP files from accounts folder via 'file.php'
- [Bug] Unable to save/edit affiliate signup fields
- [Feature] Add option to disable actions/sales notifications on zero commissions
- [Feature] Add support of Zero-decimal currencies for Stripe plugin
- [Feature] Add support of recurring total cost to Stripe plugin
- [Feature] Add Average commissions per click and Conversion rate to affiliate panel campaigns grid
- [Feature] Disable directory listing by default in .htaccess
- [Feature] Develop a way to get affiliate details on external page without use of API
- [Bug] Stripe plugin: recurrinc commissions do not work
- [Bug] Correct CTR and SCR all/raw/unique names in daily report
- [Bug] Broken maintenance mode template
- [Bug] Filter payouts method in Affiliate Manager is not working correctly
- [Bug] Export to csv - loading indicator is on background in blue aero theme
- [Bug] Export doesn't work for more options in one export (Import/export tool)
- [Bug] Export of campaigns is not working (Import/export tool)
- [Bug] Missing all clicks/impressions option in custom filter in grids with statistics
- [Bug] Deprecated error on php 5.6.7 during Affiliate signup
- [Bug] Incorrect design 'copy of campaign' dialog
- [Bug] Grid status listbox design error
- [Bug] Recaptcha check should be skipped if affiliate is created via plguin
- [Bug] Minimum Payout Option list duplicates every time you save it in affiliate panel
- [Feature] Add new Performance Rewards time condition for days since signup approval
- [Feature] API: add function for returning IDs of created recurring commission
- [Feature] Allow higher currency precision than 4
- [Feature] Improved dynamic javascript wrapper, so it will work also in WordPress
- [Feature] SQL optimizations of Affiliate Manager screen: reduced general serach
- [Feature] Improve SEO: allow indexing of trackjs.js file in click tracking code
- [Feature] Add check of SMTP email configuration, incorrect server details should not be saved
- [Bug] Country specific commission doens't work per commission groups
- [Bug] API: it is not possible to disable signup bonus and referral commission
- [Bug] TopLevelAffiliateCommision plugin error - commission is not saved if campaign tier commission is not set
- [Bug] Missing all clicks values in some reports (trends report, daily report, channel stats)
- [Bug] Demo: Country flags are not displayed
- [Bug] Error in export of Top affiliates report if grid is sorted by Name
- [Bug] Our Hosted accounts: Error On Zip Banner activation
- [Bug] Our Hosted accounts: Language translation cache is not refreshed after change in translations
- [Bug] Import and create language error
- [Bug] Site replication doesn't replace url links in content
- [Feature] Add affiliate username field to raw clicks list
- [Feature] Affiliate panel - Banners & Links: Add bannerid to css class name
- [Feature] Add accountID variable for HTML/promo email banners
- [Feature] Create button 'Add affiliate to private campaign' direct to Affiliates in campaigns grid
- [Bug] Can't "Add affiliate" - Setting value of undefined template variable (dataX)
- [Bug] Field type does not exist in record
- [Bug] Not able to activate Feature that insert mail templates
- [Bug] Ordering in grids is not working
- [Bug] Site replication banner is working for affiliate which is not invited to private campaign
- [Bug] Flash preview is not displayed if size of banner is not defined
- [Feature] Banner files are moved to database
- [Feature] Add Email notifications to affiliates if status of campaign is changed
- [Feature] Add button 'Save as new filter' if existing filter should stay untached
- [Feature] Edit Available countries: add select all/none
- [Feature] Add validation of variables in banner code of html and promo email
- [Feature] Email outbox screen is not optimized
- [Feature] Replicated sites should not process via php script images or files which should not be processed
- [Feature] Stripe integration plugin add option to track 'charge' event tracking instead of 'invoice'
- [Bug] SQL Error in Top affiliates report if custom filter Raw clicks is used
- [Bug] Affiliate signup panel is not working due not existing stpl file: panel_header.stpl
- [Bug] Installator is not working if update is from older version than
- [Bug] Cron mail reports task is not working (daily/weekly/monthly reports are not created)
- [Bug] quick report, trends reports are not loaded via API
- [Bug] Currency formatting doesn't work in home screen graph
- [Bug] Merchant can chage type of notification email field
- [Bug] ECWID integration plugin error "Token doesn't exist"
- [Feature] Do not use and do not allow to modify pap4.css in themes
- [Feature] 'GeoLiteCity.dat' can be loaded from Geo plugin or /accounts/ folder or custom plugins folder
- [Bug] Lanuage metadata aren't saved
- [Feature] custom templates are moved to database from folder: /accounts/default1/themes/
- [Feature] add multiple checkboxes field type for PAN Account and Affiliate signup fields
- [Feature] Add ability to set custom IP to click.php and imp.php
- [Feature] Reset password should work for username and email
- [Feature] Add merchant notification if default campaign is stopped
- [Design] better event log viewer
- [Design] Correct error notification in currency setup
- [Bug] Link for signup page not working in faq_public.stpl file in classic thieme
- [Bug] Integration plugin UltraCart error
- [Bug] Integration plugin ECWID error
- [Bug] Replicte sites crete Duplicate slash in url
- [Bug] HTML Signup preview is not displayed if radio button field is used
- [Bug] Error 'Row couponsformat does not exist' on coupon import
- [Feature] Add ability to run only one cron task
- [Feature] PAN: Add date created column to Network Accounts grid
- [Feature] Add field type RadioButtons to affiliate signup fields
- [Feature] Add second order by date for affiliate panel Banners & Links
- [Bug] Email templates are randomly sorted
- [Bug] Coupon's "Export codes" and "Print displayed coupons" not working
- [Bug] Getting started KB url links are hardcoded, links should be translatable
- [Bug] Check requirements: displayed old url to members
- [Bug] Missing panel icons for affiliate panel custom pages
- [Bug] Site replication: missing check if affiliate is in campaign declined
- [Bug] Raw clicks displays all clicks, add new column 'clicks' for all clicks
- [Feature] Add ability to display fixedcost in reports
- [Feature] Add VAT Number to pay affiliates grid
- [Feature] Add status filter for Channel report
- [Feature] Add tracking suffix for click forcing params (read more)
- [Feature] Allow to display affiliate status in Subaffiliates tree
- [Feature] Allow to save negative custom commissions
- [Feature] To affiliate grid details add buttons for 'show affiliate commissions' and edit button
- [Feature] Display 'payout option id' in payout option details
- [Feature] Stop replication page banner if there is error in loading orinigal page which is replicated
- [Feature] Added option to debug click.php script via get parameter PDebug=Y
- [Performance] Optimize CSV exports from grids
- [Performance] Optimize Task for generating coupons for affiliates
- [Performance] Add possiblity to ignore data1 data2 fields for clicks or for impressions
- [Performance] Add possibility to increase impressions cron workers
- [Performance] Optimize sale click tracking processing
- [Bug] Feature Keywords Performance can give error if there is big traffic
- [Bug] Background cron permanent tasks could be removed
- [Bug] Signup form error on PHP older than 5.3.4
- [Bug] Script for appending cookie info to link removed duplicate parameters
- [Bug] UltraCart recurring tracking does not work
- [Bug] WordPress plugin - Can't save account ID
- [Bug] LiveAgent integration doesn't allow to create default button
- [Bug] CSV export does not work on Safari (MacOS)
- [Bug] Problem with email language if multiple users have same notification email
- [Bug] If banner name is too long whole name is hidden
- [Bug] Empty pair of parenthesis in the Referrer URL in Commission details
- [Integration] Add integration plugin for processing 1ShoppingCart notifications
- [Integration] Add integration plugin for Ecwid
- [Feature] Performance rewards: Added condtion 'value of click commissions'
- [Feature] Added "Campaign ID" and "Affiliate ID" columns to Transactions grid
- [Feature] Zip banner files are stored in database
- [Feature] user image files (accounts/default1/files/) are stored in database
- [Feature] UltraCart: added support of tracking recurring charges
- [Performance] Invite to campaign button/listbox is not optimal
- [Performance] Import/Export tool: optimized exports
- [Performance] Added default currency cache
- [Performance] Optimization of directlink recognizer
- [Performance] Optimization of commissions grid
- [Bug] API: Pap_Api_AffiliatesGrid: column parentuserid doesn't exist
- [Bug] Write cookie to field is not working on first loading of page if flash is disabled by browser
- [Bug] Not working {$postAffiliatePro} parameter for email templates
- [Bug] Edit affiliate custom page: error on our hosted accounts
- [Feature] Performance rewards: Added condtion 'value of click commissions'
- [Feature] Add payout 'dateFrom' 'dateTo' variables also to affiliate payment notification
- [Feature] Add banner buttons - add css style class name for each banner type
- [Feature] Add ability to set user agent (browser) in tracking plugins
- [Feature] Default value for delete old emails is set to 2 months
- [Bug] PAN: 'force campaign by product id' should choose first campaign for same account
- [Bug] Request new password for affilaite should work only in affiliate login screen
- [Bug] Error editing theme if parent of theme is not set
- [Bug] Delete sql commands are without limit
- [Bug] Subaffiliate sale stats for affiliate panel are not working with action commissions
- [Bug] Banners manager doesn't work correctly with advanced and campaign filter
- [Bug] Authorize.Net plugin does not set description when custom field and custom separator is used
- [Bug] Feature: 'Payout fields encryption': payout data on pay affiliate screen are not readable
- [Bug] Raw clicks list: order by user agent should not be allowed
- [Bug] PAN: Affiliate sale tracking code, sale should process clicks with empty accountid
- [Feature] Display value of "Default" option regarding cookies under campaign
- [Feature] Optimization of Grid Exports to CSV, possibility to export thousands of records
- [Feature] Create delete task for automatic clearing old (not valid) quicktasks
- [Feature] Referral commission is auto approved/declined when affiliate is approved/declined
- [Bug] Export commissions and banners grid to CSV exports all columns instead of set once in view
- [Bug] The "Export to csv" in the campaigns manager does not work
- [Bug] Campaigns in affiliate panel displays incorrect banners count
- [Bug] Campaigns in affiliate panel displays incorrect affiliate status in manual campaign
- [Feature] optimized campaigns grid for affiliate panel
- [Feature] Simple PDF banner: add additional user variables and fixed affiliate photo
- [Bug] RAW clicks in home screen and quick report displays all clicks (included unique)
- [Bug] Plugin 'Affiliate campaigns' causes errors
- [Bug] Default filter doesn't work for Commission grid in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Demo: Unable to change details of original affiliate
- [Bug] Error in computing commission for recurring transaction with custom total cost
- [Bug] Error: in edit affiliate content: 'Tree of subaffiliates'
- [Bug] Attached image in email is not visible in email content
- [Bug] RestCommission plugin does not work correctly with Lifetime commissions plugin
- [Feature] optimized banners grid for affiliate panel
- [Feature] added actions columns to merchant banners grid
- [Feature] Daily report displays only Approved commissions statistics: added status filter
- [Bug] Action commission stats values are not displayed in grids
- [Bug] Report 'Top referring URLs' is not working
- [Bug] Value 'Commission Percentage for Top Affiliate' is not loaded
- [Bug] Recurring commissions: Limit of recurrence doesn't work per groups
- [Bug] Affiliate custom pages doesn't work correctly
- [Bug] Affiliate sale tracking codes - HTML code is not correctly parsed if contains new lines
- [Bug] SpotOption plugin is missing in release files
- [Bug] corrected design: missing frames in configuration affiliate panel screens
- [Bug] Plugin UltraCart partial refunds doens't work
- [Feature] GeoIP country specific commissions: also for cities
- [Feature] Added custom filter by time to campaign manager
- [Feature] Define delete clicks cron task running time
- [Feature] Pay affiliates grid: added columns amount exclude vat, vat part
- [Feature] The "Assign coupon automatically" could assign coupons to new users also
- [Feature] Mail to friend: added option to allow to use only system email for affiliates
- [Feature] PayPal IPN plugin: added possibility to track by IP (mkendera) - resolved.
- [Bug] Affiliate sale tracking codes - missing info message: config is not available for hosted accounts
- [Bug] Add affiliate into commission group retroactively doesn't recalculate per click commissions correctly
- [Bug] Reading of flash cookies optimizaion if it takes longer than second
- [Bug] Pay affiliates grid: vat column is displayed as '–'
- [Bug] Login to affiliate panel from merchant panel resets affiliate's language
- [Bug] Edit image banner: displayed old image
- [Bug] Import tools does not support MAC line ending
- [Bug] Affiliate Tree in blue aero theme: missing a horizontal scroll
- [Bug] Delete mails task generates errors in logs
- [New] Exports of grid are craeted by task (it is possible to export longer data as before)
- [New] Ability to display photo in subaffiliates tree
- [New] Use parent affiliate from lifetime referrals
- [Fixed] Hidden pixel URL with affiliateID defined is not tracked without cookie
- [Fixed] Task name is not displayed in tasks table
- [Fixed] LA button javascript should be loaded only for master merchants, so owner can use own LA button for account merchants
- [New] Ability to change transaction status if commission is still not processed by cron
- [New] Lifetime Commissions: ability to choose data (1-5)field in plugin configuration
- [New] Ability to delete affiliates or change their status directly from Top Affiliates window
- [New] Added filter commissions by channel in merchant panel > commissions grid
- [New] Hosted accounts: allow to pay with paypal
- [Fixed] Hosted accounts: Missing button 'domain settings' in My Account screen
- [Fixed] Minimum payout balance is disabled if affiliate cannot change payout details
- [Fixed] Channel of another affiliate can be saved in affiliate's commission
- [Fixed] Optimized Pay affiliate task
- [Fixed] FastSprint plugin subtracts discount from subtotal, which already is a value with discount applied
- [Fixed] Tracking method can stay empty
- [Fixed] Affiliate tracking code - variables are not filled if execute on approve
- [Fixed] PAN: Getting started in merchant panel - hide disallowed options
- [New] Automatic approval of commissions: Add the 'decline' option
- [Fixed] Hosted accounts: Affiliate panel displayed errors on start
- [New] SiteReplication: added option to modify replicated content by plugin
- [New] Ability to use force banner id in sale tracking
- [Fixed] 2Checkout plugin does not work when no separator is set
- [Fixed] Limit of recurrence field does not keep it's value
- [Fixed] MassPay Export grid does not show correct amout
- [Fixed] Edit banner (Html, email): attachment panel missing
- [Fixed] Import affiliates does not check the 'accountid' value
- [Fixed] Minimum payout option isn't really saved when affiliate changes it
- [New] Affiliate tracking codes: Add option to execute url on commission approve
- [New] Option to disable cached transactions statistics tables
- [New] Add coupon code filter to commissions screen
- [Fixed] Unknown column 'affstatus' when exporting list of campaigns from affiliate panel
- [Fixed] PAN: affiliate column for network merchants should be hidden in raw clicks list
- [Fixed] Quick report: Multi-Tier commissions part doesn't work
- [Fixed] Request Payment button improvement
- [New] PAN: Added account settings: Force choosing campaign by product ID
- [New] PAN: Added account settings: Postback URL
- [New] Added IPNv2 support for Payza integration uplugin
- [New] Added option to set main domain for javascript 1st level cookie
- [New] Added campaign id, banner id, banner name to commissions custom filter
- [Updated] Optimized visitoraffiliates grid
- [Fixed] Incorrect parent transaction id for tier click commissions
- [Fixed] Missing filters 'Affiliate status' and 'Custom filter' in Top Affiliates screen
- [Fixed] Discount amount is not subtracted in MemberMouse integration plugin
- [Fixed] Tracking method can stay empty
- [Fixed] Create channels automatically for manual adding transactions
- [Fixed] Send message: Missing buttons for clear email form and loading previous email
- [Fixed] Coupon grid does not show assigned affiliate
- [Fixed] Twitter shared links should not contain &
- [New] Added possibility that merchant can edit the list of fields available in affiliate views
- [New] PAN: Added Delete cookie settings configuration per campaigns
- [New] Displayed order of column in edit grid view
- [New] Added custom tier conditions to Performance rewards
- [New] Added email notification template for Commission groups
- [New] Forced matrix signup bonus can be added to original referrer or new referrer
- [New] TLAFC plugin: support CPM & CPC
- [Updated] Approve commission from email link will approve all tiers for this sale
- [Updated] DirectLinkg matching: added recognizing campaign id and banner id from click params
- [Updated] Prohibit commission if affiliate is the purchaser - added new option 'skip affiliate'
- [Fixed] PAN: Account invoice fees are editable by network merchants
- [Fixed] PAN: product images is displayed from PAP in dash and LA themes
- [Fixed] Changed language is not applied also in API login
- [Fixed] Number of logins filter for affiliates grid for affiliates that never login before
- [Fixed] design of Subaffiliates sales report window
- [Fixed] Affiliate listbox search is not working if in database exists corrupted affiliate
- [Fixed] MemberMouse integration plugins fixed recurring payments
- [Updated] Grid search sql commands are optimized
- [Fixed] In affiliate signup email is sent incorrect password
- [Fixed] Merchant account signup email is not in correct language
- [Fixed] PayaffiliatesTask bug - max 1000 transactions for 1 affiliate is paid
- [Fixed] Click commissions are not refreshed in transactions stats cache
- [Fixed] The "Affiliate cannot change his username" option does not work properly
- [Fixed] split commissions & private campaigns problem
- [New] Add option to set any filter as default - added set as default button
- [New] Campagins/banners categories - default category
- [New] Integration plugin for pagseguro
- [Fixed] Affiliate Signup mail is not in correct language
- [Fixed] not translated phrase in affiliate after approve email
- [Fixed] Images are not displayed in theme editor on our hosted accoutns
- [Fixed] InterspireEmailMarketer plugin - deleted user is not removed from interspire
- [Fixed] API: click tracking doesn't require login credentials (fix for previous version)
- [New] For API click tracker it is needed to use login credentials if you are using functions: "$clickTracker->getAffiliate(), $clickTracker->getCampaign(), $clickTracker->getChannel()"
- [New] Restore last state of feature data when feature is activated again
- [New] Added variables and fields for affiliate invoice: 'date from' and 'date to'
- [Updated] Visit processor and impression processor optimization
- [Updated] Maximum Commissions Per Referral plugin, limits commissions per affiliate or per customer
- [Fixed] Depreacated php notices on php 5.5
- [Fixed] Unable to delete affiliate if easy locator or get response is active but not confugured
- [Fixed] Banner preview in new window is not in utf8 encoding
- [Fixed] Error when creating BannersCategory, CampaignsCategory
- [Fixed] Pop-up banner keeps popping up unless the page is refreshed
- [New] Created Database Sessions
- [New] Database engine is InnoDB for new installations
- [New] PAN: Unique clicks for different account banners
- [New] Logged affiliates are logout automatically when they are declined
- [New] Added list of paid commissions to invoices
- [New] Added Notifications for IOS Mobile application
- [New] Affiliate sale tracking codes (callback tracking) for hosted accounts
- [New] Ability to create private payout options
- [New] Added banner and channel filters to Map overlay screen
- [New] Added check for Date and Time format in Regional settings
- [New] Added new banner wrappers: dynamic javascrip (without iframe), PopUp and PopUnder on load
- [New] Easylocator integration plugin to update affiliates locations
- [Fixed] Split Commission - affiliate is recognized by IP although IP trackign is disabled
- [Fixed] Deleting a campaign does not delete related commission statistics
- [Fixed] Optimization updating hierarchical subaffiliate tree
- [Fixed] problems from previous release
- [New] Option to disable email notifications to Pending and declined affiliates
- [New] Option to load content of Default email templates
- [New] Visits (requests) processing optimization
- [New] Sub-affiliate tree optimization
- [Updated] Stopped campaign is marked as stopped in the banner editor
- [Updated] Copy of campaign should copy also the performance reward rules
- [Fixed] PAN: Default country for netowrk merchant signup is not working
- [Fixed] PAN: Invite affiliate campaign listbox displays only account campaigns for default merchant
- [Fixed] In clicks and commissions screen is displayed logged user 'User agent' when is is not recognized
- [Fixed] Banner rotator can choose banner although if banner is allowed in future
- [Fixed] For transactions higher tier than 1 is displayed default commission groups
- [Fixed] Image/Flash banner adds "?t=?" to image/flash url after saving banner
- [Fixed] Recurring commissions: custom number of days
- [Fixed] Custom HTML signup form can display error if redirects to original signup page
- [Fixed] Site replication if local files is php application
- [Fixed] Date time of transaction in the New Sale/Lead notification is not shifted to user's timezone
- [Fixed] Error when Marking merchant invoices as paid
- [Fixed] Total row is displayed twice in Daily Report
- [Fixed] zip banner preview and download
- [Fixed] Pending Signup and referral bonuses are not refreshed in transactions stats cache
- [Fixed] Cookie VisitorId is too short and ends by '*0' on some servers
- [New] New option for performance rewards: last X days
- [New] New rule for performance rewards "Total Recurring Commissions 1st Tier Only"
- [New] Option to configure time when cookies are not overwritable
- [New] Affiliate for replicated site is chosen by cookie if replicate site is opened without refid suffix
- [New] Added language code to smarty templates, so it is possible to display content by language
- [Updated] 2Checkout plugin - Added an option to create an affiliate automatically
- [Updated] Compressed commission placement model feature - option for creating new transactions
- [Updated] Rest commission plugin, added option to configure it per commission groups
- [Fixed] PAN: Network merchant agreement should be readonly
- [Fixed] PAN: root index.php page is not indexed by robots
- [Fixed] design of affiliate minisite is not loaded in Maintenance Mode
- [Fixed] User synchronization in Plugin: MailChimp
- [New] PAN allow to create invoice for new accounts
- [New] PAN define default Fixed fee and Percentage fee for each account
- [New] PAN: In Account signup configuration screen show default network role
- [New] Display QR image for affiliate link
- [New] Display HTML code for affiliate QR link
- [New] Configuration for MapOverlay affiliate panel screen
- [Updated] Design in Dash merchant panel theme
- [Updated] Trends report: make sales section displayed by default
- [Updated] Payout Balance - add option to set minimum payout for existing affiliates
- [Updated] Affiliate sale tracking codes - display country codes near country commissions
- [Fixed] User interface for IE11
- [Fixed] Google android mobile notifications
- [Fixed] Search in Affiliate tree in merchant panel
- [Fixed] Top Affiliates report can't be ordered by count of actions
- [Fixed] Enabled unreferred click disables DirectLink tracking
- [Fixed] Error in plugin ArpReach
- [New] desing for Installator
- [New] design for Samples and tests
- [New] Affiliate panel - Bannres and Links: Show only the types of banners which are available in list
- [New] Email reports (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) can be sent only when all requests are processed for that day
- [New] grid CSV export option to choose timezone and delimiter
- [New] PAN: Add possibility to open exact account commissions direct from 'Create invoice' screen
- [Updated] Import transactions: added optionion update only status by orderid or transactionid
- [Updated] Import transactions: support for refunds
- [Improved] feature 'Sale Filter': added setting for max commission value
- [Fixed] Daily/Weekly reports could be sent more times
- [Fixed] If sale is processed via plugin, track method is unknown/empty
- [Fixed] Password constraints
- [Fixed] Missing channel filter in affiliate reports (dash and liveagent themes)
- [New] Displayed totals of displayed number values below tables
- [New] Wysiwyg editor for News Manager
- [New] Show exact paid commissions direct from Payouts history / Payouts by affiliate
- [New] Created database cache for site replication banners
- [New] Show whole User agent value via extendable table widget
- [New] Displayed user agent in VisitorAffiliates screen
- [New] Displayed database ID of object in edit screen of Affilaite, Banner, Campaign, Commission
- [New] Configurable status of recurring commissions
- [New] Search by campaign in "Affiliates in campaigns" window
- [Improved] feature Multiple currencies: Checking if used currency codes are valid, update currency rates manually
- [Improved] feature Sale Filter: added max commission value
- [Fixed] design for RTL text direction
- [New] Increased IP tracking precision: added browser user agent checking
- [New] Crawler protection for sales, actions, clicks, impressions.
