Ján Perďoch
- [Bug] "NullU" instead "unpaid" - Affiliate panel>Reports>Commissions
- Customer server specific - unable to export any list to CSV
- [Story] Improvement Affiliate panel campaign commission information
- [Bug] Searchable ListBox has limited result set - no pager is visible
- [Story] Payment note for affiliate text length should be increased
- [Bug] not displayed captcha image on some installations
- [Story] Click and sale tracking should cooperate when they are on same page
- [Story] Default value of sending notifications
- Emails are not sent properly to some servers
- [Story] improve speed of upgrade process and installation
- [Bug] Status filter does not work
- [Bug] Wrong viewed button "Edit page Template"
- [Bug] Error message in Tools>Roles
- [Bug] VAT handling - if turned on and affiliate does not have VAT allowed, error is cast when asking for invoice with VAT
- [Bug] Wrong date format in Reports>Payouts by affiliate
- [Story] Affiliate search listbox in preview invoice should show only users with VAT handling on or off
- [Story] Forced Matrix