Ján Perďoch
- [Bug] Class 'Pap_Db_Table_CommissionType' error in TransactionsForm.class.php
- [Story] Configuration->Design themes list design
- [Bug] Not possible to add transaction
- [Bug] API registering sale problem
- [Bug] Merchant login logo not changed when Branding Free used
- [Story] add check if safe mode is properly configured
- [Bug] Page Peel banner ignores banner ID from link
- [Bug] Site replicator does not resened headers.
- [Bug] Translated terms do not appear
- [Bug] English improvements
- [Bug] Add target='_top' to default banner codes and wrappers
- [Bug] Plugin custom refid controls the refid of the merchant
- [Bug] hosted account bug in cron
- [Story] Change the length of click data1 & data2 fields
- [Bug] Quick Links section in Affiliate panel -> Home does not reflect screen changes
- [Bug] Wrong error reported on Signup page when "do not force email usernames" is checked
- [Technical] refactor clases FixedcostFormWidget and CommissionFormWidget
- [Story] Commission bonus plugin
- [Story] Split commission server logic
- [Story] PayPal plugin - add currency to recognized parameters
- [Story] PayPal plugin - count off shiping fes and taxes
- [Story] Channel code to Add Transaction screen