- [New] Display user agent in commissions screen and in raw clicks screen
- [New] PAN: Referral commission to affiliate if he refers to signup network merchant
- [New] Possibility to ignore callback url for declined sales
- [New] Filled file robots.txt
- [New] Password strength checker
- [New] Unsubscribe link in every email sent by PAP
- [New] Possibility to create pending commissions by Recurring commission
- [New] Added task for Automatic removal sent emails
- [New] News section will be hidden if there are not any news
- [New] Translations for News Manager
- [New] Integration plugin for LimeLight
- [New] Integration plugin for Infusionsoft
- [New] Integration plugin for MemberMouse
- [Improved] FastSpring plugin: added currency support
- [Improved] Business Catalyst plugin: added per product tracking
- [Fixed] Banner size listbox have to display only size
- [Fixed] Split commission, affiliate forced via parameter can be ignored for IP tracking
- [Fixed] Affiliate manager, Search in listbox 'Add to commission group' doesn't work
- [Fixed] Hidden user fields are not replaced in destination url
- [Fixed] User displayed twice in online users table
- [Fixed] Edit template files should not allow to edit files for built PAP themes
- [New] User passwords are encripted by default
- [New] Save referrer url of click for unrefered sales
- [New] possibility to change javascript ID for PAP tracking code
- [New] New types of user fields: not visible in signup and writable only in signup
- [New] added filters for transaction manager (tracking method, payout status)
- [New] default user in preview of banners if affiliates are hidden for network merchants
- [New] News are sorted, the recent are at the top
- [New] Mass action hide/unhide banners in banners manager
- [New] Mass action Add affiliates to commission grup in affiliate manager
- [New] Changed date and number sorting to descending in grid columns
- [New] In edit Affiliate Commission groups displayed group from all campaigns
- [New] Saved last used editor type (wysiwyg or html)
- [New] Display affiliate's note in affiliate extendable window and in pay affiliates screen
- [New] Add custom filter for commissions grid: search by Visitor ID
- [New] possibility to configure payout options as readonly for affiliates
- [Improved] feature 'Mail to friend': all recipients are saved and affiliate can use it in next email
- [Improved] function Copy of campaign: add all affiliates in group
- [Improved] Aweber plugin: add possibility to send subscription to more accounts
- [Fixed] Save button is not visible in Tracking setting in LiveAgent theme
- [Fixed] Tweet button for 'Anchor links'
- [Fixed] Custom filter in grids doesn't work properly with 'does not equal' and 'is not like'
- [Fixed] missing email templates in action commissions
- [Fixed] private campaign's affiliate displaying
- [New] Possibility to expand "Terms & conditions" in affiliate signup form
- [New] date condition for performance rewards "in actual week"
- [New] use payout method details in the affiliate invoice
- [New] Email template for action commissions notifications
- [New] Channel code can be 255 characters long
- [New] In transactions details is visible also sale referrer near click referer
- [New] Action commissions added into Top affiliates report
- [New] Click commission added into Top Affiliates report
- [New] Possibility to skip declined affiliates in sale/action tracking (commission can be save as declined or assigned to parent)
- [New] Possibility to hide Top referring urls screen by roles
- [New] Configure 'User-Agent' value in email header
- [New] Integration method for Spotoption
- [New] Integration method for Dwolla
- [New] Integration method for Fastspring e-commerce shopping cart
- [New] Possibility to turn on/off refund management for PayPal plugin
- [New] Email notification for Prohibit Commission plugin
- [New] Plugin for registration new affiliates automatically to an ArpReach form
- [New] Possibility to send to aweber also affiliate referral id
- [New] LiveAgent integration feature
- [Upgraded] Stripe plugin: added support for recurring commissions
- [New] Display Commission group name in Commissions
- [New] Channels can be created dynamically from tracking requests
- [New] Plugin for creating action commission automatically for all affiliates each month
- [New] MassPay export is moved to Payouts history: it is possible to create MassPay export from all payouts in history
- [New] Number of all subaffiliates in Tree of subaffiliates screen
- [New] List of commissions in Payouts history and Payouts by affiliate
- [Upgraded] Pay affiliates process is changed to task
- [New] support for ZendGuardLoader on PHP 5.4
- [New] performance rewards rule condition "count of referred affiliates"
- [New] Source code of application is now encoded. Supported decoders: ionEncoder, ZendGuardLoader, ZendOptimizer
- [New] design theme for affiliate panel "Dash"
- [New] News functionality - merchant (owner) can create news for affiliates and merchants
- [New] Keywords Performance feature: Analyze keywords referring clicks and sales (e.g. from adwords or other services)
- [New] Alternative image for flash banners, used if flash is not supported by visitor browser
- [New] server side callback: call postback url after sale/lead/action is saved
- [New] affiliates/merchants can see Overwrite Cookie setting in Campaigns screen
- [New] added possibility to set icon and title in Custom URL pages for merchant panel
- [New] possibility to hide transaction detail icon by permission (PAN)
- [New] possibility to hide API integration by permissions (PAN)
- [New] 'Affiliates in campaigns' screen for Private campaigns in Merchant panel > Campaigns
- [New] QR code link for replicated site in Affiliate panel Banners & Links screen
- [New] possibility to disable signup form (Configuration > Affiliate signup > General)
- [New] possibility to use additional commission data per group in plugins
- [New] Integration plugin PaySiteCash
- [New] possibility to change text of integration methods by custom plugin
- [New] compatible with MySQL 5.6
- [Upgraded] fraud protection ban/allow clicks/sales by referer (HTTP_REFERER)
- [Upgraded] Compress commission placement model feature: Added transaction data fields filter
- [Upgraded] performance rewards: new condition "value of totalcost at any tier"
- [Upgraded] advanced search in Commission: Added tier into custom filter
- [Upgraded] Mass pay export format: Added counter variable
- [Upgraded] UltraCart integration plugin: processing Refunds
- [Upgraded] integration plugin ccBill
- [Fixed] scrolling up after submit signup-form
- [Fixed] missing icons for affiliate panel
- [Fixed] Android mobile notifications
- [New] Callback affiliate's URL - affiliate can define callback url as 'affiliate tracking code', this will work also for pixel tracking
- [Upgraded] Fixed cost - will be stored per commission group
- [Upgraded] sales fraud protection - duplicate orderID will be available at campaign level
- [Upgraded] Lifetime Commissions - campaign, banner and channel will be stored for lifetime commission
- [Upgraded] settings for Payment request button - button will be visible only if affiliate reached the minimum payout balance limit, and there is a possibility to disable this button
- [Fixed] affiliate tracking codes for split commissions
- [New] fraud protection by HTTP_REFERER
- [New] 'request payment' button for affiliates in Reports screen 'Payouts to me': merchant will receive notification about requests
- [New] file name of uploaded files for image or flash banners are renamed to bannerid (after changing image/flash files name will stay unchanged)
- [New] Hide used banners for stopped campaigns if banner is displayed via iframe
- [New] integration plugin for 'CommerceGate'
- [New] integration plugin for 'Stripe'
- [New] integration plugin for 'Auto Response Plus 3'
- [Upgraded] replicated sites: default affiliate will be used for wrong or empty 'referal affiliate id' and pending affiliates are blocked
- [Upgraded] 'PremiumWebCart' integration: added processing refunds
- [Upgraded] limit for Order Id and Product Id of transactions fields: increased from 60 characters to 255 characters
- [Upgraded] 'SignupToCampaign' plugin: Allow signing up to multiple campaigns
- [Fixed] LiveAgent style theme
- [New] design theme for signup (all not logged in screens PAP/PAN) - there is a index.php added in the root directory (if you use your own one, then don't replace your own index.php during upload of new PAP files)
- [New] home screen for not logged in merchants ../merchants/home.php (template file is merchant_index.stpl)
- [New] Login screens (Affiliate/Merchant login) are moved to Signup page theme - if you have customized login screens, then you should check them againg and update the css style of login pages in the signup page theme
- [New] contact us form for not registered users in the affiliate mini-site (../affiliates/signup.php#ContactUs) (displays merchant's contact details)
- [New] theme for Merchant panel and Affiliate panel - LiveAgent style
- [New] settings for unpaid commissions in the affiliate panel header (Merchant panel > Configuration > Affiliate panel) - we have added the "All" filter value
- [New] settings for offilne data processor (how often the date of reports should be computed -> Quick report, Trends report, Home screen data) - it is added to Configuration > Tracking Settings > Statistics data
- [New] 'Number of Unique Clicks' has been added into the trends report chart (listbox of data types)
- [New] plugin 'Minimum total cost' for minimal total cost checking
- [New] plugin 'Affiliate Home Screen additional data' allows to use variables for 'all time' and 'first tier' data Read more
- [Upgraded] Mail reports (Daily/Weekly/Monthly), shifted from 0:00 to 0:30 (of server timezone) - after this all offline visits should be processed
- [Upgraded] trends report chart values: rounding is removed
- [Upgraded] 'Automatic approval of commissions' plugin, added possibility to enable notifications on transactions being approved
- [Upgraded] 'Performance rewards' plugin: Added condition "Last 90 days"
- [Upgraded] 'Lifetime commissions', added possibility to use lifetime referrer only for unreferred sales
- [Upgraded] 'UltraCart integration plugin', added support for coupons, register affiliate after sale, possibility to process each item in cart as a separate transaction (commission)
- [Upgraded] 'Rest Commissions' plugin settings - it is possible to configure it per campaign commission type
- [Activity] Add possibility to display other statistics data on affiliate panel home screen
- [Bug] Start Button design issue
- [Bug] Banner name length can by maximally 150 characters
- [Activity] Coupons feature: improve function 'assign coupon to affiliate'
- [Bug] Design issue on signup form on iPad
- [Bug] HTML signup form - duplicate in error message
- [Activity] Rest Commissions plugin
- [Activity] Autoapproval commissions plugin - optimization
- [Bug] Swreg integration - refunds don't work
- [Integration-method] Swreg integration - notification handling
- [Activity] Add lifetime commission option to PayPal plugin
- [Integration-method] s2Member - integration plugin
- [Bug] Banner rotator can display warnings
- [Activity] computing grouped statistics data should be executed during update steps
- [Story] Textarea in affiliate signup form
- [Bug] PAN: Account manager error
- [Bug] HTML banner settings - preview - iframe own size or predefined size gives error
- [Bug] HTML peel banner - predefined size not properly loaded
- [Bug] Wrong translation in Czech
- [Activity] PAN: raw clicks report optimization
- [Story] Optimization for transactions statistics data
- [Bug] Affiliate search listbox: too many requests
- [Activity] Pay affiliates: add filter for transactions by date approved
- [Bug] Split commissions: error during activating
- [Bug] Hover banner: 'Click here to see hover banner' link doesn't work
- [Bug] Campaigns export: missing is_default column
- [Bug] Adobe Business Catalyst plugin uses wrong total cost
- [Activity] Delete clicks task can cause 'too many connections'
- [Activity] Interspire Email Marketer: add field for Mailinig list Id
- [Activity] Add possibility to set new_link parameter as true for mysql_connect
- [Bug] Sending mails error
- [Bug] Replicated sites: more pages with same location - wrong error message displayed
- [Activity] Affiliates links still working after declining affiliate in a campaign
- [Integration-method] Integration Method Virtuemart 2
- [Story] Option to block links for declined affiliates
- [Story] add new permission privilege for "Affiliate linking method"
- [Activity] RadioButton - add disabled status style
- [Activity] add new permission privilege for 'tools' menu item
- [Bug] You do not have permissions to view Getting Started - error in merchant panel
- [Bug] Affiliate search listbox - problem if contains over thousands affiliates
- [Bug] Log group row widget in transaction grid - errors
- [Activity] Affiliate menu collapsing
- [Activity] Highlight active menu items
- [Bug] VolusionAPI plugin: wrong totalcost
- [Activity] Add possibility to change filter for Unpaid Commissions in affiliate panel header
- [Activity] Add 'Last 30 days' into statistics filter
- [Activity] Add condition "Last 30 days" into Performance reward rules
- [Bug] Pap geoip - decline click error
- [Story] Page Peel banner - HTML implementation
- [Bug] Affiliate search listbox doesn't work properly in chrome and safari
- [Integration-method] Integration method request for Premium Web Cart
- [Activity] Premium Web Cart IPN - recurring payments
- [Bug] Transaction detail shows wrong hours
- [Activity] Event logging - inaccuracies
- [Story] Automatic exchange rate update for Multiple currencies
- [Story] Impression processor - allow multiple processing
- [Story] Option to duplicate the campaign
- [Bug] PAN: writeAffiliateToLink works only with the default1 account
- [Story] Offline Coupons: Assign Specific Coupon Code to Specific Affiliate
- [Bug] Changed/unsaved grid cell is not marked
- [Activity] merchants can set "campaign status" without permissions
- [Bug] Volusion API plugin bug
- [Activity] PAN: Add permission for changing VAT percentage
- [Bug] Visitor log not processing
- [Integration-method] RocketGate integration method
- [Bug] Site replication doesn't allow to replicate only file
- [Activity] Add possibility to insert include/exclude tasks also when jobs.php is executing via url
- [Bug] iframe banner wrapper
- [Story] Authorize.Net plugin needs an update
- [Bug] Email report task is not optimized
- [Bug] Some plugins enables debug all logging
- [Activity] Remove statistics data from Affiliate Manager
- [Bug] Favicon in installer is not correct
- [Activity] First and Lastname in Merchant Invoice
- [Activity] Add possibility to allow merchant to change only campaign status
- [Activity] Add possibility to stop default campaigns
- [Activity] Change Invisible Campaigns filter in campaign manager
- [Bug] Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission error
- [Bug] PAP Mobile works only for Main merchant user
- [Bug] Subaffiliate sale stats shows wrong data
- [Bug] PAN: Read only account fields should be editable by network owner
- [Bug] Wrong first click time and last click time info
- [Activity] Add possibility to close all windows in Blue Aero theme
- [Story] There are missing variables for merchant invoice in Network
- [Bug] Campaign scheduler displays Time conditions in server timezone
- [Activity] Quick launch icons should not be on top
- [Activity] Display original currency in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Network Invoice Format - design bug
- [Story] A plugin for campaign limitation
- [Bug] Multiple execution of visit processor creates duplicates
- [Bug] Custom recurring level error
- [Bug] QR code link for Link banners is without affiliate parameter
- [Story] Branding free - the favicon should be not mandatory
- [Bug] Trends report - wrong rounding chart values
- [Activity] PAP Mobile display time for today's transactions
- [Story] Implement plugin for Custom recurring level
- [Integration-method] Volusion API integration plugin
- [Bug] integration recurring payment error
- [Bug] Conflict with assign non-referred affiliate and refid=none
- [Bug] Banners categories error
- [Bug] mysql warning: Unknown system variable 'CHARACTER_SET'
- [Bug] Strict Standards notices
- [Activity] Display country codes in affiliate panel
- [Customization] Add an option for Lifetime Commissions to set a custom commission
- [Bug] error before login screen
- [Activity] PAN: Network account prepaid improvement
- [Bug] Affiliate Manager - Country column is shifted
- [Bug] Click sale commissions are zero in commission details in affiliate panel
- [Story] Adding a sale debugging filter into the event log as predefined in the installation
- [Story] PAN: Network account prepaid credit
- [Bug] Auto-Registering Affiliates feature - url link doesn't work from facebook
- [Bug] Error during checking MySQL version - incorrect regular expression pattern
- [Bug] Forced Matrix tree order error
- [Bug] Auto-Registering Affiliates feature - Iframe link/banner code form throws error
- [Bug] Country commissions are not displayed in Campaign commission details
- [Bug] Multiple merchants: adding new merchant error
- [Activity] PAN: Create accounting stats gadget
- [Bug] Google maps privileges error in User roles privileges
- [Activity] Share banners on LinkedIn
