• [Improvement] Option to select campaign for unreferred clicks (#4682)
  • [Improvement] Assign to groups by affiliate profile fields - remove from groups (#4723)
  • [Improvement] PAN: Compute network fee automatically when importing commissions from a csv (#4661)
  • [Improvement] Numbers in exports are not rounded (#4653)
  • [Fix] Performance rewards: refund is recomputed to positive value (#4726)
  • [Fix] Performance rewards: change group for old date period can let unchanged commissions (#4725)
  • [Fix] PAN: network merchant home screen: php notices in pending tasks section (#4724)
  • [Fix] Sent mass emails are loaded for merchants in PAN (#4721)
  • [Fix] Banner size not changed when new image has the same name (#4666)
  • [Fix] Channels tracking issue: when the same channel code is set twice with upper/lower case differences (#4647)
  • [Fix] Invoice format: Tooltip for listbox of affiliates is not displayed (#4711)
  • [Fix] SQL error in impressions cron task: Unknown column 'workingareato-workingareafrom' (#4727)
  • [Integration] New Payrexx integration plugin (#4729)
  • [Integration] Shopify plugin: Checkout token orders are not updated with the correct order ID sometimes (#4689)
  • [Integration] Stripe does not track email when checkout session is used (#4718)