Matej Kendera
- [New] New option for performance rewards: last X days
- [New] New rule for performance rewards "Total Recurring Commissions 1st Tier Only"
- [New] Option to configure time when cookies are not overwritable
- [New] Affiliate for replicated site is chosen by cookie if replicate site is opened without refid suffix
- [New] Added language code to smarty templates, so it is possible to display content by language
- [Updated] 2Checkout plugin - Added an option to create an affiliate automatically
- [Updated] Compressed commission placement model feature - option for creating new transactions
- [Updated] Rest commission plugin, added option to configure it per commission groups
- [Fixed] PAN: Network merchant agreement should be readonly
- [Fixed] PAN: root index.php page is not indexed by robots
- [Fixed] design of affiliate minisite is not loaded in Maintenance Mode
- [Fixed] User synchronization in Plugin: MailChimp