- [Story] Sharing banners in Google+
- [Bug] Add the refresh button for affiliate panel header
- [Story] Please add text in Email Templates on how to work with it
- [Bug] Customized translation window resize
- [Activity] GoogleCheckout plugin: add support for partial refunds
- [Technical] Alignment text Affiliate Menu
- [Bug] JS Click tracking - write cookie to custom field error
- [Story] Do not change note when Approving transactions
- [Bug] Request Password Captcha image problem
- [Activity] API: Pap_Api_Transaction - get/set parent transaction Id
- [Story] Description of Import screen
- [Activity] Decimal delimiter of amount in mass payout export is comma instead of a period
- [Activity] Apply Top level affiliate commission for concrete campaigns
- [Bug] Settings.php reported as 'corrupt' while it seems all correct
- [Story] Add pre-created filters to grids
- [Story] Number of pending affiliates in campaign
- [Bug] Waiting for your approval widget opens widget without pending filter
- [Bug] Google checkout refund error
- [Bug] Recurly plugin error
- [Bug] in Forced Matrix, the fill bonus is registered even the affiliate is in pendent status yet
- [Activity] PayPal plugin: add reading of totalcost for recurring commissions from notification
- [Activity] Allow using custom total cost for recurring payments in integration plugins
- [Bug] Recurring commission total cost problem
- [Integration-method] Interspire Email Marketer integration
- [Activity] Action commissions: add campaign name near action names into quick report
- [Activity] GetResponse plugin - add referralid and password
- [Integration-method] Integration with MailChimp
- [Bug] Country filter doesn't work in Pay affiliates grid
- [Story] Filetr by affiliate and Account in pay affiliate
- [Bug] If a merchant has no permissions to view the homepage, then homepage should be not the default page - ClassicWide
- [Bug] PapGeoIp: action fraud protection decline error
- [Bug] Flash banner created without flash file causes "Install missing Plugins"
- [Bug] Searching campaign by productid doesn't work if productid contains parentheses
- [Activity] Add size settings for campaign long description window
- [Activity] Create plugin for custom commission value if purchaser is the affiliate
- [Activity] Commissions should be found by user Referral Id
- [Activity] Affiliate panel - Campaign search listbox
- [Bug] Request Password Captcha image problem
- [Bug] Manual commission not possible to save if fixed commission was used in campaign
- [Activity] Upgrade Google Maps plugin to API V3
- [Bug] IE javascript error: Function expected
- [Bug] Wrong spelling in the index.html page: Pannels -> it should be: Panels
- [Bug] CPM commissions not available in the default campaign of network merchants
- [Bug] Read-only affiliate field is not editable by merchant
- [Activity] Upgrade getResponse plugin for GetResponse360
- [Bug] Payout Options - Default payout listbox doesn't show all payout methods correctly
- [Bug] Payout Options - update Default payout method after removing
- [Bug] Missing plugin or wrong odcumentation for integration with PWC
- [Bug] Line-up Text Wrong
- [Bug] Dot character in 'from name' is encoded wrong
- [Bug] Affiliate in Ascending status in commission group of private campaign seems to be not approved in the private campaign
- [Bug] Corrupted design of input fields 'Add affiliate to group'
- [Bug] Payouts history report - no way to see all payouts
- [Story] Role permission 'refund_own' needed regarding "Transaction"
- [Bug] Error with "+" in Acton code
- [Activity] Optimalization for quick report
- [Bug] SSL problem
- [Bug] Quick report - delay after using filter apply button
- [Story] Add button to delete action
- [Activity] Create plugin for automatically registering affiliates
- [Bug] Max use count of coupon is ignored during tracking
- [Bug] PAN: recaptcha doesn't work if is enabled for account and disabled for affiliate signup
- [Activity] PAN: set default campaigns private for new accounts from signup form
- [Bug] BusinessCatalyst plugin doesn't work correctly
- [Activity] BusinessCatalyst plugin requires do secure requests
- [Bug] Affiliate tree in merchant panel - search error
- [Bug] PAN: Create invoice for PAN account - incorrect date to
- [Activity] Date time is displayed only as date if grid window is too narrow
- [Bug] Confusing column in affiliate manager section
- [Activity] Unpaid Commissions in affiliate panel header can causes delay
- [Bug] Affiliate available in tools>merchants
- [Bug] Displayed warnings during installing/updating
- [Bug] Some parts in the merchant and affiliate panel are hard-coded with HTTP://
- [Bug] Setting up mail notifications for affiliates is confusing
- [Activity] Click on Banners Campaign
- [Activity] Banner destination url with anchor parameter
- [Integration-method] New plugin for PagosOnline IPN handling
- [Activity] Use extendable widget for error message column in Mail outbox grid
- [Activity] Captcha image for request password screen
- [Activity] private IPs in requests
- [Integration-method] New plugin for Recurly postback handling
- [Bug] Import language script can skip translated rows
- [Bug] Wrong knowledgebase url for API documentation
- [Activity] PapGeoIp: add possibility to disable GeoIp for impressions
- [Bug] MapOverlay: Countries on map are not translated
- [Bug] Updating status of many tranasctions
- [Activity] target_attribute variable should be used in default banner format
- [Bug] it is possible to change default username and password on demo
- [Activity] API: add loading channel data function into Pap_Api_ClickTracker
- [Bug] Error with Safari 5.1.4
- [Bug] PAN: Read only fields are not displayed in account
- [Activity] Optimalization for impression processor
- [Activity] Add campaign name into actions columns
- [Bug] Design bug in plugins/features screen
- [Bug] Lifetime Referral relationship is not created when adding a transaction through the merchant panel
- [Activity] Edit view link button should be hidden by permissions
- [Activity] Upgrade getResponse plugin add cycle_day value
- [Bug] Campaign recognizer by product id, should skip stopped campaign
- [Bug] Trends report: drop down button for date range doesn't work
- [Activity] Optimalization for affiliate panel Banners & Links
- [Bug] Banner rotator: Reset Ranks doesn't work
- [Bug] hide banner once Campaign paused
- [Bug] slow SQL fix
- [Bug] SSL warning on the signup pages if recaptcha is enabled
- [Bug] Typos in word successful
- [Bug] Wrong require_once in tracking.php
- [Activity] PAN: Recaptcha required for the 'Account signup' page
- [Bug] Live Chat button in hosted panels does not work
- [Activity] Update help for generate google map api key
- [Bug] API: bug in Pap_Api_Affiliate class
- [Bug] raw clicks grid refferal URL column
- [Bug] Password change in affiliate panel
- [Activity] Add campaign name near action name into trends report
- [Bug] Invite to campaign search problem
- [Activity] Add into banners listbox for choosing target variable
- [Bug] Decimal separator configuration settings do not apply to all pages
- [Technical] Please make addEqualField and getEqualFields method in Pap_Api_Affiliate public
- [Bug] Typo in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] settings file saving
- [Activity] Add extension point into Banner class for updating destination url
- [Activity] API: implement function for loading additional stats data
- [Bug] Recognizing IP is different for more places
- [Bug] Disable locking of settings.php file on FreeBSD servers
- [Bug] Short input box for selecting banners in edit banner rotator screen
- [Activity] Update recognizing campaign by product id
- [Bug] Deleted banner is not removed from visitoraffiliates
- [Bug] PAN - Default role is not changed after role is deleted
- [Activity] Update confusing comments in affiliate invoicing
- [Activity] Update Change log url to open certain project Post Affiliate Pro
- [Bug] Editing Signup form fields can translate form codes
- [Activity] Add css style class 'active' into PAP menu items
- [Bug] API: Adding transaction can create transaction if commission type is disabled
- [Activity] Update Knowledgebase url links
- [Bug] Import-upload custom transaction ignores Commission Type Id
- [Bug] !COMMTYPEID missing in exported commission list
- [Activity] Pay affiliates: Add custom filter by Transaction type
- [Activity] Mail to friend: disable using system default email
- [Bug] http vs. https of banners links in affiliate panel
- [Integration-method] Add integration method for Internet Secure
- [Bug] Merchant note does not appear in the grid view
- [Activity] Hide inputbox "Max. transactions count" for hosted accounts
- [Activity] Add banner column into Commissions report in Affiliate panel
- [Bug] Simple PDF banner: show preview doesn't work
- [Bug] PAN: Even if a merchant is declined or suspended his campaigns are available
- [Bug] Banner rotator cache is not refreshed
- [Activity] Add separate permission for creating coupon offline sale
- [Bug] Daily Report - action commission columns are not displayed as currency
- [Bug] ParentAffiliate from signup link is inserted if user click overview
- [Bug] Twitter share button is not displayed on https
- [Activity] Add possibility to display date inserted and date approved in affiliate templates
- [Bug] Choosing campaigns by productId can choose wrong campaign
- [Activity] GoogleCheckout plugin: add possibility to choose productid field
- [Bug] PAN - wrong "from field" in emails to affiliates after suspending account
- [Bug] Sending Mails to affiliate after suspending account throws warnings
- [Activity] Add count and totalcost of actions into home screen table
- [Bug] Typo in signup form - additional inforrmation
- [Bug] Rebrand Pdf error
- [Bug] When you type the captcha incorrectly it gives an exception
- [Bug] wrong language file permissions
- [Bug] ParentUserID is empty in affiliate templates
- [Activity] Add searchbox into 'Invite to campaign' campaigns list
- [Activity] SolidTrustPay plugin doesn't work with subscription buttons
- [Bug] Traffic stats widget does not display count and commissions of acctions
- [Activity] Optimalization for Mail Outbox
- [Bug] Affiliate campaign menu does not show the correct affiliate status within the program/campaign menu
- [Activity] GoogleCheckout plugin: add reading and processing sale by coupon code
- [Bug] Full name search in Affiliates > Affiliates manager does not work
- [Bug] Account info is not displayed on hosted accounts through https
- [Story] PAN - Add bulk actions into the Accounts manager
- [Bug] Refunds are counted to the total sales
- [Activity] PayPal plugin update
- [Activity] Add action commissions columns into Map Overlay grid
- [Bug] Pending tasks widget displays all data for network merchants
- [Bug] Quick start widget shows "add transaction" link
- [Bug] Affiliate HTML signup form doesn't work
- [Bug] Affiliate HTML signup warning message
- [Bug] Campaigns grid error in Affiliate panel
- [Bug] Recurring commission transaction is created with missing data when affiliate is declined
- [Bug] Pap Geoip: Add country specific commission window has not scroll bar
- [Activity] Add possibility to display subaffiliates count on affiliate panel home screen
- [Bug] Coupon plugin error
- [Activity] Private campaigns: add affiliate status filter into Campaigns in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] Export of Transactoins > Commissions does not include the data from the 'banners' column
- [Activity] PAN - changes in managing network users
- [Bug] Campaign categories filter shows wrong count of categories
- [Activity] Add status search filter into Campaigns in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] Advanced search in Campaigns in the affiliate panel does not work
- [Bug] Campaign - date inserted is refreshed after editing campaign
- [Bug] Translation issue
- [Bug] Coupons stay in database after banner is deleted
- [Bug] It is not possible to approve/decline direct links from merchant email links
- [Bug] No error message when creating action with an existing code
- [Story] PAN - Tracking links
- [Bug] Affiliate-Tree Crash
- [Story] Add search field into the affiliate tree
- [Bug] Daily Report shows incomplete data for first day.
- [Bug] activating custom plugin crashes server
- [Bug] Input box Tiers visible for affiliate doesn't have integer validator
- [Activity] first affiliate screen maximized, sidebar on top by default
- [Bug] Sidebar is not displayed in affiliate panel
- [Activity] Optimalization for Subaffiliate Sale Stats
- [Bug] "Read Only" fields do not show up under "Edit View"
- [Bug] New Transaction with existing transaction id
- [Bug] Logging of signups doesn't work
- [Bug] MandatoryRefid plugin causes signup affiliate error
- [Bug] problem with mail template
- [Bug] PAN - wrong used accountid in Accounts Fields
- [Activity] About menu entry and screen doesn't look good
- [Bug] Translation problem: some phrases are not translatable
- [Bug] Subaffiliate first sale bonus: Currency symbol is not used from settings
- [Bug] Wrong ordinal number in Troubleshooting
- [Bug] Role privileges are not translated.
- [Activity] Roles privileges changes
- [Bug] It is not possible to approve/decline transactions from merchant email links
- [Bug] Email notifications for affiliates should display email notification settings
- [Bug] PAN: Daily Report in Network merchant shows all transactions
- [Bug] Translation issues in several email templates
- [Activity] Translate Campaign name in Affilate Panel
- [Bug] Long campaign description is not translated
- [Bug] Unscaled window size after you click "add per action commissoin"
- [Activity] Optimalization for Map Overlay
- [Activity] API: Add possibility to create api session from ID
- [Bug] Private campaign filter doesn't work in affiliate panel
- [Bug] PAN: After changing roles of a network merchat the Affiliate column is still unavailable in Commission reports
- [Bug] PAN/PAP: Wrong search compatibility in the 'advanced search' in the Banners manager
- [Activity] GoogleCheckout plugin doesn't support test mode
- [Bug] Signup form doesn't work if recaptcha is enabled and not configured
- [Bug] Insert attached image does not work in Promo Email banners
- [Activity] Unreferred affiliate listbox is narrow
- [Bug] Event log message with html, is not displayed right in popup
- [Activity] Signup affiliate form doesn't crete error message
- [Bug] PayPal plugin: register new affiliate doesn't work with enabled other plugins
- [Customization] Set Custom Default Rol
- [Bug] CPM commissions doesn't count impressions right
- [Bug] PAN - Account signup error
- [Bug] PAN - email for merchant and affiliate is not unique
- [Bug] Not refid variable in html banner
- [Bug] Edit roles privileges doesn't display info message
- [Customization] Site Replication banners: Add possibility to process files looking as directory name
- [Bug] Campaigns categories
- [Activity] Offline visit processing and Aff tracking codes
- [Bug] Refund/chargeback has wrong approved date
- [Activity] PAN - wrong permissions for adding merchants
- [Bug] Longer Role name is not visible right
- [Bug] PAN - Owner should see all roles from all network merchants
- [Story] Status of sale must not be changed from approved for network merchant
- [Bug] Edit coupon banner fails to load dialog
- [Bug] Export of "Top referring urls" ends up with export of 30 records
- [Bug] Payout date format is not affected by the global format
- [Activity] Coupons: Move sales count into coupons table
- [Bug] integration method for moneybookers does not work
- [Bug] problem with preg_match
- [Bug] String not found in translation section
- [Bug] PAN - The 'Add transaction' option still available even if the merchant role is edited
- [Bug] Items are not translated in filter listbox in Send message window
- [Bug] Pap update to 4.2.7 error
- [Bug] Empty string in addStyleName
- [Activity] An ability to email all merchants at once
- [Bug] Build build-coreClass script throws errors
- [Bug] Add checking if function 'curl_exec' is disabled
- [Bug] Dynamic link Crash
- [Story] Add link of a knowledgebase entry to 'Action commission for signup' plugin
- [Bug] Email input fields doesn't support email with .travel domain
- [Bug] Pay affiliates grid does not sort by name
- [Activity] Possibility to choose first affiliate screen
- [Bug] Replicated site - Permision Denied
- [Bug] Zip banner preview should be hidden if read affiliate permissions are not allowed
- [Bug] Replicated banner preview should be hidden if read affiliate permissions are not allowed
- [Bug] Banner ZIP Permision Denied
- [Bug] Event logs truncated
- [Activity] Add possibility to use Radio input element in plugin configuration
- [Customization] Campaigns - Search for country
- [Bug] The "Do not save sales after cookie lifetime" overrides the "save unreferred sales/leads"
- [Bug] Affiliate approved email notification is in wrong language
- [Customization] Campaifn Categories names can't be transalated.
- [Bug] Payout reports does not let you add "read only" fields to the custom view report
- [Bug] Exception during generating transactions list is not displayed
- [Bug] Spelling mistakes in report
- [Bug] Wrong bannerId recognized if campaign is forced
- [Bug] Multiple currency plugin: wrong original currency value
- [Bug] ReCaptcha feature doesn't work
- [Bug] Recaptcha does not work
- [Bug] Ordering by parent user is not working in affiliate panel.
