Matej Kendera
- [New] desing for Installator
- [New] design for Samples and tests
- [New] Affiliate panel - Bannres and Links: Show only the types of banners which are available in list
- [New] Email reports (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) can be sent only when all requests are processed for that day
- [New] grid CSV export option to choose timezone and delimiter
- [New] PAN: Add possibility to open exact account commissions direct from 'Create invoice' screen
- [Updated] Import transactions: added optionion update only status by orderid or transactionid
- [Updated] Import transactions: support for refunds
- [Improved] feature 'Sale Filter': added setting for max commission value
- [Fixed] Daily/Weekly reports could be sent more times
- [Fixed] If sale is processed via plugin, track method is unknown/empty
- [Fixed] Password constraints
- [Fixed] Missing channel filter in affiliate reports (dash and liveagent themes)