Ján Perďoch
- [Bug] Email for test message is not checking for entry
- [Bug] Spelling/Grammar
- [Bug] Don't reload application in case license was updated
- [Bug] If no default payout option is set, signup form cannot be submitted
- [Bug] "ERROR: Incorrect integer value: for column numberuserid at row 1"
- [Bug] Affiliate menu drag and drop do not work
- [Bug] Roles in Tools in merchant panel do not display
- [Story] Missing info about separator in emails
- [Bug] Email templates editor
- [Bug] Quick search is not working
- [Integration-method] Integration method for Robokassa.ru
- [Bug] Rotating text in page peel banner was corrupted in case special character was used in text
- [Bug] Affiliate panel - Reports>Payouts to me - Export to CSV does not work
- [Integration-method] Integration with Webmoney Merchant Service
- [Bug] Payee info dialog not readable
- [Bug] Translation problem
- [Bug] Missing saveFields button in all grids
- [Story] Can't Pay More than 100 Affiliates with Mass Pay
- [Story] Updated Russian translation file
- [Bug] "Send new password request email" from the merchant panel does not work
- [Bug] Transaction info is messed up
- [Bug] Cannot save default Payout method
- [Bug] can not use variables in the email
- [Bug] Currency precision is set to two decimal points, but displays 4 decimals when used in email templates
- [Bug] profile picture problem
- [Story] Enhance Quick report
- [Story] Affiliate manager: add original parent user ID into view
- [Story] Referer URL for Raw clicks list in Affiliate panel
- [Story] Custom Banner Type
- [Bug] Cannot login on PAP
- [Bug] Spelling mistake in pending background tasks
- [Bug] Notification window in IE is not placed correctly
- [Bug] Merchant panel does not start in new Safari 4
- [Bug] Spelling mistake in admin
- [Story] Email phrase
- [Story] Fixed cost plugin
- [Story] Disabling parentuserid field in signup form
- [Story] Barcode for Coupons
- [Story] Coupon Code inserted to other banner
- [Story] Tracking client code
- [Story] track.php
- [Story] Add possibility to send notification email when inviting into private campaign
- [Bug] Send message - new email - insert variable in Wysiwyg mode does not work
- [Bug] PayPal integration - matching product IDs are not recognized
- [Story] Coupon Feature
- [Story] Coupon in Affiliate panel - Banners & Links
- [Story] Offline sale form
- [Story] Sale tracking - coupon code processing
- [Story] Coupon banner type