- [Bug] Error after merchant/affiliate login: File can not be locked: ../accounts/settings.php
- [Bug] Check directory and check files were not deleted if install sctript failed
- [Activity] Import transactions, add new option match by transaction ID
- [Bug] Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission plugin overrides first tier commission
- [Bug] Cache template panel directory doesn't have 777 permissions
- [Bug] add login/logout notifications
- [Bug] It it not possible to edit template and default view of Daily Report
- [Story] Link banner gives HTML code for Get banner code
- [Bug] Alt text for 'best viewed in' firefox icon reads 'Firefox 3'
- [Bug] Commission report advanced search allows to select 'Lead' type
- [Bug] Design - login link in Cool Signup Theme should be located lower
- [Bug] The phrase in affiliate panel is not being translated
- [Bug] auto approval plugin not functional with recurring commissions
- [Bug] Problem with click tracking url encoding
- [Story] Gwt 2.3.0 update
- [Bug] Internet Explorer 9 issue with displaying Promotion section
- [Customization] Unable to edit affiliate panel campaigns screen
- [Activity] banner.php script doesn't support data1 data2 parameters
- [Bug] Clean installation says: settings.php does not exist
- [Bug] Merchant personal information window has wrong size
- [Bug] Quick stats -> Commissions Multi-Tier -> Avg.commission per sale does not work
- [Bug] Wrong commission type name
- [Bug] Export Payout to CSV doesn't work
- [Activity] Optimalization of stats data for Top referring URLs grid
- [Activity] Fraud protection - duplicate orders from same IP
- [Activity] Add checking of database settings before saving settings.php file
- [Bug] Saving certain template files doesn't refresh cache
- [Bug] IE7,8 does not open general affiliate link if anchor tracking is used
- [Activity] Pap3Compatibility: Optimalization for impression count select
- [Bug] Multiple running of visit processing can throw error
- [Bug] Image resize affiliates
- [Activity] Optimalization of statistical data for affiliate manager
- [Bug] incompatible API problem
- [Customization] New banner type - QR code
- [Technical] Coupon limitation request
- [Bug] Error during update to version 4.5.28
- [Story] DirectLink matching algorithm should remove spaces
- [Bug] Affiliates password constraints affect also merchant password
- [Bug] Cron Job Integration screen
- [Bug] Maximum commissions per referral plugin does not work for click commission
- [Bug] Saving negative commission by default
- [Bug] Add transaction window still loading
- [Bug] Multiple running of visit processing can process one visit two times
- [Bug] settings.php are empty
- [Activity] add secure certificate to
- [Activity] Site Replication banners: Add possibility to choose Files to process for Replicate external URL
- [Bug] PAN - referralid error in affiliate signup
- [Activity] Automatic approval of commissions plugin should approve also recurring commissions
- [Bug] Banners list box doens't work right
- [Bug] PAP in combination with XCache is sometimes unable to determine paths…
- [Bug] Mandatory Parent User -> signup fails upon cookie matching
- [Integration-method] Google checkout - the discounts are not reflected when a sale is tracked
- [Bug] Commission groups shows some invalid data
- [Bug] If there are many campaigns, there is no loading icon displayed.
- [Customization] PAN - Campaigns should have a detailed description and terms of conditions options
- [Bug] Payout grid error
- [Activity] Add param UserId into service method createCommissions in class RecurringCommissionsForm
- [Bug] DirectLinks tracking can create visitoraffiliate with wrong bannerid
- [Bug] Sale tracking by Coupon should ignore split commissions
- [Bug] seostring variable is missing in image banner templates
- [Bug] PAN: Top referring URLs doesn't work for network merchants
- [Activity] Search in Pay affiliates grid doesn't search affiliates by referral id
- [Bug] Mail outbox runner can let pending emails in outbox
- [Bug] classis wide affiliate interface display problem
- [Bug] getResponse plugin
- [Bug] Banner list not loaded in listbox, when entering manual transaction
- [Bug] Compressed commission placement model doesn't create new transactions
- [Technical] Signup form CAPTCHA required
- [Activity] Refactoring of Pay affiliates grid
- [Bug] Error in task Pap_Features_RecurringCommissions_Runner
- [Story] data1&data2 available in Replicated site urls and raw clicks list
- [Bug] Language in a minisite
- [Bug] Campaign Categories
- [Bug] add Pay affiliates notifications
- [Bug] Hosted account had a missing DB info in settings.php
- [Bug] PAN - Weekly report is send every day
- [Technical] Invisible Campaigns are visible by default in Merchant Panel
- [Activity] Optimalization for Top referring URLs grid
- [Bug] Pixel tracking doesn't work for some certain visitorIds in offline processing
- [Bug] QuickBooks export to IIF plugin doesn't work right
- [Bug] PAN - The account fields are not available in the edit view menu in account manager
- [Activity] Automatic approval of commissions plugin should approve also related refunds
- [Bug] many broken tables on hosted accounts
- [Bug] LA button code in affiliate panel and signup
- [Bug] Fraud protection doesn't work right with cron visit processing
- [Bug] If in regional settings is set wrong Date Format getClientToServerTime throws NullPointerException
- [Bug] PAN - Tracking referrals by IP address doesn't choose visitoraffiliate by accountid
- [Bug] hosted plugin tweaks
- [Bug] Payouts history export to CSV doesn't work
- [Bug] select_button template generates mod security violation on some servers
- [Bug] Mod rewrite code for SEO links generated by application can not work with all separators
- [Bug] Payouts history: filters does't work right
- [Bug] Affiliate is set incorrect when a commission added manually and Lifetime Commissions activated
- [Bug] Add transaction creates transactions with actual date
- [Bug] Task Pap_Features_RecurringCommissions_Runner is crashing
- [Bug] If commission is created by pixel tracking, tracking method is not set.
- [Bug] Emails with special chars in subject are not sent on some servers
- [Bug] instllation failure
- [Bug] Send to a friend window does not open properly in affiliate panel for some banners
- [Bug] payout options on affiliate signup through API
- [Bug] edit transactions/ add new transaction/ edit imported transaction
- [Bug] Affiliate Tracking - permission error on roles settings
- [Bug] program menu
- [Bug] Campaign categories
- [Bug] advanced search in affiliate banner menu
- [Story] Add option to specify visitor id in tracking pixel.
- [Bug] Merchants in PAN can see affiliates' username at Transactions > Commissions
- [Bug] Edit transaction: Compute commissions works right only for first tier
- [Bug] PAP update writes into theme.php file in install themes directory
- [Bug] Romanian language has encoding issues.
- [Bug] WebMoney integration doesn't work
- [Bug] Pap Geoip: Undefined class constant 'ACTION_DONTSAVE'
- [Bug] Transaction edit window shouldn't display "Support multi tier" checkbox
- [Activity] Site Replication: add possibility insert affiliate image
- [Bug] Cached banner do not work with refids
- [Bug] paypal decimal separator
- [Bug] Recurring commissions are creaed for deleted users
- [Bug] Recurring commissions: exception in plugins after save transaction can causes endless loop
- [Bug] Mandatory fields are not checked with HTML signup form
- [Bug] automatic language selection from browser language
- [Bug] Coupon banners export does not work
- [Bug] Description of campaigns is not translated
- [Bug] Numbers of clicks, sales and impressions have decimal
- [Bug] PAN - Commissions of account is rounded after creating invoice
- [Bug] PAN - Create invoice form: wrong amount of commissions
- [Bug] PAN - Commissions in Network accounts grid
- [Activity] PAN - Invoice number could be incrementally generated
- [Bug] PAN - Create invoice form: wrong Balance after this payment
- [Bug] PAN Account view, timeout page
- [Story] make new screen "Views"
- [Bug] PAN - Pay Affiliate ERROR: Unknown column 'commission' in 'having clause'
- [Bug] Banners of private campaign are shown in list of banners in filter for non qualified affiliate
- [Activity] upgrade ejunkie integration
- [Story] Additional parameters to PayPal plugin
- [Bug] wrong value of some parameters
- [Bug] Direct Links error on roles settings - merchant can view all direct links not own only
- [Bug] Promo email bug
- [Activity] replicated site tweak with encoding
- [Bug] PAN - Private Campaign
- [Bug] damaged settings.php file
- [Bug] Tracking referrals by IP address doesn't choose last visit
- [Bug] Unknown column xxx in 'where clause'
- [Bug] Optimalization for pay affiliates grid
- [Bug] Hidden banner issue in merchant panel - banner manager
- [Bug] Tools icon clicked in Internet Explorer says "You do not have permissions to view Tools"
- [Bug] PAN - Optimalization for Network Accounts grid
- [Technical] New user notification not send, when registering Affiliate using API
- [Bug] Site Replication does not work right with cookies
- [Bug] Payout Data on Pay affiliate section not displays correctly
- [Bug] theme design error
- [Bug] Modifying the TopMenu
- [Bug] Wrong image in Page Peel banner stops loading banners
- [Bug] PAN- new account e campaign default
- [Bug] PAN - after changing name of merchant is not changed name in accounts
- [Activity] Add checking size of benchmark.log file
- [Bug] Can not edit custom/*.tpl templates
- [Bug] Remove Map Overlay screen from affiliate panel
- [Bug] affiliate manager edit view cloning view templates
- [Bug] Mod rewrite links on hosted accounts
- [Bug] DateTime filter doesn't work right if value contains time
- [Activity] Ukrainian language
- [Bug] ChannelID is not working for tracking pixel.
- [Bug] PAN - invite to campaign of account
- [Bug] Banner rotator does not pass channel to it's banners.
- [Bug] DateTime addMonth function return wrong month
- [Bug] Split commissions, wrong displayed campaign and banner for first affiliate
- [Bug] Decimal precision setting in Currency section ignores zero as a last digit
- [Bug] Terms & Conditions translating problem
- [Bug] PAN - Assigning campaign from one merchant to another does not update banner ownership.
- [Bug] Thousands separator for negative numbers is showing even the number is less than 1000
- [Bug] parsing mysql version with phpinfo/ob_start may cause problems on some servers
- [Bug] Daily reports are missing or incorrectly displaying number of sales.
- [Bug] PAN - network owner can not invite affiliates into all campaigns
- [Bug] PAN - Dynamic Links
- [Bug] PAP alert out of date
- [Bug] more visit processing optimalisations
- [Bug] wrong numbers in reports
- [Bug] merchants/#Merchants - Search not work
- [Bug] Preview of HTML banners shows html code instead of image
- [Bug] HTML banner creates wrong banner code if is set image preview
- [Bug] slow selects form qu_pap_transactions
- [Bug] /accounts/settings.php gets blank
- [Bug] Adding hyperlink in a promo email banner using WYSIWYG does not work
- [Bug] PAN - wrong used accountid and campaign id in tracking code
- [Bug] Wrong campaign status
- [Bug] Paypal plugin: refunds of recurring payments don't work
- [Bug] api not functional
- [Integration-method] RoboKassa integration method does not work anymore.
- [Bug] Cannot save transaction with negative total cost.
- [Bug] Design bugs
- [Bug] $chan variable is not replaced in Destination url in banner.
- [Bug] premium web cart does not support lifetime commissions
- [Bug] Statistics db tests failed
- [Bug] Count of first tier transactions contains higher tiers too
- [Activity] demo functionality check
- [Activity] check demo functionality
- [Bug] live support button not visible
- [Bug] notices in database tests
- [Bug] Pap_Mail_GenerateMassMailsTask throws error
- [Bug] problem with session on clean install
- [Bug] Affiliate Campaigns plug-in
- [Bug] GetResponse plugin update
- [Bug] PAN - Force acceptance T & C in Account signup
- [Bug] PAN - Weekly report
- [Bug] visit processing optimalisations
- [Activity] Do not track clicks when page is displayed in an iframe
- [Bug] Not translatable descriptions in tracking settings
- [Bug] Same description for 2 different functions
- [Technical] Add sorting in banner target url listbox
- [Bug] notice in geoip plugin
- [Bug] Filter "Private / Public with manual approval campaigns" throws error: Row does not exist…
- [Bug] Field "read only" no show in Affiliate details
- [Bug] large memory consumption on sending reports
- [Integration-method] Update the integration method for 2Checkout
- [Bug] error during importing affiliates
- [Bug] deleted affiliates in aff. tree
- [Bug] Sale tracking breaks if custom commission is not number value
- [Bug] Failure pictures
- [Bug] Rename Leatherboard -> Leaderboard
- [Customization] integration
- [Bug] wrong conversion from html to xhtml
- [Activity] Optimalization for visitor affiliates grid
- [Bug] trends report is not working
- [Activity] Optimalization for trends report
- [Activity] Move url functions from Gpf_Io_File class
- [Story] Wordpress Integration
- [Bug] Advanced search in Commission does not support custom search for "Type"
- [Bug] PAN - DirectLInk
- [Bug] PAN - Statistics data are wrong
- [Activity] Optimalization for transactions statistics computer
- [Bug] Encoding issue in polish language file
- [Bug] Compressed commission feature are not using orderIDs filter properly
- [Activity] Optimalization for top affiliates grid
- [Story] Add field for save "Cc:" recipent for sending invoices
- [Bug] Commissions not approved in current month are not invoiced neither in month of event nor in month of approving
- [Bug] API has some typos in the code
- [Bug] PAN - Event log filter
- [Bug] Add $isLogged variable back to affiliate panel templates
- [Bug] Banner rotator with flash banner
- [Bug] Site Replication banner replaces slashes in doctype declaration
- [Bug] Tracking javascript does not store 1st party cookies in IE
- [Bug] PAN - Dynamic link
- [Bug] PAN - Notification on join to public campaign with manual approval sent to wrong merchant
- [Activity] multiple refunds by one API call
- [Bug] Generating broadcast emails throws sql error
- [Activity] extend capacity if invoice field in database
- [Bug] Campaign filter in Top affiliates throws error
- [Bug] Do not log logins from API
- [Bug] Grid Payout opened from Payouts history throws error: Field firstname does not exist in record
- [Bug] Replicated site issue with missing slash in the URL
- [Activity] italian language
- [Bug] preview of banner rotators
- [Bug] PAN- Campaign Category Plugin
- [Bug] unsent mails
- [Bug] Post-signup page is not displaying affiliate information correctly.
- [Bug] PAN - Error in email template "You have been declined in campaign"
- [Bug] Broadcast email sends email to all affiliates, instead of just sub-affiliates
- [Bug] not possible to get CSV export from grid
- [Story] add extension point when user password is changed
- [Bug] Coupons and Offline Sales: number of sales from coupons contains also in higher tier than 1
- [Bug] wrong creation of compiled core class
- [Bug] Traffic overview table not displayed in IE 8 browser
- [Story] {$refid} variable is missing inside Promo email banner
- [Bug] affiliate or merchant photo is stretched
- [Bug] The payout date and time is not recalculated according the timezone
- [Activity] Infinity Line Dynamic Compression Referral Placement Model
- [Bug] PAN - zip banner doesn't use {$refid} variable
- [Bug] ERROR: Unknown column 'lo.loginsnr' in 'field list
- [Bug] ultracart do not know substracting shipping and handling
- [Bug] Extension Point PostAffiliate.UserInCommissionGroup.addUser not being called
- [Bug] invisible campaign is visible in direct links campaign selection and reports as paused not stopped
- [Bug] If overwrite cookie is disabled, not valid cookie should be overwritten
- [Bug] On some servers is processing of .g.nocache.js files stopped.
- [Bug] PAP Assumes Apache
- [Bug] Advanced filter in Top Referring URL's report does not work properly
- [Bug] Dynamic Link tool doesn´t add "desturl" parameter to the url when the banner has iframe wrapper
- [Integration-method] ccBill refunds via ccbill API
- [Bug] Zip Banner preview uses wrong data
- [Bug] Banners manager grid throws error: "Comment not closed !"
- [Bug] impressions were not tracked
- [Bug] In Merchant Panel in Affiliate manager is not possible to change or add Username of affiliate
- [Bug] Flash in click tracking causes whitespace in XHTML 1.0
- [Bug] Error while saving perClick or perSale commission
- [Story] Logout information in logs contains "Authentication failed for user"
- [Bug] Referral ID gives a wrong value when used in emails
- [Bug] Unnecessary and confusing variable in FAQ page
- [Bug] If affiliate is in group with status ascending/descending sale tracking script will not use this commission group
- [Bug] If commission group of user is changed, status of user in group will be restart to Approved
- [Bug] Error: "Maximum length of ip in Gpf_Db_LoginHistory is 39"
- [Bug] edit action name and code is not possible
- [Bug] Affiliates can edit there username without informing admin / merchant
- [Integration-method] Bluepay integration
- [Bug] Coupon banner design cannot be saved because of error
- [Story] twitter share feature
- [Story] Add some description for linking types in tracking settings
- [Technical] Very Slow Page Loading Confirmed By Firebug
- [Bug] Problem with setting the exchange rate in Multiple Currencies Feature
- [Bug] PayPal - "Register new affiliate with every occured event" does not recognize parrent
- [Bug] Banner preview in Merchant panel has wrong size
- [Bug] planned notifications in email notifications>affiliate notifications do not work
- [Bug] Referral ID behavior with plugin Custom RefId
- [Bug] PAP license validation
- [Bug] System logo is not being taken into account on request password page
- [Bug] PAN - Merchant cannot upload banners
- [Bug] Impression tracking does not work
- [Bug] PAN - Account assign when creating jpgs and corner layers
- [Bug] PAP startup error
- [Bug] Sale tracking sometimes does not work in IE when Click tracking code is present.
- [Customization] Import for Bob Maillet
- [Bug] Offline sale visit is saved into visitsTableProcess instead of visitsTableInput
- [Bug] domain with utf-8 characters and pap license
- [Bug] Application not work, always throw Invalid License
- [Bug] PAN - mandatory setting for checkbox in signup form is not enforced
- [Bug] Do not allow to activate LifetimeCommisions plugin when Split commissions are on and vice versa
- [Bug] Affiliate linking method => missing affiliate id parameter
- [Bug] PAN - Error message when creating a new action commission
- [Bug] Missing constraint on URL in direct links
- [Bug] Edit of affiliate panel screens cannot load default view and throw exceptions
- [Bug] In Affiliate Panel in theme "Blue Aero" is not displayed header with general affiliate link
- [Bug] PayPal - "Approve affiliate after successfull payment" option does not work
- [Bug] Sort Commissions by ID fails
- [Bug] Unique clicks and CTR does not show up in Channel stats reports
- [Story] Add information to GetResponse plugin that only paid users can integrate it with GR
- [Story] "Cron Job Integration" menu - TYPO - "Corn run interval"
- [Story] Add popup help icon for Parent Transaction in Add Commission form
- [Story] Automatically close window for Add Commission after the commission is created
- [Bug] Email can be send to other affiliates as is inserted in email addresses
- [Bug] PAN - merchant cannot edit campaign categories - permission problem
- [Bug] Signup: In original parent id filed should be only userid
- [Bug] sending mails generate notice
- [Bug] the names of the affiliate panel screens cannot be edited
- [Bug] Forced Matrix: After signup new affiliate original parent id is empty
- [Bug] Hidden banners are also hidden from the banner manager
- [Bug] Installation failed without any error message
- [Bug] Banner preview in Merchant panel has wrong size
- [Bug] Comission details not being saved
- [Bug] Affiliates can not modify their personal details
- [Bug] Invalid license deactivates features and its settings.
- [Bug] wrong numbers in reports
- [Bug] visitoridhash should be only UNSIGNED integer
- [Activity] Add checking of sql mode
- [Bug] task runner does not run some tasks
- [Bug] Transaction last and first click data are hidden in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Some pending mails can be sent after long time
- [Bug] It is not possible to import data from server file
- [Bug] Import data from URL file does not work
- [Bug] Offline sale tracking throw exception in strict sql mode
- [Bug] Error when trying to set mail notifications for merchant in PAN
- [Bug] Banner cache is not updated when SEO linking method configuration changes.
- [Bug] It is not possible upload PDF file into rebrand PDF banner
- [Bug] Brodacast Email - 'from' address is not correct
- [Bug] HTML tags in translated text
- [Bug] Installation failed
- [Bug] Sale tracking is stopped if visitorId is not set
- [Bug] In mail outbox are still some pending mails
- [Activity] Coupon handling for Paypal plugin
- [Bug] Sub-menus in affiliate panel are not working
- [Bug] plugin does not deduct shiping and other fees.
