Matej Kendera
- [Feature] Add possibility to generate click commission only for unique clicks
- [Feature] Add possibility to choose account for Deeplink generator
- [Feature] Allow indexing for robots of all tracking scripts
- [Feature] Affiliate dynamic link generator should automatically add protocol
- [Feature] Dynamic link improvement: add fixed URL parameters
- [Feature] Allow resend emails which are already marked as Sent
- [Feature] LiveAgent integration: add affiliate name to chat button
- [Bug] Automatic Affiliate Removal feature: can delete only few affiliates on one day
- [Bug] Affiliate info plugin: displays affiliate after refresh page
- [Bug] Plugin 'Username Referral IDs' saves @ in the refid, but then tracking doesn't work
- [Bug] Top campaigns report: custom date range filter doesn't work
- [Bug] Page description isn't translatable
- [Bug] City country commissions are not correctly displayed in campaigns grid
- [Bug] Fixed strict standard and deprecated notices