Ján Perďoch
- [Bug] Recurring commissions are creaed for deleted users
- [Bug] Recurring commissions: exception in plugins after save transaction can causes endless loop
- [Bug] Mandatory fields are not checked with HTML signup form
- [Bug] automatic language selection from browser language
- [Bug] Coupon banners export does not work
- [Bug] Description of campaigns is not translated
- [Bug] Numbers of clicks, sales and impressions have decimal
- [Bug] PAN - Commissions of account is rounded after creating invoice
- [Bug] PAN - Create invoice form: wrong amount of commissions
- [Bug] PAN - Commissions in Network accounts grid
- [Activity] PAN - Invoice number could be incrementally generated
- [Bug] PAN - Create invoice form: wrong Balance after this payment
- [Bug] PAN Account view, timeout page
- [Story] make new screen "Views"
- [Bug] PAN - Pay Affiliate ERROR: Unknown column 'commission' in 'having clause'
- [Bug] Banners of private campaign are shown in list of banners in filter for non qualified affiliate
- [Activity] upgrade ejunkie integration