- [Bug] update of Latvian transaltion
- [Bug] Pap3Compatibility
- [Bug] error on manual corn job run
- [Bug] In mail outbox stay pending mails
- [Customization] Subaffiliate first sale extra bonus
- [Bug] Issue with logged and notlogged templates
- [Activity] cron run interval setting
- [Bug] Signup form should not allow create affiliate with same username as merchant
- [Bug] Translation problem: missing first diacritic or special characters
- [Bug] Visit processing not working
- [Bug] Magento connector API version problem
- [Bug] Reply-To in merchant new affiliate notification
- [Bug] Advanced search in Banners manager interchanges the values
- [Bug] Affiliate Manager - Sorting by name is not working
- [Bug] trying to include PapApi.class.php results in error that prevents tracking from working
- [Activity] Import tool should display information about processed datas
- [Bug] Affiliates Manager –> not working correctly
- [Bug] Task Pap_Mail_Reports_ReportsSendTask threws exception
- [Bug] PAP4 upgrade does not preserve disabled setting for default themes
- [Bug] [PAN]If using the commissions in accounts stats grid, it doesn't show appropriate values
- [Bug] Recurring sales in PayPal plugin do not work correctly.
- [Bug] Tax and shipping deduction in PayPal does not work
- [Bug] PAP license possible not checked in some cases
- [Bug] Forced Matrix: Adding new affiliate without parent userid throws exception
- [Bug] Export not working for pay affiliates table
- [Bug] Site Replication banners does not work on hosted accounts
- [Bug] Adding channel when creating new transaction does not work.
- [Bug] Flash Template
- [Story] wrong edition name in Getting Started window
- [Customization] Multiple visit processing cron jobs at a time
- [Bug] Click commissions are not displayed in Affiliate panel > reports > subaffiliate sale reports
- [Story] Add the item "last login" into the view of affiliates
- [Bug] Manually adding multi tier commissions does not work when Split commission is active.
- [Bug] PAN - the default theme is not set for merchants
- [Bug] Site Replication banners does not work properly
- [Bug] New merchant panel 'default theme' does not reflect change.
- [Bug] Error saving VIEW if another merchant account used the same name
- [Bug] .htaccess code for replicated sites is not displayed correctly in IE8
- [Bug] map overlay report not accessible
- [Bug] wrong columns in payout affiliates grid
- [Bug] sale tracking with multiple sales can cause "URI too large error"
- [Bug] Tracking code choose default campaign if is enabled 'Force choosing campaign by product id'
- [Customization] Forced matrix expand + bonus
- [Bug] Expression representing cookie generated for the domain and all its subdomains does not work
- [Bug] Export / re-import of banner definitions - 'SEO string' is replaced with 'Description'
- [Bug] missing help button in transaction import dialog
- [Bug] Error saving Affiliates grids default View
- [Bug] Import campaigns creates records in comissiongroups table
- [Bug] Split commission mail notification
- [Bug] 'Import Affiliates' does not work
- [Bug] Do not recover normal cookies from flash cookies
- [Bug] CPM commissions throws error
- [Bug] Campaign category selection does not work in IE8
- [Bug] PAN - wrong displaying commissions in Edit account > Accounting
- [Bug] Number precision doesn't work with custom variables
- [Bug] Speed of Trends Report
- [Bug] show all countries in commission type
- [Bug] 'Mail to friend' feature does not work
- [Bug] Crossdomain tracking is not working in certain case.
- [Bug] Pap3toPap4 migration script shouldn't migrate deleted banners
- [Bug] 'Mail to friend' enhancement request
- [Bug] PAN - once created action is available for all merchants
- [Bug] Pap3toPap4 migration script doesn't cerate default commission types click and sale
- [Bug] Pap3toPap4 migration script doesn't set default campaign
- [Bug] RebrandPDF banner can not be created
- [Customization] Add possibility to call Logout as simple link with #Logout
- [Activity] speed up grids extended from stats grid
- [Bug] error during saving split commissions with papGeoip enabled
- [Bug] PayPal mass pay is in wrong format
- [Bug] Uploading Transactions does not distribute commissions to upline tiers.
- [Bug] empty data fields in commissions->edit popup window
- [Bug] PAN/PAP - 'import transaction' does not calculate the tier commissions
- [Activity] Add possibility to turn off Mysql check
- [Bug] Affiliate banners & links - missing data column
- [Bug] View opened in background of dialog
- [Bug] Speed of transactions table
- [Bug] PAP / PAN - when a commission is automatically approved after a period of time, merchant doesn't get approval email
- [Bug] table qu_pap_visitors grows too big
- [Bug] Migration PAP3 to PAP4 does not migrate banners
- [Technical] banner filter in Trends Report
- [Customization] Mail to friend feature
- [Bug] merchant is not able to change existing direct link
- [Bug] Mail outbox grid takes too long time
- [Bug] typo in payapl plugin
- [Bug] Network accounts speed problem
- [Bug] Affiliate Details - request expiration
- [Bug] The export function in Banner manager doesn't export the banner name into the exported file
- [Activity] implement remove fro country specific commission types
- [Bug] Lifetime commission
- [Bug] Gravatar check causes disruption in secure connection
- [Bug] Channel filter is not working properly
- [Bug] Auto delete of Logins History
- [Bug] Permission denied: Can´t select category
- [Bug] PayPal plugin doesn't track online sales
- [Bug] checking PAP version
- [Bug] categories grid in merchant panel - not possible to select next page
- [Customization] specific commissions by country
- [Bug] Sale tracking doesn't check validity of visitoraffiliates when is activated Split Commissions
- [Story] GeoIP
- [Bug] PAP / PAN - refresh button in home page of affiliate doens't refresh also the top right corner paid/unpaid commission
- [Bug] Unable save cookies, when is feature Split Commissions activated
- [Bug] Sale total cost is counted towards Revenue although it's Refunded / chargebacked
- [Bug] Uploaded merchant picture is not resized.
- [Bug] Notice: Undefined offset: 1
- [Bug] PAN - Adding banner to banner rotator in Chrome doesn't display the added banner
- [Bug] Maximum length of originalparentuserid in Pap_Db_User is 8
- [Bug] When using API code for creating new affiliate the password is not set and there is a warning so creation fails.
- [Bug] Terms And Conditions text for merchant is too small
- [Bug] missing images in campaign categories sections, only in IE and Opera
- [Bug] PAN: Affiliate see red error messages in Campaigns dialog
- [Bug] The Notification email does not show up in the Affiliate Manager
- [Bug] Affiliate manager performance improvement
- [Bug] When editing affiliates original parent affiliate should not be replaced with parent id.
- [Bug] Order ID is missing in Recurring commissions
- [Bug] When importing affiliates, the Orig. Parent ID does not appearing in the affiliate manager
- [Bug] Import affiliates doesnt import notification emails
- [Bug] When updating banner that is in banner rotator, cache is not cleared and old banner is used instead.
- [Bug] Changing the banner format doesnt change in the iframe
- [Bug] Hidden banner is not visible while creating Banner rotator
- [Bug] Two "Your Account" screens in hosted PAN
- [Bug] Subject encoding issues
- [Bug] PAN - assigning a banner to a merchant makes the banner non functional
- [Bug] Code area in affiliate panel is too small.
- [Customization] affiliate can send email to all its subaffiliates
- [Customization] affiliate will be able to add subaffiliate
- [Bug] Pending Affiliate should NOT receive invitations to Private Campaigns UNTIL approved
- [Bug] Length of click data 1 and 2 fields is limited to 40 in visitor affiliates table
- [Bug] PAN / PAP - there is hardcoded text that cannot be translated
- [Bug] First and Last click referrer URLs in Sale emails
- [Bug] Two plugins do not work together as expected.
- [Bug] In Request payment and invoice paid mail, if is sent invoice design is corupted
- [Bug] Split commission email sales/lead report
- [Activity] Add left to right icons to our wysiwyg html editor
- [Bug] useless buttons at Banners & Links section of Affiliate panel
- [Bug] PAN - Currency EUR not showing correctly in Configuration -> Network invoice format -> Preview
- [Bug] Wrong encoding special characters from PAP API tracking request
- [Bug] It is not possible to manual set the refund and is not possible to change the type of transaction from sale to refund
- [Activity] add setIp and getIp methods to Pap_Api_Affiliate
- [Bug] loading affiliate from api is not correct
- [Bug] Tree of subaffiliates is not refreshed after click on refresh button
- [Bug] Invite to campaign does not display properly.
- [Bug] after resize of editor , text box shrinks in width
- [Bug] When I delete affiliates, I get an error: Expected ')'
- [Bug] IMPORT does not work
- [Bug] Unable to change rank in Banner Rotator.
- [Bug] Unable to creat a banner with custom URL
- [Bug] after adding a banner to banner rotator, PAP doesn't display that the banner is added
- [Bug] Rotator Banner mixing with other Rotator Banners
- [Bug] Site replication on Hosting has errors
- [Story] Update samples and tests info
- [Bug] AffLinkProtector in affiliate panel is blocked by mod_security
- [Customization] Banner validity in banner rotator
- [Bug] New Category button in Campaign Categories does not work.
- [Bug] merchant login error
- [Bug] Big totalcost values are being converted to other then number format
- [Bug] problem in language translation editor - saving special characters
- [Bug] Not possible to change the order of payout options
- [Bug] List Box doesn't remember value after paste
- [Bug] Value of column commtypeid cannot be an object
- [Bug] Default campaign issues in PAN
- [Bug] Iframe wrapped banners are not being displayed on websites
- [Activity] Forced matrix also for Unreferred affiliates
- [Technical] add server overload check to longTaskt
- [Bug] Target URL of flash banner is not working properly
- [Bug] If merchant is not usin default theme, he see "Set as default" button on wrong theme
- [Bug] Missing warning at 2 plugins
- [Bug] Site replication under certain conditions deactivates
- [Bug] It is not possible to edit custom pages in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] Map Overlay report is missing Australia and New Zealand region
- [Bug] Affiliate can not be declined when plugin "Custom refid" is on and the format of refid doesn't suit it.
- [Bug] Show Only Minimum Payout option is not saved in filter
- [Bug] Read-Only variables omitted from Banner Destination
- [Bug] The options of the "search in" dropdown menu in all grids are not translated
- [Bug] Check if cron is running when Auto delete of clicks and events is set up
- [Activity] Merchant should see commtypeid
- [Bug] PAN - Translated text is bigger then the original one and therefore incorrectly diplayed
- [Story] Make the email address box in the Send Message Recipients wider.
- [Bug] illegible drop down box in IE8 - edit signup form -> insert variables
- [Bug] icon picked do not working
- [Bug] Unable to create Transactions through API without commtypeid
- [Bug] when offline processing is disabled, action tracker reaction to this change is too slow
- [Bug] Error during update to version 4.4.4
- [Bug] unable to manually create transaction
- [Bug] Pay affiliates - ERROR: Unknown column 'salesCount' in 'where clause'
- [Bug] subaffiliates tree throws error and will not show
- [Story] Sales import
- [Bug] banner without wrapper is inserted to banner rotator
- [Story] Site replication for Hosting
- [Bug] PAN - there is a bug in affiliate panel when trying to display banners
- [Bug] " I want to… -> Add transaction " does not work correctly
- [Bug] When SplitCommission feature is activated Overwrite cookie setting in Configuration -> Cookies should not be displayed
- [Bug] There should be a notification when I activate "Username Referral IDs" plugin
- [Bug] Language problem in communication between affiliate and merchant
- [Bug] Click commissions not working correctly
- [Activity] add possibility to disable flash cookies
- [Bug] Affiliate Panel: refid in General affiliate link and userid in sign up link
- [Activity] Generate general affiliate link as short anchor
- [Bug] categories manager does not load
- [Bug] PAN - Default campaign per merchant account
- [Bug] Hover banner is causing that Banner Manager in Affiliate panel does not load
- [Customization] Make grid in edit coupon -> coupons tab editable
- [Activity] Pay affiliates grid - add filter transaction data 1-5
- [Bug] in sales_list template smarty fail when iterating through sales object
- [Activity] [DP] add notification to DB size
- [Customization] Campaign categories
- [Bug] login for is not possible to style if custom theme is set
- [Customization] allow approving affiliates with sales in paypal plugin
- [Bug] Edit Tree of subaffiliates unable load tree template
- [Customization] add filter configuration for affiliate tree
- [Story] Missing refresh button in affiliate panel > home tab
- [Bug] Commission groups tab does not appear after campaign is created.
- [Bug] Order id in the affiliate panel does not show up
- [Activity] Add possibility for turn off Mod security check
- [Bug] Product ID is missing in PayPal payments using "Add to cart" button.
- [Bug] Disabling of field in signup form doesn't disable the same field in affiliate panel > download signup form
- [Bug] Sorting by orderid in Commissions grid failed
- [Bug] Unable send mails to recipients from predefined filter when Private campaigns are activated
- [Bug] Signup referral commission does not work
- [Story] Branding free for Addons web
- [Bug] Long campaign name not completly displayed in the "banner editor"
- [Bug] PAN hosting - in merchant panel, theme classic wide, logo is cut-off
- [Technical] Size of help box
- [Bug] help icon over text
- [Bug] Empty summary email from split commissions
- [Bug] Expression "Payment details" is not translatable - in affiliate panel I can still see old translation
- [Bug] Not possible to translate "Referral ID is already used"
- [Story] PAN - Add predefined agreement option for network merchant signup.
- [Bug] Daily Report in Affiliate Panel is not translateble
- [Story] In pay affiliates is missing option to show statistic columns like in affiliate manager
- [Bug] twice same value in listbox
- [Story] Replicate URL
- [Bug] Incorrect iframe wrapper parameters.
- [Activity] Add getPAPVersion functionality into the API.
- [Bug] Please add notification email for affiliate export
- [Bug] Import / Export options are not translatable…
- [Technical] On place Hide hidden banners should be in filter show hidden banners
- [Bug] click commissions need be saved daily
- [Bug] Direct Link instructions in Affiliate Panel are misleading
- [Bug] Refresh button missing in affiliate panel on some reports.
- [Bug] Payouts History isn’t showing all the data
- [Bug] Listbox in payout methods doesn't show values properly
- [Bug] Minimum Payout is not properly displayed in Payouts>Pay Affiliates grid
- [Bug] PayPal plugin does not refund 2nd tier and above.
- [Bug] You have used 1 of 0 available coupons
- [Technical] Top Affiliates Report - more filter fields required
- [Story] Visitor Affiliates Grid
- [Story] API_Transactions add option to refund also children transactions
- [Technical] Don't send notification email if commission is $0
- [Bug] Anchor links in Home screen don't work in IE
- [Bug] Language updates steps removes "is custom" flag
- [Activity] [DP] invoices for PAP customers and members agents
- [Bug] Missing button "Add url" into DirectLink URLs in edit affiliate window
- [Bug] PAN - error occurs when I manually create new merchant
- [Bug] Problem with manually adding multitier commission
- [Bug] Corupted email subject in daily report…
- [Bug] Mails are not showing up in affiliate's details.
- [Activity] Exporting Top Affiliates to the CSV
- [Bug] import not working
- [Activity] add mod_security check to installation process
- [Bug] installation process fails with php 5.3.0
- [Technical] Search affiliate with IP address
- [Bug] When sale tracking is disabled, it still shows up under affiliate sale tracking code
- [Bug] Recurring commissions - ERROR: Not unique table/alias: 't'
- [Integration-method] Paypal sandbox plugin
- [Customization] PayPal plugin register new affiliate after sale, track general sale as recurring
- [Customization] Search function is not working correctly
- [Bug] Some minor bugs in daily, weekly and monthly email reports
- [Customization] forced matrix custom parent
- [Activity] VisitorID length constraint
- [Bug] Decimal separator is not set properly in email
- [Bug] Upon load, Affiliate Trends Report does not show Pending Commissions
- [Bug] affiliate id not inserting into url link
- [Bug] Attachments in e-mail templates are not attached when e-mail is sent.
- [Bug] banners in rotators does not show if settings.php is corrupted
- [Bug] Pap3Compatibility throws SQL error when migrating affiliates
- [Bug] Support also normal style variables in links in pdf documents
- [Bug] RebrandPDF vales for affId are not changed in links
- [Bug] Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commision should have setting per Commission Group
- [Bug] google checkout can not handle discounts in cart
- [Bug] New affiliate sale tracking code can not be edited in Chrome
- [Bug] Mail Outbox export to csv file does not work
- [Bug] Untranslatable strings
- [Activity] Facility to change owner of the Campaign in Post Affiliate Network
- [Bug] Sending mail error: Validation failed for: FromName
- [Technical] Refresh of license in features form
- [Technical] Import coupons - new line separator
- [Bug] Promo Email does not show up in affiliate panel correctly
- [Activity] enable forced matrix feature for ccBill plugin
- [Technical] Filter affiliates without payout method
- [Bug] Plugin "Username Referral IDs" behaves strange and breaks system.
- [Bug] Password setting for signup form do not work properly with special characters
- [Bug] Recurring commissions form
- [Technical] preklep configration vs configUration
- [Bug] GoogleCheckout do not work
- [Bug] Affiliate tracking code and Offline sale trouble.
- [Bug] PAN - cannot translate few sentences in merchant signup form
- [Bug] Affiliate tracking code has trouble if new code is inserting.
- [Activity] Recurring commissions form add filter
- [Bug] Can't made offline sale…
- [Story] Customization: add user to private campaigns after signup
- [Bug] Banner rotator does not show stats about individual banner included in it
- [Bug] When banner which is in some Rotator banner is deleted, Rotator Banner will still shows banner, even it is deleted.
- [Activity] payout affiliate API
- [Bug] add ejunkie integration method
- [Technical] Deleting log messages
- [Bug] Variables supported for replicated site
- [Bug] installation fails
- [Integration-method] adding integration method for Miva 5
- [Bug] Campaign export to CSV does not work from Campaign Manager.
- [Bug] Import of coupon assigned coupon to affiliate, which was not in private campaign
- [Bug] Error in Opera - cannot load the signup form
- [Bug] Payouts history export to CSV and to iif does not work.
- [Bug] bug_plugin_autoresponse_plus_plugin
- [Bug] Account Manager: Unknown column a.invoiceid …
- [Bug] Rebrand Pdf , Internal Server Error - aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'Content-Type'
- [Bug] Affiliate signup no HTML form
- [Bug] Read only field cannot be used as DataX variable in Site replication or email templates
- [Bug] Subaffiliate Sale Stats incorrect
- [Bug] Parent affiliate is not recognized in signup form
- [Bug] DirectLink tracking not working
- [Story] Affiliate mustn't see Invalid license warning!
- [Bug] Check API version when Gpf_Api_Session is created
- [Bug] Suspended status in Transaction
- [Bug] PAN - In Roles you can see role of the affiliate but you can not change its permissions
- [Activity] banner destination url customization - click variables
- [Bug] Missing last character after importing CSV file
- [Story] Add possibility to use transaction details like total cost in Affiliate sale tracking codes
- [Bug] Can not delete ZIP banner from the database
- [Bug] SMTP settings require username and password.
