Ján Perďoch
- [Story] Affiliate logins tab in affiliate detail
- [Story] Affiliate Home Panel, Affiliate Manager information box
- [Bug] Flash Banner does not play continuously in Chrome
- [Bug] Dynamic links do not embed channels if those selected in the filter
- [Bug] Upgrading with zip file doesn't work well
- [Story] Forced choosing commission by product ID
- [Integration-method] Google checkout - "Add to cart" buttons
- [Story] Stats display for merchants/#Trends-Report and affiliates/panel.php#Trends-Report
- [Story] Make field for merchant notification email
- [Bug] Pecent sign is on the wrong side of the number & open div hides number
- [Story] Generating of invoices for merchants
- [Story] Affiliate campaigns variable in email template
- [Bug] Extra data are not extracted from clicks info to sale commission
- [Story] Branding free feature improvement
- [Bug] Problem with affiliate manager box in affiliate panel is not resolved
- [Bug] Click commission now has not saving banner ID into transactions
- [Story] Delayed Automatic Approval of Commissions
- [Story] Branding free - remove tutorial video banner from affiliate and merchant panel
- [Bug] Custom skin disapeared since we upgrade to
- [Bug] chargeback refund API error
- [Story] FTP upgrade box should specify which folder to give path to
- [Story] Not all links are removed when branding free is in action
- [Story] Automatically create replicated site folder
- [Bug] Can't Make Changes To What Affiliate Manager Information Is Viewable To Affiliate
- [Story] Public campaigns with manual approval - apply for the campaign from admin panel
- [Bug] Image banner has not loaded image on first open
- [Bug] affiliate new sale/lead notification Email template bug
- [Story] hide hidden banners
- [Integration-method] WorldPay FuturePay support
- [Story] Please add "text only" banner type for use in emails.
- [Story] Branding free video removal
- [Story] Disable Performance rewards for selected affiliates
- [Story] Customer wish a special refid for his affiliate
- [Bug] Clone banner option not working anymore
- [Story] HTML Banner Preview Picture + new Preview option: Preview in new Window
- [Bug] site replication not workin if one or more post or get parameters are arrays
- [Bug] conversion of html to text in text mail body removed in links anchors
- [Bug] Icon %s in size %s does not exist mesage in error logs
- [Bug] corrupted mails in japanese language
- [Integration-method] Integration method for paymate
- [Story] design of about box is not nice
- [Story] There is missing class in API for adding/getting field "notificationemail"
- [Bug] Search function minor bug
- [Bug] Partner commission plugin
- [Integration-method] adding integration method for Setcom
- [Bug] System does not send messages to the whole list to the Notification mail
- [Story] Plugin - Quickbooks export
- [Story] pay day reminder feature
- [Story] Commision groups
- [Story] Banners manager -> change campaign of all marked banners
- [Story] Notification email for merchant
- [Story] Amount of registered capital missing in invoice template