Ján Perďoch
- [Bug] Pending Affiliate should NOT receive invitations to Private Campaigns UNTIL approved
- [Bug] Length of click data 1 and 2 fields is limited to 40 in visitor affiliates table
- [Bug] PAN / PAP - there is hardcoded text that cannot be translated
- [Bug] First and Last click referrer URLs in Sale emails
- [Bug] Two plugins do not work together as expected.
- [Bug] In Request payment and invoice paid mail, if is sent invoice design is corupted
- [Bug] Split commission email sales/lead report
- [Activity] Add left to right icons to our wysiwyg html editor
- [Bug] useless buttons at Banners & Links section of Affiliate panel
- [Bug] PAN - Currency EUR not showing correctly in Configuration -> Network invoice format -> Preview
- [Bug] Wrong encoding special characters from PAP API tracking request
- [Bug] It is not possible to manual set the refund and is not possible to change the type of transaction from sale to refund
- [Activity] add setIp and getIp methods to Pap_Api_Affiliate
- [Bug] loading affiliate from api is not correct
- [Bug] Tree of subaffiliates is not refreshed after click on refresh button
- [Bug] Invite to campaign does not display properly.
- [Bug] after resize of editor , text box shrinks in width
- [Bug] When I delete affiliates, I get an error: Expected ')'
- [Bug] IMPORT does not work
- [Bug] Unable to change rank in Banner Rotator.