- [Integration-method] Integration method for E-junkie
- [Integration-method] Add integration method for E-junkie
- [Bug] Gadget header is not translable
- [Bug] VAT is not displayed correctly in "pay partner" screen
- [Bug] The anchor link is generated wrong if target URL contains parameters
- [Bug] memory problems when sending large amount of mails/reports
- [Bug] After rebrand extra characters are visible on page 3
- [Bug] Delete on raw clicks list throw exception
- [Bug] Channels are not tracked if flash banner is used
- [Bug] Untranslatable strings in merchant panel
- [Bug] Cannot translate certain words
- [Bug] ref_id not implemented in custom affiliate pages and custom url pages
- [Bug] Impressions aren't tracked…
- [Bug] Low memory error when generating mails for huge amount of affiliates in task Pap_Mail_GenerateMassMailsTask
- [Activity] Show that account is suspended in Your Account screen
- [Bug] Tracking doesn't work properly when cookies are deleted and flash cookies are not
- [Bug] Index on date field on qu_g_logs
- [Bug] flavicon not shown
- [Bug] Update crashed, throws error with 'lang_thousands_separator'
- [Activity] banner destination url customization
- [Bug] from address contains ""
- [Bug] No E-Mails Are Sent If "From Name" Contains "."
- [Story] Import payout status of transactions
- [Bug] Pdf export not working with variables in open office anymore, change required
- [Bug] Wrong date format in coupon date range
- [Bug] Wrong statistics in Transactions overview
- [Bug] Untranslatable phrases in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] Daily report - zero summary values
- [Bug] New Subaffiliate Signup E-mail is Sent BEFORE Affiliate Is Approved
- [Bug] wrong default invoice
- [Activity] add new widget to the header
- [Bug] In affiliate panel, Blue Aero theme, right widget called Payout is not translatable
- [Bug] Double Spacing In E-Mail Subject Fields
- [Bug] Affiliate Commission Report CSV files, Field Headers and Report Data do not line up.
- [Bug] server name not recognized properly on some server configurations
- [Bug] Affiliates manager from Affiliates Overview does not load up
- [Bug] Export grid to CSV - duplicate UTF8 header, warning in export codes of coupons
- [Bug] Send mail notification generates notice
- [Bug] link 'Customize account detail fields' crippled in ie7 and opera
- [Bug] Branding free displays title 'Post Affiliate Pro', while login page is loading
- [Bug] Length of click data 1 and 2 fields is limited to 40
- [Bug] size of text area
- [Bug] It is not possible to change the file to import
- [Bug] Region selection listbox move to right side of form
- [Bug] ratioPercentage tag not recognized when saving quick_report_content.stpl
- [Integration-method] recurring payment
- [Bug] Untraslatable phrase
- [Story] HTML code for affiliate sale tracking codes
- [Technical] Option to hide Quick lunch icons
- [Bug] Optimize ImpressionProcessor, becouse he exhausted memory
- [Bug] sale.php registers also click while it should register sale only
- [Story] Possibility to insert minus value as commission value
- [Story] Network Accounting
- [Technical] Regional Currency/Datetime format setting
- [Story] Account Manager
- [Activity] Check if impression tracking works ok in network
- [Story] AccountId for Tracker
- [Activity] Javascript does not dynamically handle http/https
- [Story] Template editor should automatically escape characters { } used inside <style> element
- [Story] Email template testing
- [Story] Button or link for previewing all email templates would be great
- [Activity] Changes in Tools -> Accounts
- [Activity] Changes in Account Edit -> Merchants tab
- [Activity] Changes in Configuration -> Network invoice format
- [Activity] Changes in Tools -> Accounts -> Account add
- [Technical] Enable statistics in all user mails
- [Activity] Add/remove account filter from filters
- [Story] Account signup form
- [Bug] PAN - Your account details in network account has editable status
- [Bug] Network Merchant invoce view is not displayed
- [Bug] PAN - permissions problem in edit theme
- [Bug] PAN - Send invoice via mail does not work for network merchant
- [Bug] PAN: Commission value in invoice is not shown correctly
- [Technical] Add zoom to Map Overlay report
- [Bug] After affiliate signup, on postsignuppage are not replaced affiliate variables
- [Bug] PAN - Configuration -> Network Invoice format-> "preview" button
- [Bug] PAP Network hosted - design error
- [Bug] Can't import any language
- [Bug] scripts/track_benchmark folder in distribution
- [Bug] performance rewards reset commissions to zero when recurring commissions are active
- [Bug] Weekly reports are not working correctly for both affiliate and merchant
- [Bug] Rebrand PDF bug
- [Technical] Give access to PostAffiliate Pro API to merchant
- [Bug] smarty error when editi css file
- [Bug] VAT is not shown correcly in Pay Affiliates panel
- [Technical] Download protect modifications
- [Bug] Page peel banner throws division by zero when I want to preview it
- [Bug] Bug Affiliate Link Protector EDIT Screen
- [Bug] When you try to sort Raw clicks by channel in affiliate panel it throws error
- [Bug] Not possible to edit signup page theme
- [Bug] bug icon rebrand pdf
- [Bug] Default Logo PAP still shown
- [Bug] Rebrand pdf banner description not shown in affiliate section
- [Bug] If offline visit processing is disabled it will infuence also impression offline tracking
- [Story] Use recurring commission settings in Paypal plugin
- [Technical] If installation is copied by ascii, installation will show many corrupted files. Even they're not corrupted.
- [Bug] Not possible to enter empty Affiliate Program name
- [Bug] paypal subscription payment - old cookie recognition problem
- [Activity] customizable rows count in banners & links grid in affiliate panel
- [Bug] problem with parsing wrong cookie format
- [Bug] Banner rotator throws exception in impression procesor
- [Technical] Add "dateapproved" view column to Transactions Grid, also add "dateapproved" to TransactionsGrid Api
- [Bug] Editing of default role privileges
- [Activity] Log in as merchant in merchant edit
- [Bug] PAN - cannot create flash banner
- [Bug] parse_url generate warning
- [Bug] Tree of Subaffiliates - incorrect number
- [Bug] When coupon code is used in sale tracking code, the affiliate is recognized but it is not used for commission
- [Bug] PAN - When adding new account the email with details should be sent to merchant
- [Bug] PAN - Account Management /Edit Account
- [Bug] commission not tracked
- [Bug] Signup bonus is given even if it is set to zero
- [Bug] zero signup commission is registered when affiliate signup
- [Bug] Invoice details does not load each time when opened
- [Bug] Both Your Account are seen when logged as network merchant and hosting feature enabled
- [Bug] Check smarty syntax during saving template using theme editor.
- [Bug] The description of ZIP banner is not available
- [Bug] paypal express checkout changed name of field for totoalcost
- [Technical] Hide LiveChat button for merchants in hosted network version
- [Bug] affiliate banner manager really slow
- [Bug] New Javascript breaks pages - IE 6.0
- [Bug] Change variable names in banners while migrating from PAP3 to PAP4
- [Bug] Negative signup commission not created
- [Bug] cron process runs jobs.php, will not end - cpu 100%
- [Bug] Erro Processing document
- [Bug] in Campaigns Commissions the Commission field is limited to 5 characters
- [Bug] PDF rebrand doesn't show some supported variables
- [Bug] visit processing exception in error log
- [Bug] Summary Sale notification email to merchant computes values in wrong way
- [Bug] split commissions in varied recurring commission
- [Bug] SplitCommissions - after deleting affiliate, commission for other affiliates is subtracted by non-existing affiliate
- [Bug] SplitCommissions - multi tier commissions are assigned to parent affiliates even thought affiliate commission is 0
- [Bug] Raw click filter category Date is not arranging properly
- [Bug] problem with sale tracking code
- [Integration-method] New functionality to google checkout
- [Bug] Split commission is not saved if firstclickreferer is over 250 characters
- [Bug] PHP ERROR FOUND: Cannot Create Custom Template Files
- [Bug] Cancel button does not work in Performance rewards.
- [Story] HTML banner has no option of size definition
- [Bug] When creating custom theme in PAP the edited templates are not created in the custom theme
- [Bug] The code of ad channel is not generated
- [Bug] LiveChat button at hosted account has thick blue border
- [Bug] Zip banner icon not visible in affiliate panel
- [Bug] memory allocation problem on 2nd hosting
- [Bug] "Download signup form" in affiliate panel throws an error
- [Bug] Refresh button does not work when editing rule in Performance rewards using Classic Wide theme.
- [Bug] All channels visible in Daily report
- [Bug] Import of the transactions do not work
- [Bug] Email notification is sent each time an affiliate details are edited
- [Bug] wrong banner code generated
- [Bug] When password constrains are configured email with new password is sent even the check of the password failed
- [Bug] ordering in raw clicks list do not work
- [Technical] Fields in branding free settings are too small
- [Activity] add rule button not showed in campaign
- [Bug] Banner preview in banner manager is out of proportion
- [Bug] Affiliate Panel design bug
- [Bug] Quick links menu displaying weirdly
- [Bug] Some phrases in the Link banner can not be traslated
- [Technical] Choose language in API logging script
- [Bug] Cannot add custom URL when creating a Link banner
- [Bug] Unable to install Post Affiliate Pro
- [Bug] vsprintf warning in header of Affiliate panel
- [Bug] Hover banner do not work
- [Bug] Unable to change affiliate manager details when plugin "Only numbers in Ref ID" activated
- [Bug] Cannot create database with user that has no password during installation.
- [Bug] Country listbox in edit affiliate screen is showed with missing scroll bar
- [Bug] Error when affiliate log in
- [Bug] Affiliate Signup Form Fields in Merchant Panel, Select Box without Values!
- [Bug] currency not showing in Your Account menu
- [Bug] api calls failed sometimes
- [Bug] Two plugins with same Code Name crash down PAP.
- [Bug] affiliates can not see action commissions in the trends report
- [Bug] Error while running task Impression processor
- [Bug] commission reset to zero when performanceRewards is active
- [Bug] different number of affiliaes in group
- [Bug] These strings can not be translated
- [Bug] Update currency formatting in email templates
- [Bug] Invalid license page has null in title
- [Bug] Description of Lifetime commission plugin can not be translated.
- [Bug] IP ban in Fraud Protection does not work
- [Bug] Translation problems in reports
- [Bug] If bannerpreview is added to view in banners manager, no banner will appear.
- [Bug] Translation of word Check should be fine tuned
- [Bug] Changes made in templates do not show up - hosted accounts
- [Bug] Can not label affiliates as paid in Pay Affiliates window
- [Bug] error report wont show when editing commission
- [Bug] Affiliate manager info is visible for network merchants
- [Bug] Backward compatibility does not check if user exists
- [Bug] First/Last click IP in qu PAP transactions supports IPv4 only
- [Bug] Theme editor is corrupted in IE8 so you can edit the code only in two lines
- [Bug] CPM commissions do not work
- [Bug] banners grid loading too long
- [Bug] error LOG
- [Story] insert parentuserid variable to mail templates
- [Bug] Site replication does not work when there is a blank line in replication files
- [Bug] In transaction detail is not possible to set all types of transactions
- [Bug] Login does not work when there is affiliate with same username as merchant
- [Bug] Missing template in affiliates panel
- [Bug] Details of affiliates in Affiliate Manager, in affiliate panel are messed up
- [Story] Change title of parent transaction in add commission dialog
- [Bug] Notice: Undefined variable: context in /home/qualityc/public_html/affiliate/include/Pap/Features/SplitCommissions/SplitCommissio
- [Bug] can not signup new affiliate
- [Bug] performance rewards failed when recurring commision feature is active
- [Story] Outgoing mail detail
- [Bug] In signup formdefault country is not translated
- [Bug] Recurring Commissions Don't Show Up In Quick Stats
- [Bug] Signup form's parentuserID hidden even if in visitorID there is no affiliate
- [Bug] Trends report - wrong computation in chart
- [Bug] Export file is not saved in UTF-8 encoding
- [Bug] Some refunds/chargebacks have positive commission
- [Bug] Chart settings for Home section do not display properly
- [Bug] GeoIp_Main uses Pap_Mail_UserMail
- [Bug] Currency format setting
- [Bug] Not possible to enter negative value in commission column in grid Commissions
- [Bug] Automatic login with not existing user after reinstalling of pap installation
- [Bug] Setting new password fails when trying to correct wrong inserted password
- [Bug] Commissions column is not sortable in Campaign manager.
- [Bug] Listbox is closed when slider arrow icon in popup is pressed
- [Bug] Migration script does not migrate all data from PAP3 to PAP4.
- [Bug] Pap3toPap4 migration script does not migrate cookie overwrite settings
- [Bug] Daily report custom page throws error
- [Technical] Change default theme in Merchant panel to Blue Aero
- [Bug] All stats computed from StatsGrid not have set transaction status to Approved by default
- [Bug] Description missing in exported banners
- [Story] Banner cache
- [Story] Add new rule customization
- [Bug] Recurring payment from PayPal not recognized when custom field has old cookie.
- [Bug] Sql error when saving click commission
- [Story] Possibility to insert minus value into Signup Commission Bonus to achieve signup fee
- [Bug] Top referring URLs gives SQL syntax error.
- [Bug] Font Trabuchet MS does not work in E-mail templates
- [Bug] Translation error
- [Story] Plugin: Generate userids as a sequence
- [Bug] Change number format in error for number threshold
- [Bug] When generating HTML form of signup, the countries are not translated and ## stays there
- [Bug] Affiliate sale tracking codes - affiliate doesn't have permissions to edit
- [Bug] Quick search should trim spaces
- [Bug] Cookie issue
- [Technical] Sales/Leads Tracking Form miss some advanced fields
- [Bug] no refererurl saved when sale tracked
- [Bug] Sale tracker API does not encode referrerUrl and Url parameters
- [Bug] Dynamic link not correctly generated in Simple link
- [Bug] P3P policy is not used in tracking scripts
- [Bug] Cookie domain setting does not work
- [Bug] Bug in form when editing the Payout options>Bank / Wire transfer
- [Bug] Banners are not displaying in Promotion > Banners & links if coupon banner has too high 'Maximum coupons per affiliate'
- [Bug] Sales/Leads Tracking form bug
- [Bug] Incorrectly formated information message.
- [Bug] Adding value to listbox in affiliate signup fields does not work
- [Bug] Banner overview is missing count of feature banners
- [Bug] click tracking code update
- [Bug] tracking not work if mysql_pconnect is disabled
- [Bug] clickjs.php doesn't generate cache header
- [Bug] Default invoice format has no template
- [Story] SplitCommissions - Sale Summary Mail Notifiaction
- [Integration-method] Integration for Solid Trust Pay demanded.
- [Story] Possibility to remove description from banner text link
- [Story] Password constraints
- [Story] Daily report
- [Bug] Daily report bug
- [Bug] random js error while reload after save of banner
- [Bug] Backward compatibility processor does not set visitoraffiliate validity
- [Bug] IP is not detected correctly on cloud hostings
- [Bug] banners grid in banner rotator do not load
- [Bug] ReBrand PDF - pdf hangs when library is protected
- [Bug] UTF chars not decoded correctly
- [Bug] ERROR: Field 'accountid' doesn't have a default value
- [Bug] Wrong 'sale approve link' and 'sale decline link'
- [Bug] custom fields in merchant->aff. signup->fields can not be saved
- [Bug] Speed of banner rotator should be optimized
- [Bug] Affiiate signup form settings - the "close" link doesn´t work
- [Bug] Clicks not registered with special destination url and old style tracking
- [Bug] Recurring commissions are not saved
- [Bug] Jobs.php should not execute anything if upgrade is in progress
- [Bug] Sub affiliate sale stats does not contain action stats.
- [Bug] In all tables with statistics is incorrect compute sales count and total cost
- [Bug] Channel stats grid does not contain Action stats
- [Bug] Not possible to save mail templates
- [Bug] setTimestamp does not work while registering sale through API
- [Bug] Sale tracking not working with channels
- [Bug] coupon banner design can't be saved
- [Bug] Affiliates sign up, receive confirmation e-mail, but their accounts are not created
- [Bug] Recurrence commissions plugin - saving commission type in campaign
- [Bug] problem with banner details screen
- [Bug] Banners with size option can not be added
- [Bug] Search widget bug
- [Bug] Sale tracking does not work when recurring commissions are enabled
- [Bug] Pap_Api_Saletracker does not register actions
- [Bug] channel id instead of channel name in affiliate panel
- [Bug] sale.php throws error
- [Bug] GeoIP/Google Map, Map position outside from window
- [Bug] Performance rewards bug
- [Bug] Not translated text in filter
- [Bug] translation problem
- [Bug] Banners are always saved using HTTP.
- [Bug] In aff. panel channel stats report, the No channel is not preset anymore No channel
- [Bug] Incorrect format of url in notification mails
- [Bug] Rule for 'value of direct subaffiliates total cost' in Performance reward does not work properly
- [Bug] Missing translation for email template Affiliate - New Subaffiliate signup
- [Bug] List box in signup form doesn't show correct values, instead it's empty
- [Bug] Saving recurring commission setting produces big error
- [Bug] Affiliate logout redirects to wrong URL
- [Bug] Field name does not exist in record, plugin engine exception: Unhalted
- [Bug] Advanced search in commission report in affiliate panel doesn't work
- [Bug] Edit merchant problem
- [Bug] Fixed cost can not be saved
- [Bug] Variuous problems rebranding document created in Microsoft Office 2007
- [Bug] Clicks not assigned correctly when visits are processed in online mode
- [Bug] Channel stats not showing
- [Bug] Affiliate can not download Rebranded PDF
- [Bug] Email format validator
- [Bug] Click tracking do not work properly in API - it is not possible to use "set" property
- [Bug] Channels not appended into banner links
- [Bug] Cannot add more then one channel and channel tracking is not working
- [Bug] During the upgrade from I am interrupted few times with message "There were errors, please check highlighted fields"
- [Bug] Dialog Pay Affiliates - part of dialog displayed always outside browser view
- [Bug] In Map Overlay report Countries are not translated
- [Bug] Language mistake: There were errors, please check higlighted fields
- [Bug] Daily report shows zero values
- [Bug] Signup bonus doesn't have filled IP address and country code
- [Story] 100% commision to top affiliate , Marvin Customization
- [Bug] Signup commission is not created when signing up an affiliate through API.
- [Bug] Rotator is not getting statistic data
- [Bug] Number of total cost in Payouts to me in affiliate panel do not include tier commission
- [Bug] Commission details popup is out of the screen
- [Bug] Split commission does not work when used together with performance rewards
- [Bug] Corrupted design of listbox and input in add rule
- [Bug] Promotional emails doesn't offer the subject for affiliates
- [Bug] Cookie lifetime not expired
- [Bug] Fraud protection config dialog list box hidden behind other text
- [Technical] better banner detail design
- [Bug] Action stats graph not working for specific timezones
- [Bug] 3rd party cookies were not deleted after sale
- [Bug] Adding Signup bonus commission is not working.
- [Bug] Page peel banner preview do not work - the image points to wrong link
- [Bug] Affiliate manager photo is shifted to right in IE7
- [Bug] Invalid license deactivates features and its settings.
- [Bug] CSS problem with top menu links
- [Bug] Misspelling
- [Bug] Zip banner link to KB is invalid
- [Integration-method] integration method for moneybookers
- [Bug] GetResponse plugin does not work
- [Bug] Can not edit templates in custom folder
- [Bug] Rebrand PDF Feature does not work
- [Bug] Incorrect __construct method name in some classes
- [Bug] Rebrand Pdf : Encrypted document is not working
- [Bug] Monthly report and weekly report description text is not localized in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Class 'Pap_Db_Table_CommissionType' error in TransactionsForm.class.php
- [Story] Configuration->Design themes list design
- [Bug] Not possible to add transaction
- [Bug] API registering sale problem
- [Bug] Merchant login logo not changed when Branding Free used
- [Story] add check if safe mode is properly configured
- [Bug] Page Peel banner ignores banner ID from link
- [Bug] Site replicator does not resened headers.
- [Bug] Translated terms do not appear
- [Bug] English improvements
- [Bug] Add target='_top' to default banner codes and wrappers
- [Bug] Plugin custom refid controls the refid of the merchant
- [Bug] hosted account bug in cron
- [Story] Change the length of click data1 & data2 fields
- [Bug] Quick Links section in Affiliate panel -> Home does not reflect screen changes
- [Bug] Wrong error reported on Signup page when "do not force email usernames" is checked
- [Technical] refactor clases FixedcostFormWidget and CommissionFormWidget
- [Story] Commission bonus plugin
- [Story] Split commission server logic
- [Story] PayPal plugin - add currency to recognized parameters
- [Story] PayPal plugin - count off shiping fes and taxes
- [Story] Channel code to Add Transaction screen
- [Bug] Transaction type in Edit screen
- [Bug] listbox dropdown icon do not show in transaction edit window
- [Bug] Click tracking crashes when plugins are activated
- [Bug] When saving Affiliate details after change causes error "Unsupported format"
- [Bug] Commissions under Affiliate Manager for all users creates 'b.j.c'
- [Bug] b.j.c error generated when you click on Tools –> Roles
- [Bug] Affiliate status can't be changed in Affiliate manager
- [Bug] Email template bug - new sale/lead for the affiliate
- [Bug] Bug - Edit language - Translations tab is always empty - it is not possible to change messages
- [Bug] Sale Tracking Fraud Protection plugin do not work properly
- [Story] custom work
- [Story] Affiliate signup fraud protection
- [Story] Approval link to Pap_Mail_NewUserSignupBeforeApproval
- [Story] Affiliate logins tab in affiliate detail
- [Story] Affiliate Home Panel, Affiliate Manager information box
- [Bug] Flash Banner does not play continuously in Chrome
- [Bug] Dynamic links do not embed channels if those selected in the filter
- [Bug] Upgrading with zip file doesn't work well
- [Story] Forced choosing commission by product ID
- [Integration-method] Google checkout - "Add to cart" buttons
- [Story] Stats display for merchants/#Trends-Report and affiliates/panel.php#Trends-Report
- [Story] Make field for merchant notification email
- [Bug] Pecent sign is on the wrong side of the number & open div hides number
- [Story] Generating of invoices for merchants
- [Story] Affiliate campaigns variable in email template
- [Bug] Extra data are not extracted from clicks info to sale commission
- [Story] Branding free feature improvement
- [Bug] Problem with affiliate manager box in affiliate panel is not resolved
- [Bug] Click commission now has not saving banner ID into transactions
- [Story] Delayed Automatic Approval of Commissions
- [Story] Branding free - remove tutorial video banner from affiliate and merchant panel
- [Bug] Custom skin disapeared since we upgrade to
- [Bug] chargeback refund API error
- [Story] FTP upgrade box should specify which folder to give path to
- [Story] Not all links are removed when branding free is in action
- [Story] Automatically create replicated site folder
- [Bug] Can't Make Changes To What Affiliate Manager Information Is Viewable To Affiliate
- [Story] Public campaigns with manual approval - apply for the campaign from admin panel
- [Bug] Image banner has not loaded image on first open
- [Bug] affiliate new sale/lead notification Email template bug
- [Story] hide hidden banners
- [Integration-method] WorldPay FuturePay support
- [Story] Please add "text only" banner type for use in emails.
- [Story] Branding free video removal
- [Story] Disable Performance rewards for selected affiliates
- [Story] Customer wish a special refid for his affiliate
- [Bug] Clone banner option not working anymore
- [Story] HTML Banner Preview Picture + new Preview option: Preview in new Window
- [Bug] site replication not workin if one or more post or get parameters are arrays
- [Bug] conversion of html to text in text mail body removed in links anchors
- [Bug] Icon %s in size %s does not exist mesage in error logs
- [Bug] corrupted mails in japanese language
- [Integration-method] Integration method for paymate
- [Story] design of about box is not nice
- [Story] There is missing class in API for adding/getting field "notificationemail"
- [Bug] Search function minor bug
- [Bug] Partner commission plugin
- [Integration-method] adding integration method for Setcom
- [Bug] System does not send messages to the whole list to the Notification mail
- [Story] Plugin - Quickbooks export
- [Story] pay day reminder feature
- [Story] Commision groups
- [Story] Banners manager -> change campaign of all marked banners
- [Story] Notification email for merchant
- [Story] Amount of registered capital missing in invoice template
- [Story] Increase the maximal lenght of data1-data5
- [Bug] Actions reports freezes when number of actions is high
- [Bug] "Save transaction also for zero orders" does not stay marked
- [Bug] PayPal button ignores "save unreefrred commission under default affiliate"
- [Story] Specify size of iframe when merchant selects “Show preview in iFrame”
- [Bug] Invoice template - server.php
- [Bug] Banner size work not properly in merchant panel->banners manager->edit banner
- [Story] PayPal automatic refund transaction
- [Story] problems with refunds from PayPal
- [Bug] menu items disappear after mouse out in IE 7
- [Bug] Remove link icon in WYSIWYG editor is not correct
- [Story] PAP4 is missing some email templates that were available in PAP3 and clients miss them
- [Bug] Design bug in IE8 - image of button dissapear
- [Bug] Affiliate panel has available only one theme "Blue Aero". All other themes are not available.
- [Bug] no .htaccess for replicated site generate
- [Story] Possibility to translate T&C
- [Bug] Mistakes in email templates
- [Bug] Encoding of sale data1,2 params is not proper
- [Story] New variables in payment mass pay export are required
- [Story] Possibility to generate transaction ID for import of the transactions
- [Story] Add a “description” field for HTML banners
- [Bug] PHP 5.3 compatibilty
- [Integration-method] integration for Netbilling is required
- [Bug] VAT is not computed properly
- [Bug] Signup form country list do not show properly in IE7
- [Story] SEO string for banners
- [Bug] Merchant, Commission -> detail information
- [Bug] File import link is over Delete icon
- [Story] Add Facebook code into About form
- [Story] Possibility of one line text link banner
- [Story] Add possibility to logging events in import
- [Bug] Cancel button in the merchant edit section doesn't work
- [Bug] PAP4 Email broadcast is not working
- [Story] Add mass delete action to Campaign Edit -> affiliates in campaign
- [Bug] When having more action commissions in one campaign, the preview shows wrong commission values
- [Bug] Filter in Reports -> Trend Reports -> Actions tab does not work
- [Bug] Campaign picture is missing in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Raw click export do not export data2
- [Bug] Private campaign is visible for each affiliate in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] After restart the program custom wallpaper is reset to default
- [Integration-method] Paypal express checkout support
- [Bug] Top affiliates list crashes when there are no impressions
- [Bug] Affiliate can choose the referrer ID same as existing user id during the signup
- [Bug] Request new password form has logo twice
- [Bug] When window of merchant panel is small the action buttons are hidden.
- [Bug] Font in Import is too big and cancel button cannot be clicked
- [Integration-method] Integration method for cybersource
- [Bug] Invalid license design
- [Bug] Compute commission error
- [Technical] Refactor validating methods in Pap_Common_Banner.class
- [Story] Sale tracking fraud protection
- [Bug] Plugin "Referral ID length constraint" is aplied also for merchants
- [Bug] Plugin engine error when adding new transaction.
- [Bug] Changing password for multiple merchant throws error
- [Bug] Fraud protection declines all later clicks
- [Bug] Application crashes on Affiliate Edit / Information Screen
- [Story] Add chargeback and refunds reports
- [Story] Partner commission plugin
- [Bug] Cron generates fatal error "non-object"
- [Bug] Total cost of Sales on main page is not correct
- [Bug] in affiliate panel traffic overview of clicks is always 0
- [Bug] Performance reward TotalCost2ndTier Condition does not work
- [Story] Affiliate in Campaign filter to Affiliate Manager
- [Story] New "clean Output" variable for iframe Wrapper solved and please add to next pap update
- [Bug] Merchant banner Grid: Rows stay's highlighted after grid reload
- [Story] Add currency symbol to field Signup Bonus
- [Bug] Campaign listing hover effect
- [Story] Pruning of event logs
- [Bug] qu_g_mails row not deleted when mails are deleted from outbox.
- [Story] GetResponse plugin configuration
- [Bug] Changing Url Parameters Names causes that PagePeel and Rebrand Pdf previews do not work.
- [Story] New banner type - ZIP banner
- [Story] Tracking debug output is not formatted properly
- [Story] Add function "Reset banners ranking" into ?anner Rotator
- [Bug] Affiliates not approved for public campaign with manual approval see banners & can get banner codes.
- [Story] Auto delete rawclicks
- [Story] Assign affiliate to campaign plugin
- [Story] Campaign filter to Pay affiliates
- [Story] Action commissions in top referring urls report
- [Bug] Custom translations in language files are overwritten by upgrade
- [Story] Translation improvement
- [Bug] Site replicator does not work with Wordpress 2.7.1
- [Bug] Search filter doesn't work in Login History
- [Story] Import as LongTask
- [Bug] Trends report is slow
- Site replication with Joomla
- [Bug] Merchant home screen panel statistics display delayed
- [Bug] bannerTypeLabel same like bannerNameLabel
- [Bug] jobs.php use too much CPU resources even if nothing is running in background
- [Bug] Hover banner size should depend on the size of image
- [Bug] Error when creating a flash banner
- [Bug] Error message when editing affiliate - tab Tracking
- [Bug] Peel banner zmena
- [Bug] Import is not working
- [Story] Statistics for Actions
- [Bug] IP tracking does not work when Pap_Api_Saletracker is used
- [Bug] Quick Report do not work properly
- [Bug] Rebrand PDF feature disappeared from list of bought features
- [Bug] Upgrade from 4.1 produces ERROR: Unknown column 'fixedcosttype' in 'field list'
- [Bug] Email for test message is not checking for entry
- [Bug] Spelling/Grammar
- [Bug] Don't reload application in case license was updated
- [Bug] If no default payout option is set, signup form cannot be submitted
- [Bug] "ERROR: Incorrect integer value: for column numberuserid at row 1"
- [Bug] Affiliate menu drag and drop do not work
- [Bug] Roles in Tools in merchant panel do not display
- [Story] Missing info about separator in emails
- [Bug] Email templates editor
- [Bug] Quick search is not working
- [Integration-method] Integration method for
- [Bug] Rotating text in page peel banner was corrupted in case special character was used in text
- [Bug] Affiliate panel - Reports>Payouts to me - Export to CSV does not work
- [Integration-method] Integration with Webmoney Merchant Service
- [Bug] Payee info dialog not readable
- [Bug] Translation problem
- [Bug] Missing saveFields button in all grids
- [Story] Can't Pay More than 100 Affiliates with Mass Pay
- [Story] Updated Russian translation file
- [Bug] "Send new password request email" from the merchant panel does not work
- [Bug] Transaction info is messed up
- [Bug] Cannot save default Payout method
- [Bug] can not use variables in the email
- [Bug] Currency precision is set to two decimal points, but displays 4 decimals when used in email templates
- [Bug] profile picture problem
- [Story] Enhance Quick report
- [Story] Affiliate manager: add original parent user ID into view
- [Story] Referer URL for Raw clicks list in Affiliate panel
- [Story] Custom Banner Type
- [Bug] Cannot login on PAP
- [Bug] Spelling mistake in pending background tasks
- [Bug] Notification window in IE is not placed correctly
- [Bug] Merchant panel does not start in new Safari 4
- [Bug] Spelling mistake in admin
- [Story] Email phrase
- [Story] Fixed cost plugin
- [Story] Disabling parentuserid field in signup form
- [Story] Barcode for Coupons
- [Story] Coupon Code inserted to other banner
- [Story] Tracking client code
- [Story] track.php
- [Story] Add possibility to send notification email when inviting into private campaign
- [Bug] Send message - new email - insert variable in Wysiwyg mode does not work
- [Bug] PayPal integration - matching product IDs are not recognized
- [Story] Coupon Feature
- [Story] Coupon in Affiliate panel - Banners & Links
- [Story] Offline sale form
- [Story] Sale tracking - coupon code processing
- [Story] Coupon banner type
- [Bug] First and Last click data for IP tracking
- [Story] Code templates for Affiliate tracking codes
- [Story] variable for invoice number
- [Story] Performance rewards - add rule - Add option "last year"
- [Bug] Database information is not saved during installation
- [Bug] Banners export to Excel exports javascript remarks on bannerpreview Column
- [Bug] PDF generated from MS Word 2007 do not work
- [Bug] Cookies cannot be saved on site
- [Bug] Signup error: "Could not load Row. Primary key values empty"
- [Bug] Not able to use old banner format from PaP 3 which utilizes sb.php
- [Story] Import/export payout method details for affiliates
- [Story] Change default views in Affiliate panel
- [Bug] "ERROR: Column 'ip' in field list is ambiguous"
- [Bug] Scrollbar required in Lifetime commissions plugin description
- [Bug] Affiliate detail - tab Payouts load all rows in first request for some seconds, than reloads with correct data
- [Story] Manual creation of signup and referral commission
- [Bug] Missing class Gpf_Rpc_Form_Validator_FormValidatorCollection in API
- [Story] Drop down for destination URL on add new banner screen
- [Bug] % sign must be on the right
- [Bug] Merchant can create cycle in affiliates tree in Affiliate Manager
- [Bug] Signup of the affiliate
- [Story] I need to add a send confirmation email command to pap_api_affiliate
- [Story] Add invoice download preview to Reports -> Payouts by affiliate
- [Bug] Syntax error in default merchant new user signup template
- [Story] IP tracking performance
- [Story] Auto Response Plus plugin
- [Integration-method] integration for Volusion is requested
- [Story] Load into mail editor previously sent mail
- [Bug] Import is not working properly
- [Bug] Flash banners code
- [Bug] Fraud protection does not work for action commissions
- [Bug] Bug in Tools -> Login History
- [Bug] brackets in variable definition in WYSIWYG editor are replaced with html codes
- [Bug] Browser stops working
- [Bug] transaction detail is not loaded
- [Bug] After InvalidLicense is validated, user is redirected to application with empty window
- [Story] Affiliate tracking code
- [Story] Merchant panel: affiliate tracking codes grid
- [Story] Sale tracker displays Affiliate tracking code after sale.
- [Story] Affiliate panel: tracking codes form
- [Story] Referral ID length constraint option to set length
- [Bug] MySql Error when I do a search in Merchant panel "Transactions -> Commisions"
- [Story] variable icon in the editor
- [Bug] Channel Filter does not work on Affilliate panel trends report
- [Bug] Affiliate Channel Stats, wrong CTR calculation
- [Story] insert uploaded images into body of mail
- [Bug] When parameters are used in clickUrl, anchor link style does not work
- [Bug] "Banner" column in Commissions causes errors
- [Bug] Display in mail preview also attached images
- [Story] Refund/Chargeback method in Pap_Api_Transaction
- [Story] Performance rule: Total Cost of 2nd tier sales
- [Story] Kill background task
- [Story] Button or link to send an e-mail to a single affiliate while viewing their details is requested
- [Bug] Commissions displayed for affiliate differs at some places
- [Bug] Banner's name is missing
- [Story] Add to email templates name of country of affiliate as a variable
- [Story] add default currency variable into mail templates
- [Bug] mail template variables were inserted into select box multiple times
- [Bug] notice in installer
- [Story] redesign Configuration screen
- [Bug] fraud protection settings were not saved
- [Bug] Mails from outbox are never sent by cron
- [Story] Trends report improvement
- [Bug] Wrong position of percent symbol
- [Story] Add possibility to validate form in server part
- [Bug] click commissions does not work
- [Story] size of params column in qu_g_tasks is too small
- [Bug] if mass mail should be sent to bigger amount of afiliates, it will timeout
- [Story] Locking of pending background tasks
- [Bug] Mail notification when manually changing transaction
- [Story] Max commissions per referral plugin
- [Story] Add Additional dynamic panel to commission type edit dialog
- [Bug] In outbox is not working fulltext search
- [Bug] Cron jobs generates error
- [Story] Create clear button in Emails - Send message section
- [Bug] approve commissions - doesn't work
- [Bug] failed to add add DirectLinks
- [Bug] Installator's Update wizard don't update templates and languages
- [Story] refid field size
- [Story] Improve send mass mail form
- [Bug] Invite affiliate to campaign list is truncated
- [Bug] Email form is not visible in distribution
- [Bug] Merchant, Define the invoice format
- [Bug] text area has heigh 0 pixels
- [Bug] Toggle button looks same when down or up
- [Bug] MultiEditor resizer in IE7
- [Bug] page peel banner doesn't have icon
- [Bug] can't load email banner
- [Bug] Email editor doesn't work
- [Story] Tracking - Fixed cost passed to sale script
- [Bug] Campaign details - Matching product IDs - number of them is limited
- [Bug] mass mails doesn't contain attachments
- [Bug] HTML banner {Referral ID} is not substituted
- [Bug] Channel stats report in affiliate panel does not work properly
- [Story] option to send just simple text mails
- [Story] One click actions in emails
- [Bug] Site Replication doesn't work in same folder as is installed PAP4
- [Integration-method] Please integrate
- [Bug] In Banner creation screen for Promote Email, URL link button does not work
- [Story] RichText editor HTML/Wysiwyg mode
- [Bug] Sorting by column type in transactions list is not working
- [Story] Ability for merchant to set the level of tiers visible to affiliate
- [Bug] Promo email - the picture cannot be a link
- [Bug] Slow first load of Affiliate Manager
- [Bug] Refund on approved and payed transaction didn't generated negative, but positive transaction
- [Bug] if the Action commission for signup plugin is not setup, affiliates can not sign up
- [Bug] the French translation is completely wrong
- [Story] addCookieToLink method in saletrack.js
- [Bug] HTML signup form generated in Merchant panel has fixed parentaffiliateid
- [Bug] Failed to send emails
- [Story] Trim license ID before sending to server
- [Story] Performance reward rule extension
- [Bug] HTML signup form - Missing terms and conditions and link to page "I forgot password"
- [Story] RSS feed from our blog in About box
- [Story] Add to About box link to change log under version number
- [Story] new performance rule is requested
- [Story] Reason of declining save in transaction
- [Story] HTML / Plain text version for mail templates
- [Story] Rebrand PDF - update PAP to suport encrypted documents
- Where is script for setting default notifications for all affiliates
- [Story] Size of TOS field is too small
- [Bug] The icon of rebrand pdf is not shown in the banner manager section
- [Bug] Error in viewing referral commissions
- [Bug] P3P policy for cookies do not work
- [Story] Referring URLs for sales
- [Story] Site replication - urls without slash after refid
- Label as paid crashes on customer server
- [Bug] Design bug in site replication
- [Story] Smarty syntax error in mail templates should throw error when mail templates are saved
- [Story] Trend report doesn't show data for selected date range
- [Bug] Error in affiliate signup - Max lenght of originalparentuserid in Pap_Db_User - 8
- [Story] Custom translations do not work in email templates
- [Story] Translation of email templates.
- [Story] Make these templates by PAP editable
- [Bug] Fatal error during sale tracking
- [Story] Option to e-mail affiliate when the status of their DirectLink requests have changed
- [Story] Date time values in mails recompute to time zone of user
- [Bug] Performance rewards commission
- [Bug] Affiliate campaign search not working
- [Bug] Total sale value in Affiliates Overview is computed not correctly
- [Bug] Changing URL Parameter Names Not Working!
- [Story] Change Database status screen to plugin
- [Bug] "join now" button in affiliate mini site not correctly formated
- [Bug] design bugs reported by customer
- [Bug] if SPL extension is not enabled in php, installator crash
- [Story] Improve design of affiliate detail popup
- [Bug] Insert constants- target URL {$targeturl}, impression track {impression_track} do not work
- [Bug] add check in installator of session.auto_start
- [Story] High performance feature
- [Story] Corrupted design of Promotion -> Campaigns in Affiliate panel
- [Story] Approve/decline affiliates, directlinks, … by clicking link in email
- [Bug] When hide banner code is checked, banner code uses userid instead of refid
- [Bug] default email notifications do not appear as they are set in the merchant panel
- [Story] Review SEO redirections
- [Bug] Replicated site URL - site url/code should be mandatory
- [Bug] IE7 bug - Affiliate Panel form links not working
- [Story] Add banner manager filter for Target URL
- [Story] Top affiliates report
- [Story] Sale, click, imps stats for Affiliate manager
- [Story] Top refering URLs report
- [Bug] Image banner - "Add Banner" menu bad viewed in Internet Explorer
- [Bug] Bug in Rebrand PDF banner
- [Bug] Editation of Affiliate managaer info
- [Bug] adding a merchant with restricted roles casts error
- Link cloaker is not working for one customer
- [Bug] API Sale tracker does not send cookies
- [Story] Add to email templates variable "IP address" and "Name of Parent affiliate"
- [Integration-method] WHMCS integration
- [Integration-method] Alertpay integration
- Gpf_Rpc_Json in PapApi causes errors when PEAR is installed on server
- [Bug] Notification mail in case affiliate is declined is wrong
- [Bug] default payout balance does not apply - it always remains $300 for affiliates
- [Bug] Variables list in email template editation should be pageable
- [Bug] Site replication - Replicator
- [Bug] Installation of PAP4 - error in CachedLanguageFile.class.php
- [Story] Variables list on e-mail templates goes off the bottom of the page on Blue Aero theme
- [Bug] Default location for Site replication does not work
- [Story] Translation improvement
- [Bug] wrong language cache computation for quoted translation text.
- [Story] Translation improvement
- [Bug] Configuration - Affiliate Panel - Menu & Screens - Affiliate Panel Screens
- [Bug] Installation and update to cannot be run
- [Bug] Wrong recognised commission groups, when adding a commission through merchant panel
- [Story] Conversion ratios in reports
- [Bug] Pap3topap4Compatibility Fatal Error
- [Story] SEO friendly direct links - transfer data not as parameter, but anchor in link
- [Bug] Paypal IPN verification does not work when paypal.php is called via curl
- [Bug] Few constants in the VAT Handling section are missed
- [Bug] Promotional email - channel
- [Bug] Channel name doesn't refresh in affiliate panel drop down
- [Story] Site replication
- [Story] Payout fields encryption
- [Story] Reports overview screen can not be modified
- [Story] Lifetime commissions - time limitation
- [Bug] button misplaced/hidden
- [Bug] Stats in banner manager do not work
- [Story] Cookie lifetime per commission group
- [Story] Multi tier commissions handling
- [Bug] Banner statistic are not computed correctly
- [Bug] wrong link for more info about Rebrand PDF Banner
- [Bug] Can't remove tiers from Referral comissions
- [Bug] Text banner - Banner parameter "Text" would always return "T" value
- [Bug] Alt Text on banner always changes to "1" no matter what I type.
- [Bug] Payout should not include Declined Affiliates
- [Bug] Sales / clicks are showing as yestreday in all graphs
- [Bug] campaign, commission tier are not deleted after change
- [Bug] Number of raw clicks not shown in Traffic review
- [Bug] Affiliates panel- Promotion- Campaigns- currency is not proper
- [Bug] Fatal error: Class 'Gpf_Settings' not found in /server/path/to/affiliate/api/PapApi.class.php on line 1608
- [Story] Add possiblity to change info about merchant by clicking on merchant´s name
- [Bug] Campaign description with 993 characters not allowed
- [Story] Don't sent notification mail more times for same sale
- [Story] Option to select which e-mail notifications the affiliate can receive, when using manually approved commissions is requested
- [Story] Ability to disable network communication
- [Story] Sale notifications for sales with specified status only
- [Bug] Missing icons in the affiliate panel
- [Bug] Help is not shown for dynamic form fields
- [Story] Possibility to use additional data in affiliate tree template
- [Bug] cannot filter channels while using trend reports
- [Story] Installer warns of missing/corrupt files in sample_tests folder
- [Bug] : character in any sale tracker parameter causes that sale tracker does not work
- [Bug] "Label as paid" action button in Payouts - Pay affiliates does not remove the paid line from the list
- [Story] User filter for Tools -> Login History
- [Bug] Counter in form Pay affiliates is not correct
- [Story] General Affiliate link is not displayed in affiliate panel in Blue Areo theme
- [Story] possibility to set minimum sale value for generating commission
- [Story] Rebrand Pdf Banner Feature
- Import language fails with empty argument
- [Bug] Affiliate filter in Quick reports does not work
- [Bug] Template constants validator does not support class='' syntax.
- [Bug] Click stats in Home > Traffic overview
- [Story] option "hidden banner" is missing in banner settings
- [Story] Feature that will allow Merchant to get email notifications when affiliates join/ask for a campaign
- [Bug] Channel support for IP tracking
- [Story] Add status filter to trends report
- [Bug] "NullU" instead "unpaid" - Affiliate panel>Reports>Commissions
- Customer server specific - unable to export any list to CSV
- [Story] Improvement Affiliate panel campaign commission information
- [Bug] Searchable ListBox has limited result set - no pager is visible
- [Story] Payment note for affiliate text length should be increased
- [Bug] not displayed captcha image on some installations
- [Story] Click and sale tracking should cooperate when they are on same page
- [Story] Default value of sending notifications
- Emails are not sent properly to some servers
- [Story] improve speed of upgrade process and installation
- [Bug] Status filter does not work
- [Bug] Wrong viewed button "Edit page Template"
- [Bug] Error message in Tools>Roles
- [Bug] VAT handling - if turned on and affiliate does not have VAT allowed, error is cast when asking for invoice with VAT
- [Bug] Wrong date format in Reports>Payouts by affiliate
- [Story] Affiliate search listbox in preview invoice should show only users with VAT handling on or off
- [Story] Forced Matrix
- https:// used on some http:// servers
- [Bug] Wrong pagination of campaigns in campaigns preview under Affiliate panel
- [Bug] Payout Balance Not Merged with Pap3Compatibility Plugin
- [Integration-method] Paypal integration when custom field is used by other script
- [Bug] Recurring commission has empty OrderID, ProductID, Totalcost
- [Bug] Blue Aero theme - by clicking on number of affiliates in "Tasks waiting for your approval" viewed no affiliates
- [Bug] Affiliate Payout Method & Data not Merged
- [Bug] Column paid does not work in Quick Stats
- [Bug] Missing affiliate information in Invoice format
- [Bug] Pap3Compatibility Plugin not Copying Affiliate Payouts Info
- [Bug] BUG: not possible to use old banner HTML format from PAP3
- [Bug] Blocking element size is wrong when browser is resized
- IP Address in cluster server environments
- [Bug] Payouts by affiliate - date filter doesn't work
- [Story] Loading indicator not displayed in Banners & Links Formats
- [Bug] PAP4 Cloaking bug in IE7
- [Bug] Rotator-Banners Preview in User-Backend
- [Bug] Pending affiliates link does not work on Merchant -> Home screen
- [Bug] In latest release is included multiple german languages
- [Story] affiliate linking method link does not change when main site URL changes
- [Bug] can't choose language used during the Post Affiliate Pro 4 installation steps
- [Bug] missing spaces in Campaigns overview
- [Bug] Banner overview small design bugs
- [Bug] DatePicker is closed after next/prev month click
- [Story] affiliate does not see payout invoice
- [Bug] Invalid email verification
- [Bug] Commissions $0 saved although unchecked field "Save transaction also for zero orders"
- [Story] Recurring commission API
- [Bug] Deleting banner that is used in rotator throws error
- [Bug] PDF Editor - after editing of PDF banner Preview doesn´t work.
- [Story] Rotator banner should be able to rotate banners from all campaigns
- [Bug] Loading indicator is not hidden after save in merchant detail
- [Story] After editing a performance reward rule, no option to return to previous screen.
- [Bug] user name too big
- [Bug] /signup.php#SignupForm payout option in IE
- [Story] Possibility to save 3rd party cookies only using Pap_Api_ClickTracker
- [Bug] checkbox position in edit click commission form
- [Story] make text area fields bigger
- [Bug] Merchant information on affiliate home page replace content of home page in IE8
- [Bug] Signup panel T&C and Payout options
- [Bug] Commissions group settings
- [Story] Remowe browser from reports
- [Story] Integrity Check - improve error messages
- [Bug] "Home" window is not opened after start
- [Bug] Report on Admin Home page
- [Bug] The affiliate view does not show the affiliate if they are in a "commission group".
- [Bug] Custom Date search on Trends report
- [Bug] when directlink URLs changes by affiliate - does not work anymore until approved again
- [Story] Offline license validation
- [Bug] Invalid default date format in Russian translation
- [Bug] Paging on "Pay Affiliates" page not working
- [Bug] AffiliateListbox - value is not used in filter
- [Story] Country listbox is not searchable
- [Bug] Importing any file would show blank "Remove" icon
- [Bug] RichListbox - refresh button bug
- [Bug] Cannot completely translate
- [Bug] Bad viewed button
- [Story] Export format for payout options
- [Story] WebMoney mass pay export
- [Integration-method] PayPal Mass Pay Option
- [Bug] Integrity check does not work, when files are uploaded in text mode.
- [Bug] Add affiliate throws unimplemented error
- [Bug] List of Countries not sorted
- [Story] SubAffiliate Sale Stats report improvement
- [Story] Import all languages
- [Bug] Double "s" for plural
- [Story] Date range filter in subaffiliate stats
- [Integration-method] step 3 of integration medhod Paypal IPN calls paypal.php on a wrong path
- [Bug] missing image in Affiliate panel - My Profile
- [Bug] Select box doesn't work in IE8 RC1
- [Bug] channel don't work in sale tracking
- [Bug] Ordering multiple features at once from application assigned just one feature to license
- [Story] move grid refresh button to grid
- [Bug] Add rule form design problems
- [Bug] Problems adding fields at payout options
- Installation is not successfull when 'copy' function is disabled on server
- [Bug] Affiliates are able to see private campaigns even if they are not invited
- [Bug] Translation of login window doesn't work
- php_uname disabled - installer crash
- [Story] Switch language on affiliate minisite
- [Bug] still not all language constants are translatable
- [Story] Could not validate license. Reason: Curl error: Connection time-out
- [Bug] language translation - problem translating links
- [Story] make field width bigger and not stickets to labels
- [Bug] list box width is not correct if values are bigger as size of listbox
- [Bug] language cache was not regenerated, when added custom translation
- [Bug] on mouse over on refresh content icon are shifted all icons to left few pixels
- [Bug] Personal detail page layout in IE8
- [Story] Wrapped text doesn't look good - Email notifications form
- [Bug] Paging on "Pay Affiliates" page not working
- [Story] Campaign description editable by WYSIWYG editor and stored as HTML code
- [Bug] direct call of paypal.php from browser shows notices, might look nicer
- [Bug] "Error adding field" when adding field in Configuration - Payout options - Edit - Add field
- [Bug] not possible to translate text from template channels_panel.tpl
- [Bug] Affiliate detail -> Tab Tracking -> adding new direct link
- [Bug] Email notifications - impossible to set up only one from the list
- [Bug] adding performance rewards is not working
- [Story] PAP files integrity check
- [Technical] Gpf_Mail_EmailValidator
- missing descriptions in application
- add missing description for Destination_URL_baner_Help
- [Bug] Edit payout option displays for some seconds all fields
- [Bug] Campaign ID is not set for monthly and daily clicks
- [Bug] Signup commissions can not be approved
- [Bug] Add campaign form should be reset when opened
- [Bug] Hover banner not displayed in IE7
- [Bug] List of countries hidden behind LOGO
- [Bug] Window moving does not work when page is scrolled
- [Bug] ## characters are lost from Welcome message, if merchant loggs in and out
- [Bug] Invite to campaign listbox button is not refreshed if new private campaign is added
- [Bug] Icon icon-information in size small does not exist
- [Bug] Reports do not show expected data
- [Bug] design bug - button change image wrapped in Create campaign form
- [Bug] Banner view - design bug
- [Bug] Channels are not visible for clicks
- [Bug] If gd2 is not enabled, captcha shouldn't block functionality
- [Bug] After successful signup as an affiliate the page does not appear correctly
- [Bug] Flash Banner Tracking Code Incorrect
- [Bug] Channels are not tracked in clicks tracking
- [Integration-method] GetResponse integration for PAP4
- [Bug] Incorrect Variables Used In Debugging For PayPal_Tracker
- [Bug] Undefined Offset PHP Notice followed by PHP Warning
- [Bug] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Gpf_ClassNotDefined' not found
- [Bug] Drag and drop function in Affiliate menu editation
- [Bug] Default currency symbole not shown in campaign/performance reward/Edit rule
- [Bug] Installer failed to upgrade installation
- [Bug] Default currency change is not visible
- [Bug] Undefined index: cronjob
- [Bug] Add gadget, same gadget appear every time.
- [Bug] Multiple sales are not registered correctly
- [Story] Add banner column to commissions list in merchant panel
- [Story] Add function writeAffiliateToCustomField to sale tracking javascript
- [Bug] Full Opening php tags were not used on all places
- [Bug] Save signup form fields fails. Could not load Row. Primary key values empty
- [Bug] I was not able to select default payout method
- [Bug] Add gadget, Maximum length of availablevalues in Gpf_Db_FormField is 1000
- [Bug] Affiliates can change value of total cost and commission in their Affiliate panel - Reports - Commissions
- [Bug] Cs-Cart javascript sales tracking integration not working due to referrer url over 250 characters
- [Bug] Request new password mail has wrong url
- [Story] Display affiliates in Private campaigns
- [Bug] Commission Groups do not work with Private or Manuel Approval campaign
- [Bug] Mail templates contain a lot of misspelled words and grammar errors
- [Bug] Design bug - buttons are too small in Home page edit
- [Story] Improve design of Payout gadget in affiliate panel
- [Bug] Installer: Application startup error: No data for id=48819c636427677e029103fc1c60658b
- [Story] Approve also signup bonus and referral commissions on affiliate approval
- [Bug] Unreffered sales are saved even if it is disabled
- [Bug] Uploading banners
- [Story] Click data1 and data2 can not be displayed in raw clicks list in affiliate panel
- [Story] recompute number of translated words in existing languages
- [Bug] Wrong path computation on IIS - Windowns
- [Bug] Bug - too many rows in click tracking
- Wrong url to the documentation in application
- [Bug] Product ids field is too small in Campaign detail
- [Bug] Empty form in Affiliate Panel ->My profile -> Personal Details
- [Bug] Login into Merchant panel - messed login screen if classic_wide theme used
- [Bug] Tracking tab in Edit affiliate
- [Bug] affiliate panel - there are disappearing boxes under Personal Details
- [Bug] affiliate menu is not loaded, if eAccelerator is switched on
- percentage commissions are not computed right - ticket BWG-JXUEY-330
- Define another filter
- Payouts
- design problem
- ETN-SWBCK-606 bug report
- Channels delete
- BUG: Login to affiliate panel
- Campaigns bugs
- Stats for rotator banner
- Set default value in update script
- In direct links form are used same sql commands more times
- Affiliates Manager
- translation bugs
- User signup - username already exists
- Click tracking does not work
- Declined Commissions
- Migration script bugs
- Minimized windows make requests
- png images do not work in Viral PDF
- Multilevel referral commission
- Branding free in Affiliate panel blue aero
- Affiliate panel theme change
- Affiliate signup settings
- Trends report in affiliate panel shows all stats
- manual transaction computation bug
- Bug: Direct links
- Don't send notification email checkbox
- Signup form doens't accept parent aff id in cookie
- Bug: more reports from customer approving of transactions + others
- check if sinstall:// works, otherwise try to write install templates to system temp
- Login to affiliate panel does not work
- General affiliate link in Standard linking method
- Viral PDF preview
- First data load for affiliates grid does not work
- 'dont send notification email' checkbox on affiliate approval
- change in css files
- PAP4 trends report
- trend reports - incorrect values for today's sales.
- Commissions are saved for pending/declined affiliate too
- Referral commission approval
- pay affiliate bugs
- Custom dynamic link
- Affiliate tree in merchant panel
- remove from export of files and export in grid
- Check that cron job is running
- Show banner preview in iframe
- Hide banner code checkbox
- Assign non-referred affiliate to
- Subaffiliates are not assigned to affiliate on signup - ticket MFP-BEAZJ-870
- Subaffiliates are not assigned to affiliate on signup - ticket MFP-BEAZJ-870
- Finish multi currency support
For a more detailed overview of our July updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our June updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our June updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our June updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our May updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our May updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our April updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our April updates, read our blog post
For a more detailed overview of our April updates, read our blog post
[Important notice] The use of the 'offset' parameter in grid requests is no longer supported.
[Important notice] Last standalone release of Post Affiliate Pro Read more
[Important notice] Added support for PHP version 8.1
[Important notice] Required PHP version 7.4
[Important notice] PHP versions 7.2, 7.3 are deprecated, next versions will support PHP 7.4 only
[Important notice] Required PHP version 7.2 or higher
[Important notice] PHP versions lower than 7.2 are deprecated
[Important notice] From this version minimum required PHP version is 5.4.